Ahmed Mohammed shouted to everyone. “Sons of Allah! Hear me!” Every worker in the complex turned to look at him. “Nasir Tarighian is dead! I will be assuming leadership of the Shadows from now on. Continue your good work and Allah will reward you.”

Some of the workers cheered. Others were confused. Only a few were disappointed.

Mertens looked at Mohammed and explained, “As you can hear, Tarighian’s objectives were not very popular.”

“No, they weren’t,” Mohammed said.

As they returned to the control room, Mertens asked Eisler, “Are you all right?”

“I am fine.” He wiped his knife clean on his trouser leg and sheathed it.

Mertens nodded and said, “Recalibrate the weapon for a new target.”

“Yes, sir,” Eisler said. “And what is the new target?”



The two armed goons march me up the ramp and onto the perimeter balcony. As we head for the double doors, I notice several guys with AK-47s crouched below the rail as if they’re waiting for something. The one closest to us nods at my two guards, and they give him a silent acknowledgment. What the hell’s going on? If I didn’t know better I’d say there’s going to be some kind of rebellious action happening soon. Do I smell an uprising in the air? Is that something I can use to my advantage?

I’ve lost track of how much time is left on the frag grenades. It has to be nearly forty-five minutes since I set them and was caught. I suspect that there’s less than five or ten minutes left to go. I really don’t want to be on this balcony when they go off — it’s liable to collapse.

“Sam?” It’s Lambert. The tiny voice in my ear. “Sam? Are you there?”

Shit. I can’t respond.

One of my captors uses his keycard to open the double doors and we walk through. I don’t particularly relish being marched to my death, so I need to think of something quickly. The guy with the keycard has my stuff. They didn’t remove the OPSAT, but it’s not going to do me much good with my hands tied behind my back.

Lambert speaks again. “Sam? If you can hear me, get the hell out of that shopping mall. The UN forces will be there in about ten minutes, maybe sooner! If you can read me, get the hell out, now!”

I’d like to do just that, Colonel.

We walk through the empty department store, and we’re now level with the upper half of the supergun barrel, which is poking through the opening in the middle of the shopping mall complex. They haven’t opened the domed ceiling or raised the supergun to its maximum height yet. My fascination with machinery and weapons makes me want to stay and watch them shoot the thing, but I know I can’t do that. I don’t want to be caught inside this place when the cavalry arrives.

They take me around the supergun into one of the three storefront wings. A steel door marked “Maintenance” in Turkish and in English appears to be our destination. Abbott takes a set of keys from his pocket while Costello sticks his AK-47 in my lower back. Abbott unlocks the door and holds it open for his pal and me. Once we’re inside, I see why Tarighian called this the “incinerator room”—there’s one dominating the far wall. I figure they throw their garbage into it. The room is also full of hardware and tools, a table saw, and a few of those three-wheelie carts.

There’s also a video camera sitting on a tripod in the middle of the room. A couple of floodlights on stands point to an area of the floor near the incinerator. I wonder how many executions they’ve put on tape or if I’m their debut production.

Abbott opens the incinerator’s grilled door. The flames inside cast a golden glow over the room. I figure they think this makes their home movies more aesthetically pleasing. Abbott then turns on the floodlights and checks the video camera. He looks through the viewfinder, makes sure it’s pointed in the proper place, and then says “Put him in place” in Arabic. These guys aren’t Turkish.

Costello jabs his gun into my back again, pushing me over to the “stage.” Abbott presses the Record button, the camera’s red light turns on, and then he moves to join us in front of the lens.

We’re standing in a line with me in the middle — Abbott on my right, Costello on my left — facing the camera. Abbott announces to the audience in Arabic, “This is American spy Sam Fisher. He is to die today for waging war against Islam.”

Suddenly we hear the sound of gunfire in the distance. It’s intense, too, as if an entire platoon is firing machine guns at enemy forces. Abbott and Costello look at each other and smile. “We have a new leader,” Costello says.

Now’s my chance. I hip-check Abbott — I ram my hip-bone as hard as I can into his, knocking him sideways. At the same time I lodge my right boot on the inside of his left leg, causing him to fall to the floor. Before Costello can react, I raise my left boot, run it down his right shin, and stomp hard on his foot. I take a step to my right, turn, and then kick the ever-loving shit out of his right knee. I hear the bones snap as he screams and falls to the ground.

By now Abbott is scrambling to his feet and trying to level his AK-47 at me. I turn to him and kick him hard in the face with my right boot. He falls onto his back, dropping the rifle.

Part of my training included perfecting a maneuver that allows me to roll my legs through my tied arms — like jumping rope backwards. You have to be really limber to do it, and I spent weeks getting to where I could just manage it. It’s possible to execute the move while doing a forward roll — you just have to throw your arms around your body in the opposite direction from the way legs are going. Scrunching yourself up into a ball beforehand makes it easier. So, very quickly, I squat, form my body into a ball, and perform that forward roll, bringing my arms over and around my body. Perfect. I jump to my feet and now my tied hands are in front of me.

Abbott is on his knees now, trying to get up for a second time. Another kick to the face sends him to Never- land. For good measure I scoot the AK-47 across the floor out of his reach. I then turn my attention to Costello, who’s writhing in agony on the floor. I raise my left boot above his head and bring it down as hard as I can. No more pain for him.

All this occurred in five point four seconds.

I glance at my OPSAT, check the timer, and see that two minutes are left before the frag grenades go off. I go back to Abbott and empty his pockets, retrieving my knife, Five-seveN, goggles, and other equipment. He left my SC-20K over by the incinerator, and I’ll pick that up on my way out. But first I have to cut the rope around my hands. I move to the table saw, switch it on, and carefully hold my wrists over the spinning blade. I nick the rope just enough for me to unravel it and I’m free.

I gather all my stuff and get the hell out of there. I open the door carefully, peer outside to make sure no one is around, and step into the corridor. I run to the edge of the central area just in time to witness the domed ceiling parting. Simultaneously the supergun’s huge barrel begins to rise vertically as the hydraulics lift the entire weapon flush with the ground floor. For a moment I have to stand and watch the thing, it’s so goddamned awesome. Eventually the tip of the barrel protrudes through the domed opening. The machinery inside the massive breech then begins to rumble, and I see the barrel tilt and point in a southeasterly direction.

Then—wham-wham-wham! I hear my frag grenades go off in a succession of explosions. I’m not sure what kind of damage they’ll do, but I hope it will delay firing the weapon for a bit. I run around the supergun to the wing where I originally entered and head for the glass doors I smashed earlier. The floor beneath me shakes, and I hear what sounds like an earthquake. Hoorah! — the perimeter balcony must have collapsed as I had hoped. That will surely cause some confusion.

I make it outside into the sunlight. No one is around. The electrical company van is gone, so I’m going to have to hoof it.

At that moment I hear the sound of aircraft. I look northward and see a squadron of six planes heading this way. Time to move!

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