played at prisoners' bars. It was usually during these moments of recreation that the revolutionary tribunal sent to summon its victims. If the one singled out was in the midst of a game, he bade a simple adieu to his friends, after which the party continued their play! I Tin's prison was a world in miniature, of which Robespierre was the god. What could so much resemble hell, as this caricature of providence ?

After having been five months in prison, my mother saw M. de Beauharnais depart for the scaffold. In passing her, he presented her with an arabesque talisman set in a ring. She always kept it, and it is now worn by me.

Time was then no longer reckoned by weeks, but

by periods of ten days; the tenth was termed decadi,

and answered to our Sunday, as they neither worked

nor guillotined on that day. Its arrival, therefore, as-

C 5


sured to the prisoners an existence of twenty-four hours; this appeared an age in prospect, and the day was always viewed as a fete in the prison.

Such was the life of my mother after the death of her husband. It continued during the last six months of the reign of terror. Considering her connections, her celebrity, and the circumstances of her arrest, it was wonderful that she had escaped the scaffold so long. On three different occasions she was taken from prison to her own house, where her inquisitors examined before her, and questioned her upon every insignificant paper which they could find in the drawers and secretaries; searching every corner of the apartment, and omitting only to examine the sofa, which it was the will of God should be overlooked. It may be readily imagined that my mother's heart would irrepressibly beat every time they approached this spot. She has often told me that she did not dare, in one single instance, to look towards the fatal sofa, and yet that she equally feared her eyes might have the appearance of being too consciously averted.

This was not the only token of protection which God vouchsafed her in her misfortunes. The sentiments of the men on whom her fate depended were softened by an invisible power.

Twelve members of the section superintended the searches. They invariably concluded by subjecting the prisoner to a long and scrutinising inquiry. The first time she was thus questioned, the president of this species of revolutionary jury was a little hunch backed shoemaker, who was as malicious as he was ugly. This man had found in a corner, a shoe, which he pretended wTas made of English leather.


The accusation was serious. My mother at first maintained that the leather was not English, hut the shoe- making president insisted on the fact.

' It is possible that it may be,' my mother at length conceded; ' you ought to know better than I. All that I can say is, that I have never procured any thing from England.'

They tried it on her foot: it fitted her. ' Who is your shoemaker?' demanded the president. She named him. He had been the fashionable shoemaker at the commencement of the revolution.

' A bad patriot,' observed the jealous hump-back.

' A good shoemaker!' remarked my mother.

' We would imprison him,' replied the president, ' but the aristocrat has concealed himself. Do you know where he is ? '

My mother answered in the negative, and intimated that if she did she would not tell.

Her courageous answers, which contrasted strangely with her timid mien; the species of involuntary irony to which these scenes, alike burlesque and tragic in their character, excited her; the exquisite beauty of her person; her youth; her widow's dress; the expression of her face, at once wayward and resigned ; her air, lofty in spite of herself; her perfectly easy and elegant manners ; her celebrity, already national; the dignity of misfortune; the unequalled accent of her silver voice; and, finally, the instinct of the woman, that constant desire to please, which always succeeds when it is innate and consequently natural, — all contributed to win the hearts of her judges, hard and cruel as they were; in short, all felt favourably disposed towards her except the little hunchback. с 6


My mother had a remarkable talent for drawing, especially for taking likenesses. In the intervals of her examination she amused herself by taking those of the persons who surrounded her, and in a few minutes had made an excellent sketch of the terrible picture in which she was the chief figure.

A master mason, of the name of Jerome, one of the most ardent jacobins of the day, was present on this occasion. He took the sketch from my mother and passed it to the others; each recognised himself, and all amused themselves at the expense of the president. The rage of the latter might have been fatal to my mother; nevertheless, it was the imprudence she on this occasion committed which saved her life.

The drawing was attached to the other documents connected with her case. Jerome, the mason, who affected the most violent hostility to her, and who never addressed her without some horrible oath, Jerome, ferocious though he might be, was young ; and, struck with admiration of her many charms, he conceived the idea of saving her from the guillotine.

He had free access to the office of Fouquier Tin-ville, the public accuser, where lay the box of papers on which were inscribed the names of every prisoner in Paris. These papers were used to furnish the executions of the day, which often reached to the number of sixty or eighty, and the spectacle of which constituted the chief amusement of the people of Paris. The selection of the victims was generally made with little choice, the names that were uppermost being first taken. Jerome was acquainted with the fatal box: during six months he did not once fail to enter the office every evening, and, unobserved, to


place the paper on which was inscribed the name of my mother at the bottom of the box, or, at least, to assure himself that it remained there. 'When fresh papers were put in, they were, by a species of distributive justice, placed undermost, so that each name should come in its turn. It was the business of Jerome constantly to search out my mother's, and restore it to the bottom place.

I am now only repeating what I have myself often heard Jerome relate. He has told me that, at night, when every one had retired, he has often returned to the office, under the fear that some one might at the last moment have disturbed the order of the papers — that order on which the life of my mother entirely depended. In fact on one occasion her name appeared at the top of the pile ; Jerome shuddered, and again placed it under the others.

Neither I nor the friends who listened to this fearful recital dared to ask Jerome the names of the victims whose death he had hastened in my mother's favour. The latter knew nothing, until after her deliverance from prison, of the stratagem that had saved her life.

When the day of the 9th Thermidor arrived, the prisons were found to be almost emptied; there remained only three sheets in the box of Foucµuer Tim`ille, and it was not likely that many would be added; the bloody spectacles of the Place de la Revolution began to weary the public; and the project of Robespierre and his confidential counsellors was to make an end of the families of the old regime, by commanding a general massacre in the interior of the prisons.

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