disposable cell phones, never using the same one twice. Backwalking and finding him, using electronic tracking alone, was nearly impossible.

There were, however, other ways. It had taken a team of Cox’s agents quite a while to get as far back along the trail as they were now; these men were always on call, waiting to move at any time.

Vrach had been tricky, routing his communications from access points all over the world. The man could be thousands of miles away — or right next door.

So Cox’s hackers had designed and distributed a computer virus specifically designed for the hardware that tracked incoming and outgoing calls on Internet-phone connections. This had allowed Cox’s hounds instant access to the network where the call originated. Once they were inside the firewall, they could trace the call over the Internet back to the true origin.

“I have good news.”

The only good news the Doctor could have worth being happy about would be that every record of him as a Soviet agent had been destroyed. Since that wasn’t likely, Cox wasn’t too excited.


The final, and largest problem in finding the Doctor was that his cell phone calls not only originated from different cities, but from moving locations: buses, trains, subways, and once even a ferry.

He could almost hear the Doctor grin into the mouthpiece.

Go ahead and grin; my turn is coming.

“The Net Force agent assigned to decode the captured file has been severely injured, in what the authorities have been led to believe was an incident of road rage. He had decoded but a small portion of the information, and you were not on it.”

Cox did not feel relief, he felt irritated. That the Russian’s not-so-subtle hint suggested the incident had been the Russian’s doing. Cox knew better.


Sooner or later, he would find the man. Cox had spread men across the eastern seaboard and the Midwest, at each place where the Doctor had originated a cell call. Helicopters waited in every city, and with the press of the blue button on this phone, were launched moments after a call came in, cellular-direction finders in each one.

Aloft, these copters would triangulate the calls as soon as the hackers provided the relevant information. It took time to get close, however, and even if the helicopters had found which boat, train, or bus the doctor was on, it wouldn’t show them who was behind the phone, or where he lived.

Which was why an army of detectives constantly rode buses, trains, and ferries in several metropolitan areas. Those alone cost him nearly a million dollars a month.

Cox tried to imagine how it would be to have such a job, waiting all the time, on a train where he might have to track someone identified as a target.

It would be mostly boring, he decided, but that didn’t matter. They were well-paid for their time. They could read, or listen to music, or whatever, he didn’t care, as long as they were there when he needed them.

A text screen lit up on the dedicated computer attached to the phone. Amber letters scrolled across it:

Connecticut. Train to New York.

Fantastic. They hadn’t had a hit this good so quickly before.

“This does not seem to help me much,” Cox said. It wouldn’t do to cut the call short.

“But it does — and it shows that we are still looking out for you, da?

Cox shook his head in disgust. Vrach was trying to assume credit for Natadze’s action. It obviously never even occurred to him that Cox would have taken matters into his own hands. The man was not nearly as clever as he thought he was. Few men were.

“I see.”

Agent in place at next stop, read the text.

Excellent! thought Cox. Even with the call terminated, they would be able to find the phone — Cox didn’t know how, but his technicians had told him they could, as long as it was still powered.

“I should think that this would convince you to keep helping us. There is a Senator we would like to know more about.”

He could hear a rustling as the Russian talked. It sounded as if the man was moving around.

Train stopping, said the text onscreen.

Cox sighed, making it sound as if he were exasperated. “All right. Tell me his name.”

The Doctor did so.

“You will do what you can?”

A green LED lit up on his caller ID box, and the display now read, “Subject Identified,” as the instant message screen popped up a confirmation.

Yes! They had him!

Subject has left the train. We are tracking.

“But of course,” said Cox. “Don’t I always?”

“You see? I knew my call would cheer you.”

Cox smiled. “You have no idea how much better I feel now, Doctor.”

“We will speak later.”

After the disconnect, Cox didn’t even put the receiver down before he called Eduard. Yes, by God, things were finally beginning to look up. They had the Russian. And after Eduard got to him, they would have everything he knew about Cox’s situation.

This was how empires were built: one brick at a time.


Midnight, Full Moon The Hills of West Virginia

Thorn had a great-uncle who had been born in West Virginia, and the man, ancient when Thorn had met him, had told some wonderful stories of his boyhood. Hillbillies and moonshine stills, the incredible landscape with its hardwood and pine forests, and the days he’d gone spotlight hunting with his bluetick and red-and-tan hounds in the dark. At some point, Thorn had decided that he would go there, but he had never managed it in the Real World — though he had eventually built himself a scenario.

So it was that he now tramped through the warm summer night following a pack of baying coon hounds, in pursuit of whatever it had been that caused Jay Gridley to be shot.

He had managed to open nearly all of Gridley’s files, and the one that held the most promise was the one from the Turkish Ambassador. As had many of the countries in the Middle East, the Turks had been on-again, off- again friends. Currently they were on-again, and Net Force’s decision to help them had not been strictly altruistic, since uncovering Russian moles still in place was in the best interests of the United States, even though the Russians were no longer the evil empire they had once been.

Ahead, the hounds called, their deep barrooos! resonant under the light of the full moon. Bright enough to read by out here, bright enough to see the sparkles in the opal ring Thorn wore, the ring that had belonged to his grandfather. Thorn wore it in VR a lot, though not so much in RW — there it was only for special occasions. His grandfather had had small hands, and it just fit on Thorn’s little finger.

The old man had believed opals were potent stones, full of magic. He had gone to Australia once, bought a small but gorgeous black boulder opal from the Cody Brothers, well-known for their outstanding stock, and had it set into a custom gold ring made by Rick Martin Snow Owl, a beautiful setting that protected the opal. It had been one of his grandfather’s criteria for a good stone — if it shines brightly under moonlight, it’s a good one.

Thorn had inherited the ring. It was an irregular-shaped red-multicolor flashfire, had blues, greens, oranges, even yellows in it, and on a sunny day, you could see the fire shining from across the street.

Not so bright in moonlight, if you wanted to keep your scenario TTL — true-to-life — but still a comforting glow. The colors reminded him of looking at a neighborhood strip mall full of neon signs at night from five hundred

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