These are tools but they aren't enough. Thirty, forty years ago we had a human presence around the world. HUMINT— human intelligence. People who infiltrated foreign governments and spy organizations and terrorist groups and used judgment, initiative, creativity, and courage to get us information. The best camera in the world can't pull blueprints from a drawer. Only a human operator can break into a computer which isn't on-line. A spy satellite can't look into a terrorist's eyes and tell you if he or she is really committed or if he can be turned. We need to rebuild those assets.' 'A pretty speech,' said the Senator, 'but you do not have my support. We do not need this HUMINT to protect American interests. Striker stopped a Korean lunatic from bombing Tokyo. They saved the administration of a Russian President who has not yet proven that he is our ally. Why should American taxpayers underwrite an international police force?' 'Because they're the only ones who can,' Rodgers said.

'We're fighting a cancer, Senator. You've got to treat it wherever it shows up.' Martha said from behind him, 'I agree with Senator Fox. There are other forums in which the United States can address international concerns. The United Nations and the World Court are chartered and funded for that purpose. And there's NATO.' Rodgers said without turning, 'So where were they, Martha?' 'Pardon me?' 'Where was the U.N. when that Nodong missile took off from North Korea? We were the surgeons who kept the Japanese from catching a fever of roughly eighteen million degrees Fahrenheit.' 'Again,' said Senator Fox, 'that was a job well done.

But it was a job you needn't have shouldered. The United States survived while the Soviet Union and Afghanistan battled one other, while Iran and Iraq were at war. We will survive other such conflicts.' 'Tell that to the American families of terrorist victims,' Rodgers said. 'We're not asking for toys or luxuries here, Senator. I'm asking for security for American citizens.' 'In a perfect world we would be able to safeguard every building, every airplane, every life,' the Senator said.

She closed the briefcase. 'But it is not a perfect world and the budget will be cut, as I've indicated. There will be no debate and no hearing.' 'Fine,' Rodgers said. 'When Paul gets back, you can start by cutting my salary.' Senator Fox shut her eyes. 'Please, General. We can do very nicely without the grandstanding.' 'I'm not trying to be dramatic,' Rodgers said. He stood and tugged the hem of his jacket. 'I just don't believe in doing anything half- assed. You're an isolationist, Senator.

You have been since the tragedy in France.' 'This has nothing to do with that—' 'Of course it does. And I understand how you feel. The French did not find your daughter's killer, didn't seem to care very much, so why help them? But you've let that get in the way of the larger picture, of our national interests.' Martha said, 'General, I didn't lose anyone abroad and I agree with the Senator. Op-Center was created to help other agencies, not to help other nations. We've lost sight of that.' Rodgers turned and looked down at Martha. 'Your father sang a song called 'The Boy Who Killed the Lights,' about a white kid who shut the lights in a club so a black singer could sing there—' 'Don't quote my dad to me,' Martha snapped, 'and don't tell me that I'm lucky to be in'this club, General.

Nobody helped me get this gig—' 'If you'll let me finish,' Rodgers said, 'that wasn't the point I was making.' Rodgers remained calm. He didn't raise his voice to women. That wasn't how Mrs. Rodgers had raised her son. 'What I was trying to say before is that what Goschen called 'splendid isolation' simply doesn't exist anymore. Not in the music world and not in the political world. If Russia breaks down, it affects China, the Baltic republics, and Europe. If Japan suffers—' 'I learned all about the domino theory in elementary school,' Martha said.

'Yes we all did, General Rodgers,' Senator Fox said.

