something he’d learned during his first tour of duty in Vietnam: that while treason was the exception rather than the rule, it was everywhere. In every nation, every city, every town. And there were no reliable profiles, no rules, to sort out the practitioners. Traitors came in all ages, sexes, and nationalities. They worked in public places and private places and held jobs where they came into contact with information or people. And what they did could be personal or it could be motivated entirely by profit.

There was something else about traitors, something unique to them. They were most dangerous when they were caught. Faced with execution for their crimes, they had nothing to lose. If they had a final gambit, however futile or destructive it was, they’d try it.

In 1969, the CIA had received intelligence that North Vietnam was using a South Vietnamese military hospital in Saigon to distribute drugs to American servicemen. Rodgers went there, ostensibly to visit a wounded comrade. He watched as South Vietnamese nurses accepted American dollars from “wounded” South Vietnamese soldiers — actually, fifteen- to eighteen-year-old Viet Cong infiltrators — as payment for moving heroin and marijuana from the basement to field-bound medical kits. When arrested, two of the three nurses pulled pins from hand grenades that killed them and seven wounded soldiers in the ward.

Caregivers and teenagers becoming killers. Vietnam was unique that way. It was the reason so many veterans had snapped when they came home. In quiet villages, young girls frequently greeted American soldiers. Some asked for candy or money. Often, that was all they wanted. Other times, girls carried dolls that were rigged to explode. Sometimes the girls blew up with them. Old women occasionally offered bowls of cyanide-laced rice to the Americans, rice which they ate first to put the soldiers at ease. These were shapes of destruction more frightening than an M16 or a land mine. More than any other war, Vietnam had robbed American soldiers of the notion that anything anywhere could be trusted. And returning from that war, many soldiers found that they could no longer open up to wives, relatives, even children. That was one of the reasons Mike Rodgers had never married. Getting close to anyone other than a fellow soldier was impossible. And all the therapy, all the reasoning in the world couldn’t change that. Once killed, innocence could not be revived.

Rodgers was not happy to revisit those feelings of mistrust again through Annabelle Hampton. The young woman had sold innocent lives for profit and dishonored the government she worked for. He wondered how anyone could be content with blood money.

The building was quiet, and there were no ambient sounds coming from outside. First Avenue had been shut down just beyond this building and the FDR Drive had been closed because it passed right behind the United Nations. Obviously, the New York Police Department wanted to have clear access if they needed it. The dead-end street in front of this building was also closed.

When the TAC-SAT beeped, it startled them all.

Hood stopped pacing and stood beside Rodgers. Annabelle’s gaze shifted to the general. Her mouth was set, and there wasn’t a hint of compliance in her pale blue eyes.

Rodgers wasn’t surprised. Annabelle Hampton was a shark, after all.

“Answer the phone,” Rodgers said.

She stared at him. Her eyes were cold. “If I don’t, are you going to torture me again?”

“I’d rather not,” Rodgers said.

“I know that,” Annabelle said. She grinned. “Things have changed, haven’t they?”

There was definitely something different in the young woman’s voice. Aggressiveness. Confidence. They’d given her too much time to think. The dance had begun, and Annabelle Hampton was leading. Rodgers was glad he’d taken the precautions he had.

“You could force me to answer by bending my finger back again,” she said. “Or you could hurt me in other ways. Open a paper clip or find a push pin and press the point through the soft skin under one of my eyes. Standard CIA method of persuasion. But then the pain would show in my voice. They’d know I was being coerced.”

“You said you’d cooperate,” Hood pointed out.

“And if I don’t cooperate, what will you do?” she asked. “If you shoot me, the hostage dies for sure.” She made a point of looking at Hood. “Possibly your daughter.”

Hood’s body stiffened.

She was better than he’d expected, Rodgers thought. The dance had become a quick, dirty game of chicken. Rodgers already knew which way this was going. What he needed now was to buy August time.

“What do you want?” Rodgers asked.

“I want you to cut me loose and leave the room,” she said. “I’ll make the call you want, then I go free.”

“I won’t do it,” Rodgers said.

“Why not?” Ani asked. “Don’t want to dirty your hands cutting a deal with me?”

“I’ve cut deals with worse than you,” Rodgers said. “I won’t cut a deal because I don’t trust you. You need this operation to succeed. Terrorists don’t pay in advance. That’s how they ensure loyalty. The situation you’re in now, you need your cut of the ransom.”

The TAC-SAT beeped a second time.

“Whether you trust me or not,” Annabelle said, “if I don’t answer the phone, they’re going to assume that something has happened to me. They’ll execute the girl.”

“In that case,” Rodgers replied evenly, “you’ll either be executed or spend your life in jail as an accomplice.”

“I end up with ten to twenty years if I cooperate with you,” Ani said. “I get life or death if I don’t. What’s the difference?”

“About thirty years,” Rodgers said. “It might not matter now, but it will when you’re sixty.”

“Spare me the recon from the front,” she replied.

“Ms. Hampton, please,” Hood said. “It’s not too late to help yourself and dozens of innocent people.”

“Tell your partner, not me,” she said.

The TAC-SAT beeped a third time.

“There will be a total of five rings,” Ani said. “Then a girl in the Security Council Chamber will have her head blown open. Is that what you want? Either of you?”

Rodgers took a half-step forward. He shouldered between Hood and the woman. He didn’t know if Hood would take the bait and order him to comply with her, but he didn’t want to risk it. Hood was still the director of Op-Center, and Rodgers didn’t want them fighting each other. Especially since Hood didn’t know what else was going on right now.

“Let me go, and I’ll tell them what you want,” she said.

“Why don’t you say what we want and then we’ll let you go?” Rodgers countered.

“Because as much as you don’t trust me, I don’t trust you,” she said. “And right now, you need me more than I need you.”

The TAC-SAT beeped a fourth time.

“Mike—” Hood said.

Though Hood had been there for the planning of the bottleneck, he was obviously hoping the original idea could be adhered to: drawing the terrorists outside. But Rodgers waited. A few seconds more could make the difference between success and failure.

“I’m against this,” Rodgers said to Annabelle.

“And you hate the fact that that doesn’t matter,” she replied.

“No,” Rodgers told the young woman. “I’ve eaten shit before, too. We’re all grown-ups here. What I hate is having to trust someone who has already broken one promise.”

The general tucked a gun into his belt, reached into his pants pocket, and pulled out a switchblade. He snapped it open with a flick of his hand and began cutting her free.

The TAC-SAT beeped a fifth time.

Annabelle reached for the knife. “I’ll finish that,” she said.

Rodgers released the knife. He stood back, in case she decided to use it on him.

“I want you out of here,” the young woman said. “I want to see you on my security camera, in the hallway. And leave me my keys.”

Rodgers took the key case from his pants pocket and tossed it on the floor in front of her. Then he grabbed his jacket from the back of a chair and followed Hood out.

The young woman finished cutting herself loose, then switched the computer monitor to a security view. As

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