Bush administration. Figure 10.4B assumes that Obama follows the course recommended by my students (and also by his now vice president, Joseph Biden), equal essentially to doubling U.S. aid.

As is evident from the figures, continuing the current aid policy is a losing proposition. With 2008 aid levels, the United States maintains a small power advantage over the militants during Obama’s first year in office. That advantage virtually disappears by the start of 2010. The picture is entirely different if the United States and Pakistan strike a deal that trades dollars for aggressive pursuit of al-Qaeda and the Taliban. Rather than coming out of the chute looking to make a deal with the militants, the National Assembly leaders confront the Taliban and al-Qaeda. They impose heavy political and material costs on them and bear heavy costs in return. With the Pakistani government motivated by a doubling of aid dollars, the Obama administration increases U.S. clout in Pakistan at the direct expense of the militant groups (including al-Qaeda, the Taliban, and elements sympathetic to them within Pakistan’s intelligence service, the ISI). According to the model’s logic and evidence, we can fundamentally change the lay of the land in Pakistan, but to do so, we need to be responsive to the interest Zardari’s government has in getting its hands on more money. They won’t take the heat against the militants without it. No doubt some of that money will be stolen by corrupt officials, but that’s the point. They will want to continue the flow of dollars, and the only way they’ll succeed at that is by helping the United States against al-Qaeda and the Taliban.

It is evident from my students’ analysis that a promise of greater efforts to go after militants will accompany an increase in U.S. aid. This, however, leaves two questions to be answered: How did we arrive at the idea that doubling aid is the optimal aid-for-pursuit deal, and will each side to such a deal follow through and show that they are really committed to it? My students answered the first question but didn’t have enough time to analyze the second, so I will do so here. But first, how do we work out what the optimal aid package looks like?

FIG. 10.4A & B. Reining in Pakistan’s Militants by Doubling Foreign Aid

Back in Game Theory 101, I introduced a way to look at how players resolve trade-offs across issues. In that chapter we were examining the notion of the national interest and saw that there were lots of ways to put a winning electoral coalition together, some of which supported freer trade and others fairer trade, some of which endorsed increased defense spending and others reduced spending. Now, using my students’ analysis, we can build on their solutions to the game and apply that methodology—known as win-sets—to their simulated results to evaluate the maximum pursuit that the United States can get from the Pakistani government and the cost in aid dollars to get that maximum pursuit.

Figure 10.5 plots the preferred policies on aid and pursuit of militants held by Pakistan’s leadership and the average of the preferred foreign aid package supported by Congress and the president (and their shared view on pursuit of militants) around July 2008 against the predicted status quo on these two dimensions at that time. July 2008—roughly when Musharraf was predicted to be deposed and a new, PPP-dominated regime was expected to take over—is chosen as a prominent early opportunity to strike a deal that trades aid dollars for pursuit of the militants. The solid gray petal-shaped area in the figure shows the range of aid packages and levels of pursuit that are improvements over the status quo from the U.S. government’s and the Pakistani government’s perspectives. Different points within this gray area show different mutually acceptable trades between aid money and efforts to take down the militants. The optimal deal is in the top right corner of the petal. At that point the United States extracts the maximum effort by Pakistan’s leaders against the militants, and the Pakistanis in turn extract the maximum amount of money they can get. More money buys no additional commitment to go after the militants, and greater effort against the militants extracts no additional dollars. That is true because policies outside the petal are not mutually beneficial relative to the status quo, since policies outside the petal are farther from what one or the other set of players wants relative to the fallback position that is the status quo.

So what is the optimal deal? The horizontal arrow in figure 10.5 shows the amount of foreign aid that secures the greatest effort to pursue militants by Pakistan’s leaders. That amount is $1.5 billion for 2009. The vertical arrow identifies the maximum effort in pursuing militants that secures $1.5 billion in U.S. aid. That level of pursuit is equivalent to about 80 on the pursuit scale. That is, my students found that for $1.5 billion in aid it is very likely that Pakistan’s national assembly, its president, and other important players would really go after the terrorist threat emanating from their country. That is a bit more than double the aid estimated for 2008 and many times the amount advocated by the president or Congress at the outset of the new president’s term (according to the model-based analysis). It requires a marked change in U.S. policy.

FIG. 10.5. Aid Dollars Can Buy Great Pursuit of Militants

What would it buy? Put in terms of the issue scale, if the Pakistani leaders get $1.5 billion in U. S. aid, their pursuit of militants will be far above the status quo score of 40 as of January 2008, but it will not equal the intense pursuit identified with a score of 100. That was the level the Bush administration and Congress wanted and surely is the level any American president will desire. So we won’t get 100, but we certainly will get a lot more than what is projected without this infusion of money. But please don’t get me, my students, or the analysis wrong: the Pakistani government is unlikely to completely quash the terrorist threat just for money. They are no fools. They know that the money will dry up if al-Qaeda and the Taliban are destroyed. So for money they will rein the threat in and reduce it (that’s 80 on the scale) but not utterly destroy it (that would be 100 on the scale). For their own political survival they will do whatever it takes. They will try to wipe out the militants if that is their best political path, but if making a deal with the hard-liners looks politically best for Pakistan’s leaders, then that is what they will do. A billion and a half dollars would go a long way to convincing them that they are better off going after the militants, insurgents, and terrorists than accommodating them.

Of course, if an aid-for-pursuit deal is struck, each side will have to feel confident that the other side will not renege. Pakistan’s leaders must believe that aid dollars will continue to flow, and Congress must believe that, having received the money, Pakistan’s leaders will not turn around and still make a deal with the militants. The latter may be of especially great concern because even with an aid deal, al-Qaeda’s clout, although diminished, still continues to be substantial, as projected in figure 10.4B. What the model shows is that the leadership in the national assembly will sustain pursuit of militants at around 75—80 on the scale, round after round after round. With the aid deal buying so much greater an effort to combat terrorists within Pakistan, Congress and the president are expected to remain steadfast in their commitment to the proposed aid agreement. All parties to the deal show a real commitment to sustain it, each for their own political benefit.

Without the huge infusion of aid funds from the United States, I’m afraid the projected future is that Pakistan’s leaders will make a deal with the militants, who will become a legitimate part of policy making in Pakistan, or that country’s government will face another military coup. In all likelihood, American interests will decline and be thwarted. Too bad that this is what’s likely to happen. A billion five is a cheap price to pay to stabilize a civil, secular Pakistani government.


The future my students projected for Pakistan back in 2008 was grim. The reality a year later is at least as grim. Looking back over their predictions—some about things that have now happened and others about events yet to come—it seems that their play of the predictioneer’s game has proven depressingly accurate. Sometimes it really would be better to get things wrong.

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