had studied the page, he returned the transcript to its classified folder and handed it to the aide. He glanced at his watch. Nearly ten o'clock. God, what a long day!

When they were in the driveway behind the White House waiting for the navy sedan to be brought around, Toad said, 'Admiral, it seems to me that the national security adviser recommended that the submarine not be destroyed because it had Cowbell and he thought we could find the thing later.'

'Umm,' Jake Grafton grunted.

'The fact that there were an unknown number of Americans still aboard was certainly a factor in the decision not to tell Jones's skipper to shoot, but as I read that transcript, the critical factor was Cowbell. They thought they could find that boat anytime.'

' 'Anytime.' He used that word, didn't he.'

'Yes, sir.'

'Well, Cowbell or no Cowbell, it seems to be lost now.'

'Apparently,' Toad said slowly.

'Oh, it's lost, all right. If the chairman of the Joint Chiefs, the chief of naval operations, and the commandant of the Marine Corps don't know where that pigboat is, believe me, nobody in uniform does.'

'So what is Cowbell?'

'Beats the hell outta me.'

'Whatever it is, it's probably so classified no one will tell us squat.'

Toad stood silently for several seconds, letting the sound of the airplanes going into Reagan National wash over him, before he spoke again. 'If they hadn't thought they could find that boat again, what do you think the president would have done? After all, he knew there were Americans still aboard.'

'Would have been a hell of a dilemma. Sometimes all your options are bad.'

'Ignoring Cowbell — because we have no idea what it is — if you had been on the hot seat and had to decide, you would have ordered Jones's skipper to shoot, wouldn't you?'

Jake Grafton nodded. 'Bad options and all, I thought that was what the president should have done. I wondered why he didn't.'

The navy car pulled to a stop in the driveway, and Jake Grafton walked behind it to get in on the other side. That was when he heard a small jet engine running hard. The noise was higher pitched than the rumble of the airliners in the Reagan National Airport traffic pattern over the Potomac, which was the only reason he noticed it, because while the volume was increasing, it was not loud.

Instinctively Jake Grafton knew what it was. Without conscious thought he looked up into the darkness, although of course there was nothing there that he could see.

Now the pitch of the engine changed dramatically.

'Incoming!' he roared and threw himself forward onto the concrete of the driveway.

He heard a whoosh, then the concussion of an explosion rocked the car and pummeled his back. He felt heat.

As pieces of burning wood and a snowstorm of masonry and plaster and other debris cascaded down, Jake turned and looked. The air was filled with flying debris and dirt. Many of the lights in the building were out. Still, he could see that the missile had smashed into the topmost story of the White House, blowing out a huge hole and tearing off a major chunk of roof. An inferno of hot yellow fire burned in the hole now, so bright it was almost impossible to look at.

'Holy shit!' shouted Toad Tarkington.

The hot fire cast a flickering, ghastly light upon the lawn and the two naval officers, who were still crouched beside the car, frozen in place, staring at the shattered building. The guard by the door was on the ground, apparently unconscious. As pieces rained down, Jake glanced at the car. At least the glass of the windows was still intact.

'A Tomahawk!' Toad whispered in the silence that followed the blast.

'Quick,' Jake said to the petty officer behind the wheel as a fire alarm began sounding. 'Haul ass! Get that thing out of here before the fire trucks arrive. We'll meet you down the street. Step on it!'

As the car sped away, Jake stripped off his blouse and hat and tossed them on the grass. The guard by the door had a bump on his head — apparently he had been knocked down by the concussion and hit his head on the concrete.

Jake sat the man against the wall, then ran into the White House. Toad Tarkington was right behind.


Jake Grafton and Toad Tarkington met two dazed Secret Service agents inside the door.

'What the hell happened?' one of them shouted over the raucous blaring of the fire alarm.

'A missile hit the upper story and set it on fire,' Jake replied. 'Let's check if there is anyone up there injured.'

He and Toad were running up the main staircase in the White House when a light flashed in the sky. Each man felt a transitory jolt of energy, as if he had inadvertently touched a hot spark plug just for an instant. Simultaneously, every light in the building went out and the siren died abruptly.

'What was that?' the first agent asked.

'Transformer somewhere blew out,' the other one called. 'Let's check for people.' The words were barely out of his mouth when the dull boom of an explosion echoed faintly through the building.

'Flashlight!' Toad said bitterly. 'Kolnikov fired a Tomahawk with a Flashlight warhead.'

Flashlight was a highly classified warhead, an electromagnetic bomb, or explosive flux generator, mounted on the nose of a Tomahawk. When the warhead detonated a few hundred feet over a city, the explosion generated an intense electromagnetic current in the coil that surrounded the explosive. In the tenth of a microsecond before the explosion ripped the warhead apart, the energy wave was directed into an antenna and broadcast. A trillion watts of microwave energy raced away at the speed of light to fry every electronic circuit they hit, which was all of them. Electrical power switches, telephone switches, the chips in computers, cars, toys, calculators, servers… everything! In a fraction of an eyeblink, 150 years of technical progress were wiped out for several miles from the epicenter of the explosion.

As he ran up the staircase in the unnatural silence, Jake Grafton faintly heard the engines of an airplane moaning in the darkness. 'Oh, my God!' he whispered.

Victor Pappas was the captain of an Airbus A-321 on final into Reagan National, flying past the Lincoln Memorial, right down the river, when the E-bomb detonated a few hundred yards from his right wingtip.

Everything in the cockpit went black. At first he thought he was flash blind, and he blinked mightily, trying to clear his eyes. He knew exactly what had happened — lightning!

Then he realized that the city below him was dark, coal black. Even the airport. Everything had disappeared!

'Jesus,' he said into the mike at his lips, but it too was dead, without the usual feedback tone that told him it was working.

This is more than just a power failure!

He keyed the radio mike. No sound at all in his headset.

The moon was still there, the stars. He could see the reflection of the night sky on the Potomac, see the empty area that must be the airport….

To land without lights at a blacked-out airport is crazy! What has happened?

The copilot was shouting in his ear. Something about the generators. He reached for the emergency generator and deployed it, a little wind-powered device that popped up from a wing root into the slipstream. He had never in his career had to deploy one before now — only in the crazy emergencies of the simulator — but he had never before had a complete, total electrical failure. The entire glass cockpit was dead… even the goddamn batteries had bit the big one.

But the emergency generator didn't pick up any of the load.


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