Part Three



Bosch left in darkness Monday morning. It was at least a five-hour drive to Modesto, and he didn’t want to waste the day just getting there. He had rented a Crown Victoria from Hertz at the airport in Burbank the night before because LAPD regulations didn’t allow him to use his department car while on vacation. Normally that would be one of the rules Bosch would bend, but with O’Toole checking his every move these days, he decided to play it safe. He did, however, bring the mobile strobe light from the work car and transfer his equipment boxes from trunk to trunk. There were no regulations about that, as far as he knew. With the rented Crown Vic he would look the part if he needed to.

Modesto was pretty much a straight shot north from Los Angeles. Bosch took I-5 out of the city and up over the Grapevine before splitting off on California 99, which would take him through Bakersfield and Fresno on the way. As he drove, he continued through the catalog of Art Pepper’s music that Maddie had given him. He was now up to volume five, which was a concert that happened to be recorded in Stuttgart in 1981. It contained a kick-ass version of Pepper’s signature song “Straight Life,” but it was the soulful “Over the Rainbow” that made Bosch hit the replay button on the dash.

He got to Bakersfield during the morning rush hour and dropped below sixty miles per hour for the first time. He decided to wait out the traffic and pulled over for breakfast at a place called the Knotty Pine Cafe. He knew of it because it was just a few blocks from the Kern County Sheriff’s Office, where he had had business on occasion over the years.

After he ordered eggs, bacon, and coffee, he unfolded the map he had printed Saturday on two sheets of paper and then taped together. The map showed the forty-mile stretch of the Central Valley that had become important to the Anneke Jespersen case. All the points he had marked hugged CA-99, beginning with Modesto at the south end and moving north through Ripon, Manteca, then Stockton.

What was noteworthy to Bosch was that the map he had taped together stretched across two counties, Stanislaus to the south and San Joaquin to the north. Modesto and Salida were in Stanislaus County, where Sheriff Drummond held power and jurisdiction. But Manteca and Stockton fell under the jurisdiction of the sheriff of San Joaquin County. To Bosch it seemed no wonder that Reggie Banks, who lived in Manteca, preferred to do his drinking down in Modesto. Same, too, with Francis Dowler.

Bosch circled the locations he wanted to check out before the day was over. The John Deere dealership where Reggie Banks worked, the Stanislaus County Sheriff’s Department, Cosgrove Ag’s operation center in Manteca, as well as the homes of the men he was coming to observe. His plan for the day was to immerse himself as much as possible in the world where these men now lived. From there he would map out his next move—if there was a move to be made.

Once he was back on CA-99 and moving north again, he propped a printout of a Sunday night email from Dave Chu on his right thigh. Chu had searched for Beau Bentley and Charlotte Jackson, the two soldiers quoted in Anneke Jespersen’s story on the Saudi Princess.

Bentley was a quick dead end. Chu found a 2003 obituary for a Brian “Beau” Bentley, Gulf War veteran, in the Fort Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel that stated that he had succumbed to cancer at the age of thirty-four.

Chu had only modestly better luck with the other soldier. Using the age parameters Bosch had given him, he had come up with seven Charlotte Jacksons living in Georgia. Five of them were listed in Atlanta and its suburbs. Using the department’s TLO account and other various Internet databases, Chu had managed to come up with telephone numbers for six of the seven women. As Bosch drove, he started calling.

It was early afternoon in Georgia. He connected on his first two calls. They were answered by a Charlotte Jackson, but neither woman was the Charlotte Jackson he was trying to reach. The third and fourth calls went unanswered, and he left voice mails stating that he was an LAPD detective working on a murder case and urgently needed a return call.

He got through on the next two calls but neither woman he talked to was the Charlotte Jackson who served her country during the first Gulf War.

Bosch disconnected the last call, reminding himself that pursuing Charlotte Jackson was probably not the best use of his time. It was a common name and twenty-one years had passed. There was no guarantee that she was still in Atlanta or Georgia or that she was even still alive. She also could have gotten married and changed her name. He knew he could go to the U.S. military records archive in St. Louis and request a search, but as with all things steeped in bureaucracy, getting answers could take forever.

He folded the printout and put it back inside his coat pocket.

The land opened up after Fresno. The climate was arid from the beating sun and dusty from the dry fields. The highway, too, was rough. Its asphalt was thin and the concrete seams had become disjointed by time and disrepair. The surfaces were crumbling and the Crown Vic’s tires banged hard, sometimes making the music inside jump. It wasn’t how Art Pepper would have wanted it.

The state was sixteen billion in debt, and the news always talked about the deficit’s effect on the infrastructure. Out in the middle of the state the theory was a fact.

Bosch got to Modesto by midday. First on his agenda was a cursory drive by the Public Safety Center, where Sheriff J.J. Drummond held sway. It looked like a fairly new building, with the attendant jail next door. Out front, there was a statue of a police dog fallen in the line of duty, and Bosch wondered why there was apparently no human deserving of the same treatment.

Normally when Bosch followed a case out of Los Angeles, he checked in at the Police or Sheriff’s Department at his destination. It was a courtesy, but it was also like leaving bread crumbs behind should anything go wrong. But not this time. He didn’t know if Sheriff J.J. Drummond had been involved in any way with Anneke Jespersen’s death. But there was too much smoke and there were too many coincidences and connections for Bosch to take the chance of alerting Drummond to the investigation.

As if to underline those coincidences, he found Cosgrove Tractor, the John Deere dealership where Reginald Banks worked, only five blocks away from the sheriff’s complex. Bosch cruised it, made a U-turn, and came back to it, stopping at a curb along the front sidewalk.

There was a line of green tractors arranged small to large in front of the dealership. Behind them was a single-row parking lot and then the dealership with floor-to-ceiling glass windows running along the entire face of the building. Bosch hopped out of his car and grabbed a pair of small but powerful binoculars from one of the equipment boxes in the trunk. Returning to the front seat, he used the binos to look into the dealership. At each front corner was a desk with a salesman behind it. Between them ran another line of tractors and ATVs, all of them grass-green and shining.

Bosch opened his file and checked the DMV photo of Banks that Chu had provided. Looking back at the dealership, he easily identified Banks as the balding man with a drooping mustache at the desk in the corner closest to Bosch. He watched the man, studying him in profile because of the angle of the desk. While Banks looked like he was studiously engaged with something on his computer screen, Bosch could tell he was playing solitaire. He had angled the screen so that it could not be seen from within the showroom, most likely by his boss.

After a while Bosch got bored watching Banks, started the car, and pulled away from the curb. As he did so, he checked the rearview and saw a blue compact pulling away from the curb five parked cars back. He made his way on Crows Landing Road back to the 99, intermittently checking the mirror and seeing the car trailing in traffic behind him. It didn’t concern him. He was on a major traffic artery, and lots of cars were going the way he was going. But when he eased up on the accelerator and started letting cars go by him, the blue car slowed to match his speed and continued to hang back. Finally, Bosch pulled to the curb in front of an auto parts store and watched his mirror. Half a block back, the blue car turned right and disappeared, leaving Bosch to wonder if he was being followed or not.

Bosch pulled back into traffic and continued to check his mirror as he headed to the CA-99 entrance. Along the way, he passed what seemed like an unending parade of Mexican food joints and used-car lots, the visual only

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