went dark, then slowly began to glow again. The screen split into six separate blocks, each duplicating what Hanley was seeing.

“I’ve got it,” Cabrillo said.

“Mr. Chairman,” Hanley said, “call the ball.”

“Proceed as planned,” Cabrillo said, “and link me up with Seng.”

“You got it,” Hanley said.

EDDIE Seng was pacing back and forth inside the hangar in Thimbu, Bhutan. Occasionally he would return to the table where the computer screen showed the pulsing red dot that marked the progress of the helicopter carrying Murphy and Gurt. Then he would walk around the hangar again like a caged lion.

He answered his telephone before the second ring.

“Eddie,” Cabrillo said, “we’re a go.”

“Yes, sir,” Seng said. “We have a team already flying north—I took the liberty, knowing we could call them back if necessary.”

“Good job,” Cabrillo said. “Max?”

“I’m on the three-way,” Hanley said from the Oregon.

“Send Seng the latest data showing the airport near Lhasa.”

“It’s being transmitted now.”

Seng walked over to the printer. A few seconds later, it began to spit out documents.

“It’s coming across now,” Seng noted.

“Okay,” Cabrillo said, “you have your playbook and the latest intelligence.”

“Yes, sir,” Seng said.

“Now go take Gonggar Airport,” Cabrillo said.

“You got it, boss,” Seng said eagerly.

FIVEA.M. the early-morning hours when drunks sweat and nightmares grow ugly.

A cold wind was blowing across the runway at Gonggar Airport, located fifty-nine miles from Lhasa. A pair of Chinese transport planes sat on the far end of the runway along with three helicopters. The other Chinese aircraft inside Tibet had been called north in support of the tank column.

Gonggar Airport was as deserted as a cemetery on a weekday.

A single janitor swept the chipped concrete floor in the crude main terminal. Taking a break to smoke a hand- rolled cigarette, he stepped outside and stood where a wall shielded him from the wind. The limited troops on duty at the airport were sleeping. They were not due to rise for another hour.

A sound came up the valley. It was a whoosh, like a well-thrown football. Then a stark white-colored craft raced past at thirty feet above the tarmac. The strange object sped to the end of the airport, then made an arcing turn and lined up for a pass. Suddenly, twin streams of fire erupted from the sides and a pair of missiles streaked toward the parked transport planes.

The Predator had found her prey.

IN the hangar in Bhutan, Lincoln stared at the image from the Predator’s onboard cameras. Steering the Predator into another arcing turn, he lined up in front of the helicopters and flicked the trigger. Then he made another turn to see the results.

The cargo planes were ablaze. The helicopters would join them in a second.

At the same instant, 160 yards from the edge of the field, nearly one hundred Dungkar troops slid out from under white tarps that blended with the snow on the ground. Screaming a war cry, they raced toward the terminal. Dressed in black robes with ceremonial knives in their belts and handguns and rifles that had been smuggled into the country only days before, they swarmed like locusts into predetermined positions. From the south came the thumping sound of seven helicopters approaching. As the helicopter carrying Seng popped up to the plateau, he could see the fires from the Predator’s attack burning bright in the early morning.

Then, as if a divine light was making its way to earth, a series of red light sticks began to flicker on the tarmac. The Dungkar were sending the message it was safe to land.

“Land inside the box,” Seng said to the pilot.

“Will do,” the pilot said, starting his descent.

Seconds after the helicopter landed, Seng climbed from the front while King made his way from the rear. Seng quickly walked to the terminal, where he met up with the leader of the Dungkar. At the same time, King motioned to the troops for help, and then began to unload crates of rifles and ammunition from the cargo area.

“What have you got?” Seng asked the man, who was no more than thirty.

“The hangars over there,” the man said, pointing, “contain one fighter plane, one cargo plane and a pair of attack helicopters. The hangar next door must be for repairs—there is a helicopter disassembled and the fuselage of an observation plane with the engine removed.”

Cabrillo had asked the Dalai Lama to make sure the Dungkar officers he picked were able to speak English. There was no time for his team to learn Tibetan and less time for misunderstanding.

“Where did you go to school?” Seng asked.

“Arizona State, sir,” the man said eagerly. “Go, Sun Devils.”

“Good,” Seng said. “I’m sure you’re glad to be home—now, let’s see if we can keep it that way. First, I want a couple of your men to work with the guy coming in on that helicopter.” He pointed to another Bell, just touching down twenty yards away. “We need to rig these buildings with charges to burn them if necessary.”

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