By three o’clock in the afternoon, Charlotte was already packed to leave with Narraway on the train the following morning, should it prove possible after all. She could not settle to anything. One moment she wanted to prepare the vegetables for dinner, then she forgot what she was intending to cook, or thought of something else to pack. Twice she imagined she heard someone at the door, but when she looked there was no one. Three times she went to check that Daniel and Jemima were doing their homework.

Then at last the knock on the door came, familiar in the rhythm, as if it were a person she knew. She turned and almost ran to open it.

On the step was Gracie, her smile so wide it lit her whole face with triumph. Next to her stood another young woman, several inches taller, slender, and with unruly hair she had done her best to tame, unsuccessfully. But the thing that caught Charlotte’s attention was the intelligence in her eyes, even though now she looked definitely nervous.

‘This is Minnie Maude,’ Gracie announced, as if she were a magician pulling a rabbit out of a top hat.

Minnie Maude dropped a tiny curtsy, obviously not quite sure enough to do it properly.

Charlotte could not hide her smile — not of amusement, but of relief. ‘How do you do, Minnie Maude? Please come in. If Gracie has explained my difficulty to you then you know how delighted I am to see you.’ She opened the door wide and turned to lead the way. She took them into the kitchen because it was warmer, and it would be Minnie Maude’s domain, if she accepted the position.

‘Please sit down,’ Charlotte invited them. ‘Would you like tea?’ It was a rhetorical question. One made tea automatically.

‘I’ll do it,’ Gracie said instantly.

‘You will not!’ Charlotte told her. ‘You don’t work here, you are my guest.’ Then as she saw the startled look on Gracie’s face. ‘Please,’ she added.

Gracie sat down suddenly, looking awkward.

Charlotte set about making the tea. She had no cake to offer, but she cut lacy-thin slices of bread and butter, and there was fine-sliced cucumber and hard-boiled egg. Of course there was also jam, although it was a little early in the afternoon for anything so sweet.

‘Gracie tells me that you have known each other for a very long time,’ Charlotte said as she worked.

‘Yes, ma’am, since I were eight,’ Minnie Maude replied. ‘She ’elped me when me uncle Alf were killed, an’ Charlie got stole.’ She drew in her breath as if to say something more, and then changed her mind.

Charlotte had her back to the table, hiding her face and her smile. She imagined that Gracie had schooled Minnie Maude well in not saying too much, not offering what was not asked for.

‘Did she also explain that my husband is in Special Branch?’ she asked. ‘Which is a sort of police, but dealing with people who are trying to cause war and trouble of one sort or another to the whole country.’

‘Yes, ma’am. She said as ’e were the best detective in all England,’ Minnie Maude replied. There was a warmth of admiration in her voice already.

Charlotte brought the plate of bread and butter over, and set it on the table.

‘He is very good,’ she agreed. ‘But that might be a slight exaggeration. At the moment he has had to go abroad on a case, unexpectedly. My previous maid left without any notice, because she misunderstood something that happened, and felt she could not stay. I have to leave tomorrow morning very early, because of another problem that has arisen.’ It sounded peculiar, even to her own ears.

‘Yes, ma’am,’ Minnie Maude nodded seriously. ‘A very important gentleman, as Gracie speaks very ’ighly of too. She said as someone is blaming ’im fer summink as ’e didn’t do, an’ you’re going to ’elp ’im, ’cos it’s the right thing ter do.’

Charlotte relaxed a little. ‘Exactly. I’m afraid we are a household of unexpected events, at times. But you will be in no danger at all. However, your job will involve considerable responsibility, because although I am here most of the time, I am not always.’

‘Yes, ma’am. I bin in service before, but the lady I were with passed on, an’ I in’t found a new place yet. But Gracie said as she’ll come by every day, just ter make certain as everything’s all right, like.’ Minnie Maude’s face was a little tense, her eyes never leaving Charlotte’s face.

Charlotte looked at Gracie, and saw the confidence in her eyes, then, because she was sitting at the table sideways to her, the small hands knotted, knuckles white, in her lap. She made her decision.

‘Then, Minnie Maude, I would be very happy to engage you in the position of housemaid, starting immediately. I apologise for the urgency of the situation, and you will be compensated for the inconvenience by a double salary for the first month, to reflect also the fact that you will be alone at the beginning, which is always the most difficult time in a new place.’

Minnie Maude gulped. ‘Thank you, ma’am.’

‘After tea I shall introduce you to Jemima and Daniel. They are normally well-behaved, and the fact that you are a friend of Gracie’s will endear you to them from the beginning. Jemima knows where most things are. If you ask her, she will be happy to help you. In fact, she will probably take a pride in it, but do not allow her to be cheeky. And that goes for Daniel as well. He will probably try your patience, simply to test you. Please do not let him get away with too much.’

The kettle was boiling and she made the tea, bringing it over to the table to brew. While they were waiting she explained some of the other household arrangements, and where different things were kept.

‘I shall leave you a list of the tradesmen we use, and what they should charge you, although I dare say you are familiar with prices. But they might take advantage, if they think you don’t know.’ She went on to tell her of the dishes Daniel and Jemima liked best, and the vegetables they were likely to refuse if they thought they could get away with it. ‘And rice pudding,’ she finished. ‘That is a treat, not more than twice a week.’

‘Wi’ nutmeg on the top?’ Minnie Maude asked.

Charlotte glanced at Gracie, then smiled, the ease running through her like a warmth inside. ‘Exactly. I think this is going to work very well.’

Chapter Four

Gracie and Minnie Maude returned early in the evening, accompanied by Tellman, who carried Minnie Maude’s luggage. He took it up to the room that not long ago had been Gracie’s, then excused himself to take Gracie home. Minnie Maude began to unpack her belongings and settle in, helped by Jemima, and watched from a respectful distance by Daniel. Clothes were women’s business.

Once she had made certain that all was well, Charlotte telephoned Great-aunt Vespasia. Immensely relieved to find her at home, she asked if she might visit her.

‘You sound very serious,’ Vespasia’s voice came across the rather crackly wire.

Charlotte gripped the instrument more tightly in her hand. ‘I am. I have a great deal to tell you, and some advice to seek. But I would much prefer to tell you in person rather than this way. In fact, some of it is most confidential.’

‘Then you had better come to see me,’Vespasia replied. ‘I shall send my carriage for you. Are you ready now? We shall have supper. I was going to have Welsh rarebit on toast, with a little very good Hock I have, and then apple flan and cream. Apples at this time of year are not fit for anything except cooking.’

‘I would love it,’ Charlotte accepted. ‘I shall just make certain that my new maid is thoroughly settled and aware of what to cook for Daniel and Jemima, then I shall be ready.’

‘I thought you had had her since Gracie’s wedding,’ Vespasia remarked. ‘Is she still not able to decide what to prepare?’

‘Mrs Waterman gave notice last night and left this morning,’ Charlotte explained. ‘Gracie found me someone she has known for years, but the poor girl has only just arrived. In fact, she is still unpacking.’

‘Charlotte?’ Now Vespasia sounded worried. ‘Has something happened that is serious?’

‘Yes. Oh. . we are all alive and well, but yes, it is serious, and I am in some concern as to whether the course of action I plan is wise or not.’

‘And you are going to ask my advice? It must be serious indeed if you are willing to listen to someone else.’ Vespasia was vaguely mocking, but the anxiety all but overwhelmed her.

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