that communist politician.”
“If the threat is diminishing, can we then scrap a carrier or two and cut back the A-12 buy order?”
“Congresswoman, the Warsaw Pact still has over fifty thousand tanks, four times as much artillery, and twice as many planes as NATO can muster. The Soviet army is three times larger than ours. We are a sea power. Over fifty percent of our oil is imported- I think any reduction of our naval capability when faced with these realities would be very unwise.”
“Captain, it seems to me that both we and the Soviets have spent more money on the military than either nation can afford, and now we have a perfect opportunity to reduce that expenditure. If we deterred them with what we had before they made a ten percent reduction, we can deter them just as well in the future if we make a ten percent reduction.”
“You persist in assuming the Soviet Union is our only possible opponent in a world in which we have global commitments. In the last forty years the navy has seen action in Korea, Vietnam, Gre- nada, and Libya and Lebanon several times. We’ve had to meet those commitments and deter the Soviets too.”
“And more gadgets are going to enable the navy to continue to do that?”
“I wouldn’t characterize the A-12 as a—“
“I would! You people are gadget-happy. The attitude in the Pen- tagon seems to be that gadgets will keep us free. In the meantime our schools are atrocious and our bridges and highways are disinte- grating. We desperately need a nationwide chud-care system for working mothers and a long-term healthcare system for the el- derly. The damage that drugs are doing to the children of America is a national disgrace. We need to greatly expand our drug educa- tion and law enforcement efforts. Yet we can afford none of this because we keep borrowing money to buy grotesque gadgets to kill people with. And this at a time when the Cold War is over!”
“I’m not testifying to that,” Jake said tartly, and felt Toad Tar- kington kick him under the table- “The choices are difficult,” he added. “I don’t envy you your responsibilities.”
“Congresswoman Strader.” the chairman rumbled. “This is a closed hearing. Your remarks will not leave this room, so I am at a loss as to why you are making a stump speech to Captain Grafton, who, unless I am mistaken, doesn’t vote in your district”
Strader shifted her squint back to Grafton. “Just when will the navy’s budget requests reflect the new geopolitical realities?”
Jake answered carefully. “The navy’s budget requests to the ad- ministration are based on the needs of the navy in light of the commitments the government has assigned the navy. As for geopo- litical realities, I think the political ferment that is occurring in the Soviet Union is the most hopeful development in that nation in this century. But who knows if Gorbachev will prevail? He may be assassinated. There may be a coup- He may just be booted out by his colleagues. We can’t sink the U.S. Navy this year and hope for the best.”
“Time will tell. Is that your testimony? We should let the real human needs of our citizens go unmet so we can continue to fund a military establishment that is a travesty in a world seeking real peace?”
“Your admiration for Chairman Gorbachev is in many ways reminiscent of Neville Chamberlain’s warm regard for Adolf Hitler.I hope you don’t have reason later on lo regret your enthu- siasm, as Chamberlain did.”
Toad’s shoe smacked on his shin again as Strader snarled, “I deeply resent that remark. Captain. I—“
The chairman cut her off. “Congresswoman Strader, this is not the time and place for a political colloquy with Captain Grafton. Please address your questions to the issue at hand. I must insist.”
Strader stared at Grafton. She was furious. “Why is the A-12 a black project?”
‘The technology involved is—“
“No! I reject that. The air force used that explanation for the B-2 bomber—$516 million each — and going higher — and the F-117A —$62 million each. They’ve acquired unproven airplanes with lim- ited capabilities, airplanes that must be operated from paved run- ways that will be the Soviets’ first nuclear targets in the event of war- No, Captain Grafton. Public debate is what the administra- tion and the Pentagon seek to avoid.” Her gaze shifted to the chairman. “Public debate is what you wish to avoid, Mr. Chair- man, so that your state can secure another bloated, outrageous defense contract for technology that may well not do what those hogs at the Pentagon—“
“Time’s up.” The chairman smacked his gavel.
Strader was just getting up steam. “… that those money-hun- gry swine at the Pentagon have carefully steered to your state so that—“
“You’re out of time, Congresswoman,” the chairman said, his voice rising, “and out of order. Thank you for your testimony, Captain Grafton. You’re excused.”
Strader kept talking. Jake packed his briefcase and handcuffed it to his wrist “… these machines are being purchased to fight wars that everyone knows will never occur. Billions of dollars down the sewer! It’s obscene,”
Jake rose and walked for the door with Tarkington at his elbow. Behind him Strader and the chairman were shouting at each other.
“You ever kick me again, Tarkington, and you’ll need a proctol- ogist to surgically remove that shoe.”
“Yes, sir.”
When the door closed behind them and they were walking down the corridor, Jake said, “I really lost it in there, didn’t I?”
“Yes. sir. You did.”
“Well, if they’ll just vote the funds now, we’ve done the navy a pretty good job.”
“I suppose.”
As they went down the outside steps of the Capitol, Jake said, “I hope she’s right. I hope the wars never occur.”
“Yeah. And I hope I live forever,” Toad Tarkington said, and signaled to the transportation pool driver, who was standing beside the car a hundred yards away.
As the car pulled up. Toad climbed into the front seat, Jake into the back. They had just pulled the doors shut when the rear door opened again. Jake looked up. The man standing there had a pistol pointed at him. “Slide over, Captain.”
Jake hesitated for just a second and glanced into the front seat. The driver had a gun pointed at Toad. Jake scooted.
The man outside took a seat and pulled the door shut.
“Gentlemen, as you can see, we are both armed. You are going to be our guests for a little while. Mr. Tarkington?”
When Toad didn’t respond, the man beside Jake nudged Toad in the neck with the barrel of his gun. “Mr. Tarkington?”
“I have a gun too, and it is pointed at Captain Grafton. The gentleman behind the wheel is going to put his gun in his pocket and drive. If you twitch, if you shout, if you open your door or reach for the wheel or ignition key, I will first shoot Captain Graf- ton, then I will shoot you. Do you understand?”
“Do you feel heroic?”
“Not especially.”
“That is very good. You and your captain may live through this experience if you do exactly as I say, when I say it.”
Tarkington said nothing.
“Put on your seat belts and lock your doors.”
Jake and Toad obeyed.
“Okay, if everyone understands the ground rules, we go.”
The driver put the transmission in drive and fed gas.
The gunman in the backseat was in his fifties, with short hair. He was tanned, stocky, and wore a well-fitting dark suit.
“Where is the sailor who was driving this car?” ‘T
“Captain, I warn you for the last time. You will sit absolutely quiet. One word, just one more word, and I will hurt you very badly.”