grandmother was absent-off on some errand. The slave told her to sit and wait Clayre's return. He disappeared up the stairs, leaving her alone. Suddenly, she gripped her neck-wondering if her grandmother was making a Jooli doll. Was her head about to be lopped off?

Just then, a soft, sweet voice called to her: 'Joo-lii! Joo-lii!'

Startled, she looked around. But there was no one else in the room.

Again: 'Joo-lii! Joo-lii!'

There! It came from behind her. She turned, but all she could see was the beautiful mural of the King and his warrior daughters. Then a light glittered in the armor of one of the princesses. It was the dark-skinned woman on the black mare! Jooli leaned closer. Her eyes widened and she saw the woman's hand move.

The princess of the mural was waving to her! Beckoning?

And she saw the lips move and heard: 'Come to us, Jooli!'

The child stretched out her hand. There was a gentle tingling sensation and suddenly there was a roaring in her ears. The ground heaved under her, but she wasn't afraid. And then she was flying through the air, her arms around the narrow waist of the Sprit Rider. The wind blasting in her face as they rode the black mare through a starry sky.

She peered around the Spirit Rider's shoulder. Far away she saw a glorious golden city. The city of the mural: The ancient Kingdom of Hunan!

Jooli lived there for a year. It was the happiest year of her life.

She paused in the telling of her tale. A mischievous smile graced her lips.

'While I was there,' she said, 'they taught me a song. They called it the a€?Song of Safar Timura.a€™

Would you like to hear it?'

Everyone said they would. And this was the song she sang, in a high clear voice that made her audience laugh and cry and sigh:

Colored lights play, smoky mist swirling low;

Two indistinct figures catch spotlight's glow,

Bow in the center as breathless crowd waits

For the fates to decree, On with the Show!

On gyring wheel a€?neath Kyranian sky

Vessels take shape under artisan's eye.

Master's young son laughs to magic the clay;

'Cross Black Land afar spins circle awry.

In wizard's den on high mountain tor,

Protarus unveiled, mighty conqueror.

Demon-fang casting the perils disclose

That brothers of spirit must stand before.

The road divides, leads to glory or doom

Writ by silver stars and the crimson moon.

One to Walaria, wizardly school'd

By generous caravan master's boon.

Protarus, the bloodier path does take

Crush spirit and flesh, an empire to make.

Victor triumphant, but victim of war

Honor held captive for cruelty's sake.

Spell-magic and wisdom the potter gain,

While dancers of death whirl a€?neath burning rain.

Swift thief, young girl, bears a talisman strong

A gift to fight fire with love's brighter flame.

Upon the ages-blackened turtle's dome

The map of journey's danger, fiery home

Of Hadin's mountain; hell of earthly end?

Can valor save what Asper saw to come?

Within, the Favorites sleep, then wake to see

Their master, strong Safar, whose prophecy

Demands they heed Iraj's deadly call

The wizard's vision calls relentlessly.

Which high-born son's path must evil beware,

Child of the mountain or war chieftain's heir?

Both stride with power, yet wisdom's undone;

The gyre off-balance, the gods unaware.

Above! Converge the signs of Khysmet's paths:

Demon moon portends empiresa€™ bloody clash,

Sky-borne circus, star-crossed, young wizard bears,

While Hadin's bellows raise the fiery ash.

Iraj, icon of Alissarian

To restore the kingdoms of Two to One

Ensorcels his soul to confound Safar

Can brothersa€™ blood oath be ever undone?

Demons, cold allies, he marches before

By compact with hell, now bound evermore.

The potter's dreams shaped like clay on the wheel

Lie shattered in pieces by the Unholy Four.

Desert sands to mystic Caluz soon lead,

Place of Hantilia's astonishing deed.

Great turtle, apostate, artifice bent,

The wheel of Hadin's malevolence, Heed!

The wolf's stride lengthens, the chase faster make,

Speed sorcery's evil and sword's bright hate

Sharp as the arrow in Nerisa's breast

And will doom be sealed when the gods awake?

Two paths, divergent, a€?cross sinister seas

Might alchemy meld to one Destiny.

A race to gain mighty Asper's abode

Syrapisa€™ secrets behind fierce Charize.

Three for the quest to battle Esmir's woe

Banner'd with courage against demon foe

Wizard, warrioress, and magical child

Will only the three be allies enow?

But wait! Now Four! Joins a mysterious queen

Once hostage, once ally, spirit-realm seen;

Her journey now meet, now merge with the One

All to quench Hadin and birth Asper's dream!

Leave mem'ry of past, and future esteem

Soul forfeit if need, the champions deem

To leap to battle, by honor full-armed,

By courage and love, the world to redeem.

And now, tent brightens, the spells lightly fall;

The next act awaits the ringmaster's call.

Biner steps forth, gleaming eye and sly grin:

'Damn everything else, the circus is all!'

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