Skylar, huh?
Radical formed a plan.
Chapter Sixty-Eight
Yet another dinner in Paradise with an array of culinary delights served in a magnificent setting. What more could anyone ask?
Taking in her surroundings, Lori had no idea how she was supposed to ease back into normal life. She was savouring every moment of this once-in-a-lifetime trip. Everything was so perfect, including Cliff. She dreaded returning to their old routine, and the daily visit from Enid when Cliff wasn’t at the studio. Enid was a jealous old bag who, even though she claimed to be gay, probably had the hots for her handsome boss.
Without Enid’s interference, Lori felt that she and Cliff might have a real chance of staying together. Enid was a witch, the woman put the evil eye on her.
‘What’re you thinking?’ Luca enquired, approaching her as she stood by the railing on the terrace watching the dark waves crash on the beach below.
‘I’m thinking that this is a truly wonderful experience,’ Lori replied. ‘It’s… I don’t know… kind of magical in a way.’
‘That’s ’cause you’re in love,’ Luca said, adding a wistful — ‘I wish I was.’
‘You will be,’ Lori assured him. ‘Once you’re free you’ll have your pick of anyone you want.’
‘You think so?’
‘Oh, come
Luca shrugged. ‘It makes me nervous thinking about being by myself.’
‘Oh my
‘And you’re a sweet girl, Lori,’ Luca said warmly. ‘Your friendship means a lot to me. When we get back to the real world we’ll stay in touch, yes?’
‘Nothing I’d like more.’
‘I can be your new gay best friend,’ he joked. ‘Every girl needs one.’
‘Especially me,’ Lori said, thinking of her lack of real friends in L.A. ‘I don’t have many friends — gay or straight.’
‘How come?’
‘It’s just the way it is,’ she said with a thoughtful sigh. ‘I’m a movie star’s girlfriend. People can’t figure out how long I’ll be around.’
‘If Cliff’s smart, it’ll be a lifetime deal.’
‘You’re the best! I think I love you!’
‘What are you two up to?’ Cliff questioned, joining them.
‘Oh, nothing much. I was just telling Luca what a babe he is,’ Lori said, winking at Luca. ‘I think I love him.’
‘Should I be jealous?’ Cliff asked, amused.
‘No!’ Lori giggled. ‘Anyway, I thought you were busy talking to Ashley.’
‘Really?’ Cliff said with a sly smile.
‘Don’t act as if you don’t know,’ Lori scolded. ‘Being modest doesn’t suit you.’
‘I feel sorry for Taye,’ Luca lamented. ‘He’s such a great guy.’
‘She is?’ Luca said. ‘What about our host? He doesn’t mind?’
‘Our host is busy making plans with Xuan about all sorts of humanitarian causes,’ Lori said knowingly. ‘They’re quite a fit.’
Cliff started to laugh. It pleased him to note that everyone seemed to enjoy Lori’s company. ‘Aren’t
‘I keep my eyes open,’ she responded.
‘You certainly do.’
‘I certainly do,’ Lori replied, mimicking him.
They exchanged an intimate smile.
‘Come, my favourite redhead,’ Cliff said, putting his arm around her. ‘Let’s go take a walk on the beach.’
‘Will you excuse us, Luca?’ Lori said, smiling happily.
‘Sure,’ Luca said, drifting back towards the table where Jeromy was earnestly trying to talk Sierra and Hammond into purchasing a pied-a-terre in London.
‘My darlings, there is nothing like a summer day in a London park,’ Jeromy said grandly, filled with nostalgia as he recalled his first encounter with a male sex partner behind a tree in Regents Park. He was thirteen at the time.
‘We hardly ever visit London,’ Sierra said, trying to studiously avoid even so much as glancing in Flynn’s direction as he spoke with Xuan and Aleksandr.
It was impossible; her mind refused to be still as she imagined Flynn making love to the Asian woman. She pictured them in bed together, naked and passionate, all over each other. It was too much; her eyes filled with tears. She was dismayed to realize that she was jealous — hopelessly, helplessly jealous.
‘I have to use the restroom,’ Hammond said, abruptly rising. ‘Would you keep my wife company, Jeromy?’
‘My pleasure, Senator,’ Jeromy replied, catching Luca’s eye and beckoning him over.
Hammond left the table. He’d noticed Renee hovering by the ornate arched doorway and he immediately approached her. ‘Where is the men’s room?’ he asked, all business.
‘Oh,’ she said, fidgeting nervously with an escaped strand of dark blond hair. ‘Let me show you, Senator. I’m supposed to escort everyone there in case they get lost. This castle is huge.’
‘I’m not everyone,’ Hammond said mildly. ‘Just plain old me.’
‘I know,’ Renee said with a feeble giggle. ‘But you’re a very important you.’
Hammond smiled. He was never averse to compliments.
The interior of the castle was dark and cold — nobody lived there, it was merely a place that could be rented out for special occasions. Long winding corridors led to a series of small rooms, and finally a semi-modernized bathroom — completely out of synch with the rest of the castle.
‘I can wait outside to guide you back,’ Renee offered.
Hammond studied her for a moment, moving close. ‘You are such a pretty girl,’ he informed her. ‘So very lovely.’
‘Uh… thank you,’ she mumbled, flattered that an important man like Senator Patterson had even noticed her.
‘Would it be presumptuous if I were to kiss you?’ he asked, deciding that he had no time to waste luring her in with seductive words.
Renee was ablaze with excitement, yet at the same time quite apprehensive.