'Do you really believe that General Michael Rodgers and Op- Center are the tent poles which hold the infrastructure up?' 'We do our part,' Rodgers said. 'We need to do more.' 'And I say we already do too much!' Senator Fox shot back. 'When I was still new to the Senate, U.S. warplanes were not permitted to fly over France en route to bomb Tripoli and Benghazi. The French are supposed to be our allies! At the time, I said on the floor of the Senate that we bombed the wrong capital. I meant it. More recently, Russian terrorists blew up a tunnel in New York. Was the Russian Ministry of Security hot on the trail of these murderers? Did your new best friends at the Russian Op- Center warn us? Even today, are their operatives hunting for Russian gangsters on our shores? No, General, they are not.' 'Paul went to Russia to establish a relationship with their Op-Center,' Rodgers, said. 'We believe we'll get their cooperation.' 'I know,' the Senator said. 'I read his report. And do you know when we'll get their cooperation? After we've spent tens of millions of dollars making the Russian Op- Center as sophisticated as our own. But that's when General Orlov will be retired, someone hostile to the U.S. will take his place, and we'll be left, again, with an enemy whom we've helped to make stronger.' 'American history is full of chances taken and losses incurred,' Rodgers said. 'But it's also full of relationships which have been built and sustained. We can't give up optimism and hope.' The Senator rose. She handed her briefcase to one of her aides and smoothed her black skirt.

'General,' she said, 'your penchant for dictums is well known, and I don't appreciate being lectured to. I am optimistic and I am hopeful that we can solve America's problems. But I will not support Op-Center as a base for international troubleshooters. A think tank, yes. An intelligence resource, yes. A domestic crisis management center, yes. A team of international Dudley Do-Rights, no.

And for what I've just outlined, you will need only the budget I've given you.' The Senator nodded to Rodgers, offered her hand to Martha, then started to go.

'Senator?' Rodgers called after her.

The Senator stopped. She turned, and Rodgers took a few steps toward her. She was nearly as tall as Rodgers, and her clear blue-gray eyes held his.

'Darrell McCaskey and Liz Gordon are scheduled to work together on a project,' Rodgers said. 'I assume you've heard about the terrorist group that attacked the movie set in Germany?' 'No,' Fox said. 'There was nothing in this morning's Post.' 'I know,' Rodgers said. The Washington Post and CNN were how everyone in government got news. He was counting on the fact that she didn't know. 'It happened about four hours ago. Several people were killed. Bob Herbert is over there on business and has asked for our assistance.' 'And do you think that we should help German authorities investigate?' the woman asked. 'What vital American interests are at stake? Is it cost effective? Which taxpayers will care?' Rodgers weighed his words with care. He had laid the snare and Fox strode right in. This was going to hit the Senator hard.

'Only two taxpayers will care,' Rodgers said. 'The parents of a twenty-one-year-old American girl who may have been kidnapped by the terrorists.' The woman's strong blue-gray eyes melted. The Senator trembled slightly as she tried to remain erect. It was a moment before she could speak.

'You don't take prisoners, do you, General?' 'When the enemy surrenders I do, Senator.' She continued to look at him. All the sadness of the world seemed to be there in those eyes, and Rodgers felt like hell.

'What do you expect me to say?' the Senator asked.

'Of course help them save the girl. She's an American.' 'Thank you,' Rodgers said, 'and I'm very sorry.

Sometimes American interests are hidden in the things we do.' Senator Fox looked at Rodgers a moment longer, then shifted her gaze to Martha. Bidding the woman a good morning, the Senator walked quickly from the office, her aides trailing close behind.

Rodgers didn't remember turning and picking up the budget, but it was in his hands as he started toward the door.


Thursday, 2:30 P.M., Hamburg, Germany

Henri Toron and Yves Lambesc were not tired. Not any more. Jean-Michel's return had wakened the men, and the telephone call from M. Dominique had brought the two French bears to full attention.

Full, belated attention.

It was Jean-Michel's fault, of course. They'd been sent to be his bodyguards, but he had chosen to go by himself to the club in St. Pauli. The three had arrived in Germany at 1:00 A.M., and Henri and Yves had played blackjack until 2:30. If only Jean-Michel had wakened them, they'd have accompanied him— alert and ready to protect him from the Huns. But no. He'd let them sleep. What did he have to fear, after all?

'Why do you think M. Dominique sent us with you?' Henri had roared when he saw Jean-Michel. 'To sleep or to protect you?' 'I didn't think I was in any danger,' Jean-Michel had replied.

'When dealing with Germans,' Henri had said gravely, 'one is always in danger.' M. Dominique had called as Yves was putting ice cubes in a hand towel for Jean-Michel's eye. Henri took the call.

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