'For Dominique to get nervous. As I indicated to M. Stoll, Dominique is certainly observing us. Hopefully, we'll find something in the computer.' 'And if we don't?' Ballon said, 'I have you.' 'Me?' 'I'll ask M. Stoll and Ms. Bosworth to send out a message on the computer; your account of the murders in Paris. In either case, we will cripple Dominique.' Ballon grinned. 'Although there is a third possibility. Dominique has waited twenty-five years for you. If he fears that you may finally reveal secrets about his past, the temptation will be great not to let you walk out that door.' 'You really think he'd send his New Jacobins against us?' 'I've ordered my men to stand back,' Ballon said. 'If Dominique thinks he can get you before they can move in, he'll surely be tempted. Once he does that, I'll get all of you out and bring this place down.' He winked charmlessly. 'As I've said, I've waited a long time for Dominique as well. I intend to have him.' Ballon withdrew then to watch what Stoll and Nancy were doing. Hausen remained where he was, as though he were bolted to the hardwood floor.

Hood was standing beside Stoll. He could tell from Hausen's expression that all was not well. The normally impassive face was taut, the brows dipped in concern. But he decided not to ask Hausen about it. The German liked to think things through before speaking. If he had anything to share; he'd share it.

So Hood just stood there, silently watching with a mixture of fear and pride as the fate of the world was decided by a perspiring young man at a computer keyboard.


Thursday, 5:05 P.M., Washington, D.C.

When data began coming into Eddie Medina's computer from Matt Stoll in France, the young man took off his coat, sat back down, and told his evening replacement, Assistant Deputy Operations Support Officer Randall Battle, to notify General Rodgers.

Battle did, just as Stoll's:-) signature faded. It was replaced by a screen which announced a big file called L'Operation Ecouter.

Rodgers had Battle send the material to his own computer. Then he too watched the feed with Darrell McCaskey and Martha Mackall.

First up was a note from Stoll.

Eddie: I don't want to eat up too much line-time with notes.

Bulldozer cracked the Demain files. Primaries were erased but backups weren't. I'm going to download everything from this file.

Following the note were photographs of people who served as models for characters in the game. After these came test segments showing white men chasing black men and women. White men raping a black woman. A black man being torn apart by dogs. Then there was a note from Stoll.

Real games being hatched from a nest somewhere else. Point of origin well hidden.

There were different angles of black men and women hanging from trees. A bonus round in which a kid raced against a clock while he used black boys on swings for target practice. Martha was stone-faced. McCaskey's lips were rolled tight, his eyes narrow.

Ed— I must've set off an alarm of some kind. People running all around. Our French escort Colonel Ballon has got his hand full of gun.

I'm supposed to get down— bye.

The images continued to come in for a few moments longer but Rodgers wasn't watching them. He had switched to an alternate computer line, and within seconds had been patched through to the cockpit of the V-22 Osprey.


Thursday, 11:07 P.M., Toulouse, France

'Get away from that keyboard!' Using his left hand, Colonel Ballon pushed Matt Stoll to the floor and then pressed a button on his radio as the gunmen entered. In his right hand was his own weapon. It was the only weapon of any kind among the five of them.

Squatting on the floor beside the others, Hood counted twelve… fifteen… a total of seventeen men passing by the door and taking up positions albng the corridor wall. Except for the high windows which would require a small ladder to reach, that door was the only exit.

Hausen was lying face-down between Hood and the crouching Ballon. 'Congratulations, Colonel,' he said.

'Dominique has swallowed your bait.' Hood knew he'd missed something which had passed between the men. Not that it seemed to matter at the moment. Certainly Ballon didn't seem to care. Alert and cool, he was preoccupied with watching the new arrivals.

In the quick glimpse he'd had of the gunmen, Hood made them out to be a ragtag bunch. They were dressed simply, in several cases shabbily, as if they didn't want to stand out in the street. And they were holding a variety of weapons. Hood didn't need Ballon to tell him that these were New Jacobins.

'I guess these guys are the kind of evidence you were looking for, huh,' Stoll said anxiously.

'Levez!' one of the men shouted as they trained their weapons around the room.

'He wants us to get up,' Ballon whispered. 'If we do, they may shoot us.' 'Wouldn't they have shot us already?' Nancy asked.

'They would have to come in for that,' Ballon said.

'They don't know which of us might be armed. They don't want to take casualties.' He leaned toward them and said more quietly, 'I've signaled my men. They will be moving toward us, taking up positions.' 'By the time they're ready it may be too late,' Hausen said.

'Not if we keep concealed,' Ballon said, 'make the enemy come to us. We're prepared for this.' 'We're not,' said Nancy.

'If it happens that you're caught in cross fire,' Ballon said, 'and my men don't see you, shout 'Blanc,' 'White.' That will let them know there are unarmed personnel.' Hausen said, 'I'm going to give these animals a chance to shoot. Let's see what they're made of.' With that, he stood.

'Herr Hausen!' Ballon hissed.

The German ignored him. Hood didn't breathe. He could only hear his heart thudding in his ears as he waited to see what happened.

Nothing happened for a long moment. Finally one of the New Jacobins said, 'Allons donc!' 'He wants Hausen to leave,' Ballon told Hood.

'This room or the building?' Hood asked.

'Or maybe this mortal coil?' Stoll added.

Ballon shrugged.

Hausen began walking forward. His courage impressed Hood, though a part of him couldn't help but wonder if it was courage or confidence. The confidence of a collaborator.

Ballon was also waiting. When Hausen was through the door, his footsteps stopped. They listened, heard nothing.

He was apparently being detained.

The New Jacobin called for the rest of the people to come out. Hood regarded Ballon.

'You've dealt with these terrorists,' Hood said. 'What do they do in situations like this?' 'They beat up or murder people in every situation,' Ballon said. 'Mercy is not a word they understand.' 'But they didn't kill Hausen,' Nancy said.

'Maintenant!' shouted the New Jacobin.

'Until they get our weapons, they won't,' Ballon said.

'Then we should get Nancy and Matt out of here,' Hood said. 'Maybe they can get away.' 'And you,' Nancy said.

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