
Leather, chains, and whips.




Gulp. She was a newbie to the world of BDSM, so who was she fooling? She had no practical experience with this stuff. The wildest she’d ever gotten was to get drunk and sleep with one man, do it doggy style and give him a blow job. She’d never done this kind of kink.

She’d never done anything kinky.

Her knees knocking and her skin clammy, she took another long swig of fortification from the wine bottle then wiped off the imprint of her lipstick with the heel of her hand.

Full of nervous energy, she bounced on the bed and certified the springs were top notch, ready for a raucous night with her two men. It’d better be for the outrageous price she’d laid out.

She sank onto the mattress, her diaphanous lingerie skirt fanned prettily about her, and she imagined herself naked with the two nude men, one on either side, ready and willing to be her sex slaves and eagerly fuck her without mercy. What a beautiful fantasy. But she wondered if the mechanics would truly work. Was there enough room in her for two big cocks to fit at once?

Her pussy quaked and her nipples beaded. Fit or not, she longed to find out for herself.

Laughter tinkled out of her mouth as exquisite visions entertained her. A man to lavish each breast. A cock for each hole. One to kiss her silly while the other ate her pussy.

Didn’t every straight woman long to be pleasured by two men at once? Why hadn’t she thought of this before?

Sarcastic laughter pushed aside her giddiness. Yeah, right. Like it was so easy to get one guy much less two. She’d paid $135,000 plus incidentals for one measly night with them. That didn’t guarantee they’d even get it up for her. For all she knew, they’d like each other better than they liked her. At least, she’d get quite a show. But that wasn’t her heart’s desire.

A yummy buzz stole over her, and she was tempted to imbibe more of the wine, but she didn’t want to ruin her night or heaven forbid fall asleep.

Finally, a rap sounded on the door, and she almost swallowed her tongue. She licked her lips, combed her hair and made sure her gown wasn’t crooked. Under her breath, she murmured, “Show time.”

As she reached for the door, her juices wet her thighs and her stomach quivered. “Who is it?”

“Dr. Hottie,” came a very dry, sardonic reply. “At your service, Mademoiselle.”

Her legs wobbled precariously on her sexy stilts and her spine tingled as her fingers eagerly opened the door to the hottest man on this or any other planet.

God but he was gorgeous in his tux with his black hair slicked back and his obsidian eyes glittering. She opened the door wide and allowed herself to drink him in, planning how to seduce every luscious inch of him.

“God, Charity. Cover yourself up. Do you want everyone to see your tits?”

Her alcohol buzz whined in her ears, and she wondered whom he was talking about so she stuck her head out the door and looked both ways down the deserted corridor. Puzzled, she drew her brows together and asked, “Who will see me? No one’s there.”

With a curse, Dex ushered her inside and slammed the door. Then he shrugged out of his jacket and covered her with it. He arched his brow and scowled. “Security cameras? Anyone who walks out of their door? Have you no shame? Are you drunk?”

Pouting prettily and miffed at his stuffy attitude and that he hadn’t immediately ravished her, she tossed aside his stifling jacket and thrust out her breasts. “I only had a few sips of wine.” She poked her finger in his chest. “But you’re avoiding the question. Aren’t you even a little turned on, lover? Don’t you want a taste?”

Hungry to feel his hands, his warm breath and his hot lips caress her naked nipples, she captured his hand and dragged it to her mound. She held his hand on her and writhing beneath his touch, moaned in ecstasy. “Don’t tell me you don’t like that. Once, you enjoyed it very, very much. You couldn’t get enough.”

Passion warred with disgust in Dexter’s eyes as he snatched back his hand and took away a step. He clamped his arms over his chest and narrowed his eyes. “You honestly expect me to be flattered or turned on when you also bought Benjamin? What kind of games are you playing?”

When she moved closer and tried to snuggle up to him, he threw up his hands and cast her off. “Don’t you get it, or are you too drunk? Or too pig-headed?”

Raw, embarrassed, she turned her back on him. When she realised he could still see her naked chest in the mirror, she started to cover herself. Then she decided not to, to see if he was as impervious to her as he made himself out to be. If he showed no signs of lust or affection tonight, she’d never waste another thought on him.

“Ben isn’t scheduled to arrive for a couple hours. I wanted time alone with you first.” The confession left her ragged, but she couldn’t pull it back. When he just stood there, stoic and stiff, she wished she could rewind time and never attend that stupid auction, never answer the door to him half-naked and never let him see she still cared.

“This was a mistake. Please leave. You’re free to go. Don’t worry. My cheques are good to the charity.”

She waited, girded herself to see him turn on his heel and leave, but he didn’t. He froze like a statue.

They stared each other down in the mirror, and finally, he moved first. He strode up behind her, stole his arms around her waist, and nuzzled her neck. “What are you trying to do to me? I’m a mere mortal.”

