Beyond the grove, a backdrop to the Queen, was the great conical peak of a volcano. And he knew that at any moment the volcano would erupt and that Safar, along with the joyous dancers, would die.

Was this real? Was he truly on the shores of Hadinland, destined to be swallowed in a river of molten rock? Or was it just a night terror that would end if only he could open his eyes?

Open your eyes, he thought! Dammit, man! Open them!

And then, with a jolt, he thought, Iraj! Where is Iraj? He tried to look around to find him but then Palimak's voice intruded, calling:

'Father? Father? Open your eyes, father!'

And he thought, Oh, yes. I know where Iraj is now.

So he opened his eyes. Or was it Iraj who opened them for him? Never mind. That was something they would have to sort out later between themselves.

The main thing was, his eyes were open now.

But all he could see was darkness. He blinked, but the darkness stubbornly remained.

Alarm crept in, but he pushed it away. Obviously, there was a reasonable explanation. It was probably night and Palimak most likely kept the room dark so as not to disturb him. He could sense Palimak bending over him.

'Where are we, son?' he asked.

'We're in Hadin, father,' Palimak replied.

'So soon?' Safar asked, although he was only a little surprised.

'You were unconscious a long time, father,' Palimak said. 'You had us pretty worried, what with the fever and all. But that's broken now, thank the gods. Jooli and I took turns treating you during the whole voyage.'

Safar nodded understanding. 'I dreamed I was trapped in that other world again,' he said. 'Dancing on the sands of Hadinland. I suppose it was the fever that caused it.'

'Do you feel well enough to get up now, father?' Palimak asked. 'Coralean has some people waiting to see you. They're all most anxious.'

The young man paused, then-with amazement in his voice-he added, 'It's a delegation from Hadin.

They say you are their long, lost king.'

Safar was astounded. 'King?' he asked. 'How could I be their king?'

Inside him, Iraj stirred in his nest. He said, I told you long ago, brother, that we were both destinedfor great things. And here is final proof. We are kings of a people we never even met!

Safar wanted to tell Iraj to shut up. His presence inside Safar's body was all too disturbing as it was without Iraj prattling in his ear. Safar felt confused, dazed, as if he had not quite awakened from a terrible dream.

He brushed his face with his hand, attempting to wipe away the confusion. Then he realized Palimak was trying to give some sort of explanation about the people who believed Safar was their king. He nodded, pretending he'd heard the answer.

He said, 'I'll get up, son. Just bring me some clothes. And some water to bathe in.'

Then he chuckled and said, 'And please bring me a light. I'm not a cat, you know. I can't see in the dark.'

His request was met by a long, frightening silence. 'Did you hear me, son?' Safar pressed.

Palimak's voice shook when he answered. 'I heard you, father.' Another long pause. Then, 'But it's broad daylight out, father. You shouldn't need a light!'

Inside him, Iraj jolted in shock. What's this? he demanded. Are we blind? Or is this the boy's idea ofsome cruel jest? By the gods, I'll have him…

Safar slapped his own breast, cutting Iraj off. He had to think, dammit! What was happening to him?

Was he going mad?

'I must have misheard you, son,' he said at last. 'It's not really daytime, is it?'

He reached out desperately and Palimak clasped his hands in a tight grip. 'Tell me it's night, son,' he pleaded. 'Tell me!'

Safar felt wet drops fall on his cheek. Was Palimak crying?

'Can't you see me, father?' Palimak begged. 'I'm right here in front of you. And it's daytime, with a bright shinning sun. Honest to the gods, it is!'

Palimak's panic had the reverse effect on Safar. He became quite calm. If he was blind, so be it. Maybe he'd regain his sight later. Maybe not. The main thing was that there were far more calamitous events than his own personal misfortune that needed to be dealt with.

He patted the young man's hand. 'Never mind, son,' he said. 'I'm probably just suffering from some sort of shock. Caused by the illness, no doubt. I'm sure I'll soon recover my sight. It's a temporary ailment, nothing more.'

When Palimak replied, his voice was steadier. 'Aunt Jooli told me about Lady Lottyr-the Hells goddess,' he said. 'Maybe the illness was something she caused.'

'That's the answer,' Safar said, hope growing. 'Lottyr's at fault. Well, then. Now that we know the cause all we have to do is come up with some sort of spell to counter her. Couldn't be simpler.'

He struggled upright, Palimak putting an arm behind his shoulder to help. After a brief moment of dizziness, Safar felt amazingly strong and full of energy. That was an incredible relief, for deep down he'd worried he'd be physically unfit as well as blind.

'If you'll help me wash and dress,' he said to Palimak, 'I'll attend to this delegation you mentioned.'

He grinned. 'Can you imagine?' he asked. ' Me, a king! Nothing could be more amusing.'

Palimak told him to wait in bed while he went to fetch the things he'd need. Safar listened to the departing footsteps and the sound of the door opening and closing.

When he was sure he was alone he said, 'We're going to have to work out some better means of communication, Iraj. I can't just have you charging around with your every thought and confusing matters.

Otherwise, they're going to think I've gone mad.'

Inside him, Iraj laughed. He said, You've always been a bit mad, Safar. As have I. Still, you have apoint. We'll need to figure out something. However, I must warn you: if you intend to tell thisdelegation from Hadin that you are not their king you'll get no cooperation from me. Never forget,there's not one crown at stake, here, but two. Hadin will have two kings, not one, if I haveanything to say about it!

Iraj's last words hit Safar like a hammer. Two kings of Hadin! Immediately, he remembered a riddlefrom Asper's book. He'd always known the answer to the riddle would be crucial. But he'd neverguessed just how much he'd be personally affected by it.

Iraj suddenly found himself awash in Safar's hot-blooded excitement. What's going on? he demanded.

Y our thoughts are too confusing to make out!

Safar answered by reciting Asper's riddle aloud:

'Two kings reign in Hadin Land,

One's becursed, the other damned.

One sees whatever eyes can see,

The other dreams of what might be.

One is blind. One's benighted.

And who can say which is sighted?

Know that Asper knocked at the Castle Keep,

But the gates were barred, the Gods asleep.'

Iraj thought a moment, then said, So, we're the two kings, right?

'That's what it would seem,' Safar replied.

Clever fellow, that damned old demon, Iraj observed. You were always going on about him, but Inever paid much attention. Now it seems the old boy had this thing charted from the beginning.

Safar didn't reply and Iraj suddenly realized he was concentrating on something else.

What are you doing? he demanded? Frantically, he scrabbled for the protection of his sorcerous nest. Ifyou try to kill me, he said, I swear you'll suffer for it!

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