Sorry, Shell, I can’t take them on this time. I think I’ll beat them by running, not shooting. I’ve never been a great shot anyway.

When Sergeant Nathan Vatz, Captain Godfrey, and Warrant Officer Samson walked into the RCMP station, they were confronted by an empty front desk. On the walls behind hung photos of Mounties wearing their Stetsons and scarlet tunics with lanyards slung across their chests.

“I see they got things under control,” quipped Godfrey. “They’re at DEFCON One.”

Vatz laughed under his breath.

“It’s early,” Samson reminded them.

“Hello, anyone home?” Vatz called.

A woman, probably in her late fifties and dressed in a gray-and-blue RCMP uniform, appeared from behind a closed door, looking as though she had just risen from a deep sleep.

She took one look at their Nomex jumpsuits and frowned. “Can I help you?”

Vatz smiled inwardly over her accent.

“Ma’am? I’m Captain Godfrey. This is Warrant Officer Samson, and Sergeant Vatz. We’re Special Forces troops from the United States Army. We need to speak to the police chief or detachment commander, whatever you call him. And we need the mayor here immediately.”

“What’s going on? I saw something on the news about some Russian planes up north. Then we started getting weird military broadcasts by guys with Russian accents. We thought the satellite dish was messed up.”

“Ma’am, if you could just get those people here, we’ll fill you all in A-SAP.”

Vatz stepped away as one of his weapons sergeants called on the radio to say they’d used their plasma knives to gain entrance into the local sporting goods store and were securing clothing and more gear.

“Roger that. Zodiac Six’s team will be around to pick you up, then rally on us.”

It took ten precious minutes for the local detachment commander and mayor to arrive. Both were overweight men in their late fifties whose cholesterol levels had to be skyrocketing, Vatz mused.

But Vatz appreciated the mayor’s candor and easygoing demeanor when the man drawled, “What the hell’s going on, boys?”

Captain Godfrey spelled it out for him, and Vatz had never seen two men grow pale so quickly.

“You need to evacuate the entire town right now,” added Godfrey. “Get all the women and children in their cars, get on Highway 35, and get them down to Grand Prairie. That’s where our brigade from the Tenth Mountain Division will be coming in. We’ll set up camps for IDPs there.”

“IDPs?” asked the mayor.

“Internally displaced persons,” answered Godfrey. “Trust me, in the next few days, there will be tens of thousands of them.”

“All right, let me get everybody I have out there,” said the detachment commander.

“Just get those Suburbans rolling through those neighborhoods. Get on the bullhorn. Get ’em out.”

“You said only the women and children,” repeated the mayor.

“Vatz?” said Captain Godfrey. “Why don’t you explain it to him.”

Vatz cleared his throat. “Sir, the Russians will send recon elements first, by land and air. If we can hold them off until the Tenth arrives, we’ll have control of Highways 35 and 58. That’s what we need to do. The Russians can’t move their ground troops across the frozen lakes or through all the snow. It’s just too damned slow. They’ll stick to the roads. They’ll come to take the oil and gas fields at Rainbow Lake and Zama City west of here. And they’ll need control of this town if they’re going to push farther south. We can’t let that happen. Sir, we’re just two teams here, about twenty-five operators. We need every man willing to fight.”

The mayor’s jaw dropped. For a moment, he couldn’t speak; then he managed, “Are you kidding me?”

“No, sir. And there’s no time for a debate. They’re coming to take your town. If you own a rifle, I suggest you get it.”

“But this is Canada! We’re not in the war. We’re neutral, for God’s sake.”

Warrant Officer Samson drew an unlit cigar from his breast pocket, shoved it in his mouth. “Tell that to the Russians.”

McAllen and his Marines marched down the C-130’s loading ramp, ready to set foot on the tarmac of Fort McMurray Airport.

But before they could reach said tarmac, Colonel Stack accosted them. “Sergeant McAllen?”

“Uh, yes, sir?”

“This your team?” The colonel’s gaze played over the five men standing on the ramp behind McAllen.

“Yes, sir.”

“You boys feel like taking a little ride?”

They all boomed: “Sir, yes, sir!”

“I’m talking way up north, behind enemy lines.”

McAllen smiled. “That’s the way we roll, sir.”

“Very well. Seems there’s a pilot who got shot down. It seems the president has taken a liking to her. So this comes down from The Man himself.”

“Sir, begging your pardon, sir, but it’s obvious why you picked us. We’re the best, of course, but—”

“Slow down, Sergeant. And stow that ego before you hurt someone with it. Truth is, I didn’t pick you for this. I wanted your green Marine asses up on Highway 63, but apparently there’s a major in Tampa who took orders from The Man, and she personally requested you boys.”

“You hear that, Sergeant?” cried McAllen’s new assistant, Scott Rule. “We haven’t even dropped a Russian and we’re already famous.”

McAllen grinned crookedly, then silenced the man with a look.

The colonel went on, “So this major heard you were the first team at that crash site in Cuba. She must’ve figured you’re doing something right. Bad news is, best I got to get you up there is a civilian chopper. It’s a Bell LongRanger III. Company’s called Highland. Might be a blessing. The Russians might not take a potshot at a tourist bird. But that’s only your ride up. I’m still working on your ride home. There’s an HMMWV coming off one of the other 130s. You’ll hop on and take that up to Highland’s hangar. Official warning orders to follow. Questions?”

“I assume we have the last known GPS coordinates of this pilot?”

“We do. She’s northwest of Behchoko, though she hasn’t activated her survival kit’s beacon.”

“Sat phone?”

“Iridium is down.”

“So there’s no guarantee she’s even still alive.”

“Sergeant, you come back with the woman or her body. That’s what The Man wants.”

“Yes, sir.”

Stack glanced off in the distance, shielding his eyes from the morning sun. “There’s your ride now.”

Staff Sergeant Marc Rakken sat inside the Stryker with the rest of his rifle squad. It would be at least another six hours before they reached the outskirts of Calgary, and the ride east on Interstate 90 had taken forever because of the patches of ice and civilians getting in the way to gape at the brigade rumbling east. They finally had turned onto 95 to head north.

The Stryker’s driver, Private First Class Penny Hassa, was a spunky, freckle-faced twenty-one-year-old who kept Rakken entertained with her sarcastic remarks regarding the traffic, the weather, and anything else that struck her.

She’d assume a general’s deep drawl and announce into the intercom, “Gentlemen, the rules are different in this Stryker. We have a strict sexual harassment policy — we believe in it!”

And that’d inspire Rakken into a fit of laughter. In point of fact, Hassa didn’t take any crap from anyone, but she loved to tease.

The vehicle’s commander, Sergeant Timothy Appleman, who was also wired into the intercom, allowed Hassa her indulgences, and Rakken certainly appreciated that.

Rakken and his troops sat knee-to-knee, facing one another, their heavy packs and boxes of ammo, along with a half dozen AT-4s, jammed into the storage areas above and behind their seats. Since it was too loud to

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