Chapter Fifty-Seven

For the night’s festivities Bianca had requested a Spanish theme. Guy was on to it immediately; he’d swiftly arranged for musicians and a well-known Spanish chef — famous for his seafood paella — to be boated in from the mainland, even though they were several hours out at sea. He’d been informed from the start that no expense was to be spared on this trip. Only the best for Aleksandr Kasianenko and his lady. Guy was sure that if Bianca had requested that Wolfgang Puck be flown in from California to prepare his famous smoked salmon pizza, Aleksandr would oblige.

At sunset, Bianca appeared on deck — a true dazzler in a flounced flamenco dress, white flowers in her jet hair. Aleksandr accompanied her. Not a man to dress up, black pants and a white shirt did it for him.

Guy was a tad envious, for once again they made a ferociously handsome couple. Between them they had everything. Looks, money, power, fame. It wasn’t fair that two people had so much.

Still… he was used to it. Serving the privileged. Catering to their every need. Watching them at play. Hoping for a major tip at the end of the journey. It was the life he’d chosen, and it wasn’t such a bad one.

At least he had a steady partner who professed true love. They shared a cosy apartment in Sydney, and whenever Guy was home — which was not that often — they were quite compatible and took pleasure in doing the same things.

Yes, Guy was satisfied, although he couldn’t help having lust in his heart — not to mention his pants — for the very gorgeous Luca Perez. What a true specimen of magnificent manhood. And talented too. Guy had Luca’s latest song repeating on his iPod, it soothed him during times of stress.

* * *

By the time Hammond emerged from the shower, Sierra was no longer in their stateroom.

Dammit! Where was the devious bitch, his cheating wife, the slut who’d been talking to her ex- boyfriend?

His fury was dark and cold. Did Sierra honestly think she could escape from him just like that? A divorce — even a separation — would ruin his political future. No way would he ever allow that to happen.

One day he was going to run for President, and whether she liked it or not — she would support him — dead or alive.

* * *

‘What happened to you?’ Xuan asked when she returned to their stateroom and found Flynn there. ‘You could’ve told me you were leaving the island.’

‘I got the stomach flu,’ he answered, still thinking about his conversation with Sierra.

‘You seem to be better now,’ Xuan remarked, opening the closet to see if she could rummage up an outfit to wear for dinner. The women on this trip were so impeccably groomed and well dressed. Her choices were limited since she travelled so light, and quite frankly she couldn’t care less. Leave it to the others to prance around in their fancy clothes; she knew that she was smarter and more caring about what was going on in the world than all of them put together.

‘Yeah, I am,’ Flynn said, frustrated that he had to share the same space with Xuan. Much as he valued her friendship, he needed to be alone to think things through. He didn’t appreciate Xuan questioning him, and he was sure that she would — it was her way. ‘I’ll see you upstairs,’ he added, heading for the door.

‘You know, Flynn, you should be careful what you wish for,’ Xuan said sagely. ‘For the fulfilment of wishes does not always provide the answers we crave.’

‘Thanks for that,’ he said dryly. ‘It makes no sense at all.’

‘Think about it,’ she called after him. ‘You’re too clever to get caught up in your own fantasies.’

Ignoring Xuan’s words, Flynn ran into Taye and his blonde wife, all of them on their way to the drinks deck.

‘You feelin’ all right, mate?’ Taye enquired, friendly as usual.

‘Yeah, it was nothing,’ Flynn answered. ‘Five-minute stomach upset.’

‘Eew, nasty!’ Ashley exclaimed, clinging to her husband’s arm as they made their way up the circular staircase. ‘Remember Taye, that time you got the runs on the field in front of thousands of fans?’

‘Oh crap, don’t remind me,’ Taye groaned. ‘Talk about embarrassin’.’

‘Had to throw all your gear away,’ Ashley giggled. ‘Even your mum wouldn’t go near it!’

‘Thanks,’ Taye said, making a face. ‘You certainly know how to feed a bloke’s ego.’

‘And that’s not all I can do,’ Ashley said, giggling suggestively.

Taye decided that his wife on holiday was a whole other woman. And he liked this new Ashley a lot better than her former self.

* * *

Bianca surveyed her guests, all present for drinks with the exception of the Senator. She observed that the Senator’s wife seemed more sociable tonight — Sierra was chatting pleasantly to Cliff Baxter and Lori. Bianca was delighted to note that everyone was in a more relaxed state. Ah yes, the vacation vibe was taking over and she couldn’t be happier.

Aleksandr was at ease too, talking football with Taye and politics with the Asian woman — whom Bianca had secretly christened Miss Intensity.

Luca approached and clinked glasses with her. ‘You and old Aleks certainly know how to throw a party,’ he remarked. ‘Everyone’s having a great time.’

‘You too?’ Bianca questioned.

‘Why’re you askin’ me?’ Luca said, pushing a lock of blond hair off his forehead.

‘’Cause I know you,’ Bianca said, looking at him intently. ‘Something’s on your mind. Spill.’

‘Okay, okay, the deal is I’m missing my kid,’ he confessed. ‘Hate being away from him. You haven’t seen him lately — he’s such a cute kid, Bianca, an’ I don’t wanna miss anything.’

‘He’s with Suga, right?’

‘He sure is, an’ she’s a wonderful mamasita. The best. Warm and nurturing and everything she should be.’

‘Hmm… sounds as if you’re missing her too,’ Bianca ruminated.

‘Hey, I’m not missin’ the sex, we gave that up pretty fast,’ Luca said. ‘But the companionship an’ the fun we had together — yeah, that’s what I miss.’

‘Well, you have Jeromy now,’ Bianca said sagely. ‘He seems like a laugh a minute.’

‘Ah… an’ there lies the problem,’ Luca admitted. ‘Jeromy…’

‘Trouble in Gay City, huh?’ Bianca said with a knowing nod.

‘You could say there’s more than trouble.’

‘Like what?’

‘Problem is he hates Suga, an’ not only that, he never pays any attention to Luca junior. It’s driving me loco.’

‘That’s not good.’

‘No, it’s not,’ Luca said, shaking his head. ‘If you really want the truth, I think I’ve finally had it with Jeromy. It’s time for me to move on.’

‘Oh dear,’ Bianca sighed.

‘Oh dear what?’

‘We’re on this very special cruise, Luca. Please don’t ruin anything. Can you at least wait to dump him until we get back? Is that possible?’

‘I guess I can try.’

‘For me,’ she pleaded. ‘No dramas.’

‘For you,’ Luca acquiesced. ‘Only please realize that the moment we hit dry land…’

‘I know, I know. And you’re the best!’

Luca gave a wry smile, ‘I try.’

* * *

‘Dinner is served.’ Once again Guy found himself saying the words he loved to hear himself speak.

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