tremble lest it should be too late to save you,' he continued, still hurrying her forward towards the retreat he had chosen for her. ' The desire of protecting your father has lost time precious to yourself; but I thought to fulfil your wishes, and believed that you would not reproach me for the delay, when you knew the cause ; besides, you are less exposed than Thelenef: we shall, I trust, yet save you.'

' Yes; but you — you are lost,' said the mother in a tone of anguish, which her endeavour to keep silent rendered the more impressive,

' Lost! ' interrupted Xenie, ' my brother lost for my sake ! '

' Has he not deserted his ranks in the hour *of danger ? ' replied the old woman, ' he is guilty, and they will kill him.'

' I have deserved death ! '

' And I shall be the cause,' cried Xenie; ' no, no, you must fly —Ave will fly together.-'

« Never ! '

During the precipitate retreat of the fugitives, the light of the conflagration silently spread in the horizon : not one cry, no sound of fire-arms, no ringing of bells, betrayed the insurrection. It was dumb massacre. The calm accord of nature, the beauty of the night smiling on so many murders, filled the soul


with horror. It seemed as though Providence, in order to punish men, had removed even her frown, and was suffering them to act as they pleased.

' You will not abandon your sister ? ' Xenie ejac-culated, trembling with terror.

'No, mademoiselle: but once assured of your safety, I will go and surrender myself.'

'I will go with you,' replied the young girl, pressing his arm convulsively: 'I will not leave you! You think, then, that I would sacrifice anything for life ! '

At this moment the fugitives saw, by the light of the stars, defiling before them, at the distance of about a hundred paces, a line of silent shadows. Fedor stopped.

' Who are they ? ' asked Xenie, in a low voice.

'Hush!' said l·Yd··r, gently retreating beneath the shadow cast by some palings; then, when the last phantom had crossed the route, he continued —

'It is a detachment of our people marching in

silence to surprise the castle of Count . We

are in danger here ; let us hasten.'

' Whither then will you conduct me ? '

' In the first place, to my mother's brother, four versts* from Vologda. My old uncle is in hie second childhood, he will not betray us. There you must change your dress, for that which you wear would cause you to be recognised; here is another. My mother will remain with her brother, and I hope before the close of the night to bring you to the re-

* A verst is about a quarter of a French league.



treat where I left Thelenef. No place is safe in our unfortunate district, but that is, at least, the safest.'

' You will restore me to my father! Thank you, Fedor: but what will yon yourself do then? '

' I will bid you adieu.'

' Never! '

' Nay, nay, Xenie is right: you must remain with them,' cried the poor mother.

' Thelenef would not suffer me,' replied the young man, bitterly.

Xenie felt that it was not the moment to answer. The three fugitives pursuing their way in silence, and without accident, at length reached the door of the aged peasant.

It was fastened only with a latch. The old man slept, wrapped in a black sheepskin, and stretched on one of the rustic benches, which were ranged, like a divan, around the room. Over his head burnt a little lamp, suspended before a Greek Madonna, almost entirely concealed by the silver ornaments of her head and garments. A kettle full of hot water, a tea pot, and several cups, remained on the table. A short time before the arrival of the party, the wife of Fedor had quitted the cottage, to seek, with her child, shelter at her father's. Fedor appeared neither surprised nor vexed at her departure ; for he had not told her to wait for him, and he wished the retreat of Xenie to be unknown to the whole world.

After lighting a lamp at that of the Virgin's, he led his mother and foster-sister to a small dark closet, which formed a loft over the room before mentioned. All the houses of the iiussian peasants are similar in construction.


Left alone, Fedor seated himself on the first step of the frail staircase which his sister had ascended, resting his head upon his hands, in pensive thought.

Scarcely had Xenie, whom he had urged to use all haste, opened the packet that contained her new habiliments, than the young man, rising with an expression of intense anxiety, whistled softly to summon his mother.

' What is the matter ? ' she asked in a low voice.

c? Extinguish your lamp — I hear steps; and the light will be seen through the chinks. Above all, avoid making the least noise.'

The light was put out, and everything remained in silence.

A few moments past in an agonising suspense; at length the door opened (Xenie scarcely breathed for terror), and a man entered covered with sweat and blood. ' Is it you, brother Basil ? ' said Fedor, advancing towards the stranger: ' are you alone ? '

' No; a detachment of our men wait for me before the door. No light ? '

' I will get you one,' replied Fedor, mounting the steps of the loft, whence he descended in an instant to re- kindle the lamp, which he had taken from the hands of the trembling women, at that which glimmered before the Madonna. ' Would you like some tea, brother ? '

' Yes.'

' Here is some.'

The new comer began to empty, by small draughts, the cup which Fedor presented. This man bore a token of command upon his breast. He was dressed as the other peasants, and armed with a naked and


' Very likely! And what then is to become of the justice of God, and the will of the emperor? Coward! do you not see that the time for hesitation has passed ? After what has been already done, we must conquer or die. Listen to me then, instead of turning away your head. We have spread everywhere fire and blood: do you understand me ? After such a carnage, pardon is impossible. The whole town is dead. When we set

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