“Calm yourself, Fanny! Calm yourself! Your looks frighten me. I will obey you. I will do any thing. What do you wish?”
“Ah well! Take me with your mouth, let it suck me up! There. . make me render up my very soul.
Then I will seize you, gore you to your very entrails and make you cry out…Oh that ass! It torments me too. I want an enormous member, even tho it rip me up and tear me!”
“Fool, fool! You shall be satisfied. My mouth is skillful, and then I have brought an instrument. Here, look! It is as good in action as an ass.”
“Ah! what a monster! Give it to me quickly till I try it. . Hai!. . Hai!. . Impossible! That would choke me.”
“You do not know how to use it. That will be my affair; only be firm.”
“You want me to be quiet when I would take it, swallow all of it; I am possessed by rage.”
“Lay down on your back, stretch out, spread your thighs and loosen your hair. Let your arms hang naturally. Give yourself up without fear and without reserve.”
“Oh! Yes! I give myself with transports. Come to my arms, come quickly!”
“Patience child. Listen: to better feel all the pleasure with which I would intoxicate you, it is necessary that you forget yourself for the instant, loose yourself in a single thought, a thought of sensual love, of pleasure, sensual and voluptuous. Whatever may be my assaults, my furors, be careful not to move or stir. Remain motionless, receive my kisses without returning them. If I bite or if I tear, restrain any expression of pain as well as of pleasure, until the supreme moment when we both struggle together to die at the same time.”
“Yes, yes! I understand, Gamiani. Come, I am as if asleep, I am dreaming now. I am yours, come. Is that not good?. . Wait! This pose will, I think, be more lubricious.”
“Debauchee! You surpass me. How handsome you are, exposed that way. . Impatient. . I see you desire me already.”
“Iron burning. Begin, begin I beg you.”
“Oh! further prolong this irritating waiting; it is almost a pleasure. Let yourself go. Ah, good, good! That is the way I want you. One would say you were dead. . delicious abandon. . that is it. It will take possession of you, warm you up little by little and bring you back to life. I will set you afire; carry you to the heights of sensual delight. You will fall dead again, but dead of pleasure to excess. Unknown delights, to taste them but for the space of two lightning flashes would be the joy of a god!”
“Your words burn me! To work, to work! Gamiani!”
At these words Gamiani suddenly knotted up her hair, which was in her way. She laced her hand between her thighs and excited herself for a moment, then, with a bound, she threw herself on Fanny's body, which she touched and covered everywhere. Her lips half opened a vermillion mouth, where her tongue pumped pleasure. Fanny sighed; Gamiani drank in her breath, then stopped. To see these two naked women, motionless, soldered, so to speak, one to the other, one would I have said that some mysterious fusion was operating between them, that their souls were. mingling in silence.
Insensibly Gamiani withdrew and got up. Her fingers played capriciously in Fanny's hair, the while she contemplated her with an un describable smile of languor and lust. Kisses, tender nibblings. passed from her head to the feet, where she tickled with her fingers and the tip of her tongue. Then she threw herself again, heavily, fervently, only to rise and fall again. Her head, her hands, seemed to multiply. Fanny was kissed, rubbed and manipulated in all her parts; she pinched, caressed, bit. Her courage gave way and she uttered sharp cries; but a delicate touch came to instantly calm her pain and to provoke a long sigh. Becoming more ardent, more determined, Gamiani threw her head between her victim's thighs. Her fingers spread and violated the two delicate nymphs. Her tongue was plunged in the chalice and, slowly, she exhausted all the joys of the most irritating tickling that a woman may feel. Attentive to 'the delirium she was causing, she stopped or redoubled, according to the progress of the excess of pleasure which she carefully retarded. Fanny, in a nervous fit, suddenly cried out furiously.
“Tis too much! Ah! I'm dying! Oh!” “Take this! Take this!” cried Gamiani, presenting her with a vial which she had partially emptied herself. “Drink! It is the Elixir of Life! Your strength will return!”
Fanny, exhausted, incapable of resistance, swallowed the liquor which was poured into her. half open mouth.
“Ah! Ah!” cried Gamiani, in an exultant voice, “You are mine!”
Her look had in it something infernal. On her knees between Fanny's legs, she attached her fearful instrument and brandished it in a menacing manner.
At sight of it Fanny's transports were redoubled and became violent. It seemed that an interior fire tormented her. and drove her into a rage. Her spread thighs gave themselves in seconding the attacks of that monstrous simulacra. The senseless fool! She had barely commenced that horrible torture when a strange convulsion made her heave and bound in every way.
“Hai! Hai! The liquor burns! Hai! my entrails! How it picks me, how it pierces! AM I shall die! Vile and damned sorceress, you have me! You hold me. . ah!”
Gamiani, insensible to these cries of agony and torture, redoubled her fury. She broke, tore and revealed in streams of blood; but see how her eyes roll. Her members twist, her fingers crack. I no longer doubted that she drank and then given an ardent poison. Frightened, I threw myself to her aid. I broke down the doors in my violence. I gained entrance. Helas! Fanny was no more. Her arms and legs, horribly contorted, were still enlaced with those of Gamiani who still struggled, alone, with the dead.
I tried to separate them.
“Do you not see,” she said to me in a rattled voice, “that the poison torments me. . that my nerves are stretched to the breaking point. Go then. This woman belongs to me. Hai! Hai!”
“This is awful!” cried I, dumb-founded.
“Yes.” But I have known all the excesses of the senses. Fool! Can't you understand that there only remained for me to learn if, in the torture of poison, if, in the death agony of another woman mingled with my own, there was any possible sensuality. It is atrocious, do you hear? I die. . in a rage of pleasure. . in a rage of pain;. . I can stand no more!. . Heu. .!”
With that prolonged cry, wrung from the very depths of her bosom, the horrible fury fell dead on the cadaver.