She was Nerisa, the thief of Walaria, and she would allow no man she loved to come to harm.


Later she took him into the nursery to meet Palimak. The child was awake, hazel eyes reflecting the candle she carried.

Nerisa picked the child up, wrapping his favorite crib blanket close around him. He was a tubby little thing with dark hair, olive skin and pearly milk teeth.

'This is Safar, she said to the child. The one I've been telling you about all these months.'

She made a nervous smile at Safar. This is Palimak, she said.

'My son.'

Palimak turned his chubby little face to look at Safar. He kicked his feet in delight and smiled.

His eyes lit up and with a shock Safar saw the hazel turn to a glowing yellow.

Demon yellow!

Nerisa's heart plummeted when she the look on her lover's face.

Safar managed a faint smile and held out a hand. Palimak grabbed his foremost finger and squeezed.

'He's strong! Safar said, dredging a compliment from the depths of his confusion.

Nerisa turned her face to Palimak, hiding her feelings. Of course he's strong, she said. Aren't you strong, my Palimak? The strongest little boy in the world!'

The child gurgled pleasure. Then he threw up, soiling himself and Nerisa's sleeping gown.

'Oh, you bad boy, you! Nerisa scolded. Here I'm trying to show you off and you play the little pig.'

Then she burst into tears.

Safar sat beside her, putting his arms around both of them.

'Why are you crying? he asked. Children make messes. That's what they do! Besides making you love them, of course.

'Ask my sisters what a mess I was! No. Come to think of it, don't. They will tell you in excruciating detail what a dirty little boy I was.'

Instead of calming her, the words infuriated Nerisa.

'That's not why I'm crying! she said. As you know very well!'

She reached into her gown, drew out an object and threw it on the bed.

'Here! she said. Here's your damned old knife.'

Safar stared at it. It was the silver dagger Coralean had given him long ago.

Nerisa wiped her eyes, pulling herself together. That's why I came here, she said. To return the dagger. It's yours. It was wrong of me to keep it. And I was a fool, a stupid, weak fool, to deliver it to you myself instead of sending a messenger.'

Palimak stared to cry, which made Nerisa angrier. There, you see what you've done!'

Safar was confused. What have I done?'

'I saw that look on your face, Nerisa said. You think he's a monster! A half demon, half human freak.

'Well, be damned to you. I've had my pleasure. I've had my girlish dream. Safar Timura, my great ideal. The man who had so much kindness in him he could understand anything and anyone. She laughed bitterly. I should have known better. And it's a good lesson for me.

'Now Palimak and I will be on our way. And to the Hells with you! And to the Hells with me for letting you make me into a fool!'

Safar started to get angry himself. This is hardly fair, he said. The least you could have done is warn me. At least you could have'

A voice broke in: Shut up, shut up, shuutt uppp!'

Safar swatted his tunic pocket. Just stop it, he said. I'm not in the mood to hear you argue with Gundaree.'

The little Favorite leaped out of his pocket onto the bed. He put his hands on his narrow hips.

'I am not telling Gundaree to shut up, he said.

His eyes swept over Safar, then Nerisa, then Palimak. Back to Safar again.

'I am telling you to shut up, Master, he said. And you too, Nerisa.'

He sighed. You were the first one to give me sweets in a thousand years, he said to Nerisa. And you, he said to Safar, have been a decent master, as masters go. Otherwise I wouldn't say a thing.

'If you both insist on making stupid human mistakes, why should I care? But I guess I do. So I'm saying, Shut up!'

'What mistakes? Nerisa asked.

'He thought you had a husband, he said to Nerisa. A demon husband.'

'She thought you didn't want a little monster on your hands, much less a woman who would sleep with a demon.'

'I don't have a husband, Nerisa said. Demon or otherwise. Palimak is a foundling. An orphan. Like me.'

'And I don't care who you slept with, or didn't sleep with. Safar said. It's none of my business. As for me thinking Palimak is a monster because he's part demon, why nothing could be further from the truth.

'He's a child. I like children. Ask my mother. Ask my father.'

'There, you see? Gundara said. Wasn't that easy?'

He hopped onto the bed, growing larger. He chucked Palimak under the chin. The child gurgled in pleasure.

'Why don't you leave him here with me? Gundara said. Go back to the bedroom and do whatever you think is necessary to apologize to each other.'

The little Favorite paid no attention to the murmurs between the two lovers. Nor did he turn to watch them slip out of the room. His entire focus was on the child with the glowing yellow eyes.

'What a handsome little thing, he said. Eyes just like mine. Do you know how to talk yet?'

Palimak burbled and wriggled his little arms and legs.

'I guess not, Gundara said.

He made himself smaller and hopped onto the child's chest. He made funny toad faces and Palimak laughed, eyes glowing brighter.

'Do you know how to say, shut up? Gundara said. Go ahead. Try it. SayShut up. Shut up. Shuutt uuppp!'

And Palimak spoke his first words, Shut up!'

'That's my boy, Gundara said. Won't your mother be surprised in the morning?'

'Shut up, shut up! the baby cried, Shut up, shuuut uuppp!'


'It's my understanding, Kalasariz said, that Lord Timura and this Fatinah woman have been in each other's company for weeks.'

'That is so, My Lord, Leiria said. She turned to Protarus. Lord Kalasariz understanding comes from my daily reports to him, Your Highness, she said. Reports you ordered, Sire.'

Protarus smiled. I wanted to hear it from your own lips, Leiria, he said.

'Then you have heard it, Majesty, she said. Other than for the hours of the business day, Lord Timura and Lady Fatinah have not been apart since the night they met.'

'Doesn't that trouble you, Leiria? Kalasariz asked. It was my impression that you and Lord Timura have been lovers for some years.'

Leiria shrugged. It was my duty, she said. The king knows that.'

Protarus chuckled. And an unlovely duty it was, he said to Kalasariz. My friend Safar may be Grand Wazier of Esmir, but he is not so grand in bed. Then, to Leiria, Isn't that true, my dear?'

'I have little experience with men, Majesty, she said. But you are such a lion, sire, I was spoiled for any other.'

Protarus roared laughter. You see how it is? he said to Kalasariz. He wiped his eyes. When I bed a woman, she stays bedded, dammit! You should hear the weeping in my harem when I choose who is to enjoy my royal embrace

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