A lump blocked her throat so she couldn’t speak, but his lips felt so extraordinary that she leaned into his caresses. “I wanted you to want me as much as I want you, but I also wanted to give you a taste of your own medicine. Remember how you got all cosy and kissy face with Simone?”

Dexter’s gaze softened and his hands travelled north and cupped her breasts. His thumbs caressed her nipples, and his fingers gently squeezed her breasts. “Whoa! Medicine? I didn’t do anything to you with Simone or anyone else.”

Visions of him embracing the sexy Simone ripped through her again so that she couldn’t breathe. “But I caught you with Simone. She bragged about how the two of you were an item.”

Gently but firmly, he turned her around in his arms. He slid his finger under her chin and forced her to look at him as his breath coasted along her neck and made her shiver. “You saw me comforting her after she received some bad news. When she got a little out of hand, I nipped it in the bud. After that you refused to talk to me, to let me explain. I didn’t know she was saying those things but she had no right.”

Chagrined and kicking herself, she lowered her lashes. On a whisper, she asked, “So it really was nothing? You weren’t seeing her? You’re not in love with her?”

He crossed his heart. “Hope to die.”

She had the impulse to lick her suddenly dry lips and ran the tip of her tongue over them. “So now what?” She squirmed in his arms and snuggled closer. “Want to taste my nipples? I painted them with real strawberries and doused my pussy with your favourite white wine, just for you.”

He tossed back his head and howled with laughter. Then his laughter subsided, and he sobered. His cock swelled, and he rubbed it against her pussy as a primitive growl escaped his lips. “You are a femme fatale. What am I going to do with you, woman?”

“Love me? Fuck me without mercy?” She nibbled his ear and whispered, “My panties are crotchless.”

He sucked in his breath. “Lord have mercy, woman. Are you trying to give me heart failure?”

“Never.” She unsnapped his pants and shoved them down. Then she knelt before him and dragged them off with her teeth. She sidled up his long length, delighting in the feel of his huge cock against her lips, her breasts, her stomach, and finally cradled between her thighs.

She unbuttoned his shirt then pushed it off. “You’re much too beautiful to wear clothes. You should stay naked all the time.”

A ribald chuckle escaped his lips as he scooped her into his arms and carried her to the bed. “It might be a little hard to perform surgery in the buff, and if you’re in the room, with a constant erection.”

She insinuated her hand between them until she found his cock and curled her fingers around it. Fascinated and horny as hell, she ran her finger along the juicy slit on the swollen bulb and coated it with his sap. “I guess that would be a problem. Maybe you should retire so you can stay home and service me.”

He gave her a stern look as he laid her on the bed and mounted her. “I’d need heart surgery if we did it all the time.”

She pulled a frown and batted her lashes. “You mean you’d get tired of making love to me? Aren’t you men supposed to be sex machines?”

“Don’t go putting words in my mouth, woman. I’m always horny around you. But I’m not eighteen anymore.”

She brightened, and her heart sped up. “You are? Really?”

“Oh yeah. Can’t you tell?” He nudged his knee between her legs and spread them wide. Then he fingered the slit of her panties and worked his penis inside.

When she opened her mouth to yelp her surprise, he plundered her lips as he thrust inside and his hands roamed her breasts. “God, I’ve missed you, Char. I’ve missed us. If you ever doubt me again, you have to talk to me and give me a chance to state my case.”

She met his hips thrust for excruciating thrust. She clung to his powerful shoulders and revelled in his mastery over her. Who was she kidding? She wanted to be dominated, to be handcuffed to the bed and be told what to do. She longed to be tied up and at his mercy.

For now, she was in heaven and climbing higher. A live wire of need, she was ready to burst into flame. God, his cock felt so wonderful, his lips so divine. Could two cocks at once feel any better? Two sets of lips? Two of the most incredible men in the world in one bed?

She doubted it, but still she wondered. The thoughts drove her over the edge, and she screamed out her ecstasy until her throat was raw. Like a wild woman, her nails clawed at Dexter’s back until the riptides of her orgasm subsided.

But she clung to him still, grinding her hips to his as he came with one final shuddering thrust.

How long they stayed in each other’s arms, cradled against each other’s hearts, she didn’t know, and she didn’t care. She was where she belonged, and she thanked God for a second chance.

Then a loud, jaunty knock pounded on the door, and Dex swore under his breath and tore away from her.

Chapter Three

Char scowled and cursed herself for being so foolish and greedy that she might have ruined her second chance with Dexter. Could Dr. Hunky have worse timing?

Well, ten minutes earlier would have been even shoddier, but either way, he threatened her new-found chance at happiness. Helplessly, she stared at Dexter’s rigid back as he stood facing away from her and glowering at the door as if he had killer x-ray vision.

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