the United States.”

Kate said, “I’m looking forward to that.”

Me, too. Then I’ll put a bullet in his head and save everyone a lot of trouble.

Brenner returned pushing a cart on which was tea, coffee, and fresh-baked muffins.

We helped ourselves, and Buck informed us, “Yemen is where mocha coffee originated.” He asked me, “How is that?”

“It was probably good last week.”

We were sitting again and Buck said, “I’ll outline some of what we’re thinking, but our fifth team member has a more detailed plan.”

Well, if this was a CIA plan-which it was-then it was probably over-planned, over-thought, and over- complicated. But I’d keep an open mind. My concern was that this plan might rely too much on Mr. and Mrs. Corey’s roles as red meat.

Buck began, “First, we’re positive that Bulus ibn al-Darwish is somewhere in Yemen. That’s why we’re here. What we don’t know is if he knows that John Corey and Kate Mayfield of Lion fame are also here. And third, we can’t be certain that The Panther would make an attempt on your lives if he knew that.” He added, “But we’ll make those assumptions, based on CIA information.”

Brenner said, “As for The Panther knowing you’re in Yemen, the names of all Americans coming through a port of entry are considered a saleable commodity-especially Americans traveling on a diplomatic passport. Those names go to the government, of course, and to the local police and the PSO. And as I told you, the PSO is infiltrated with Al Qaeda members and sympathizers, so Al Qaeda knowing you’re here is not a problem.”

Sounded like a problem to me. But I guess that was the whole idea.

Buck picked up the ball and continued, “We’re hoping and assuming that AQAP-Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula-is competent enough to identify the arriving John Corey and Katherine Mayfield Corey as people whom they’d like to kill.”

“God, I hope so.”

Even Kate laughed. I mean, as I said, you have to laugh.

Kate had a good question and asked, “Don’t you think Al Qaeda will suspect that this is a setup to lure The Panther into a trap?”

Buck reminded us, “You both have good cover and plausible reasons to be here. John has returned to continue with the Cole investigation. Kate has been assigned to our new Legal Affairs Office.” He added, “It’s not unusual to assign a husband and wife together when possible. Hopefully, Al Qaeda will not think much beyond that.”

Kate wasn’t sure and said, “It seems too pat.”

Buck got philosophical, or maybe metaphorical, and asked, “Does the panther or the lion know that the meat is a trap?” He answered his own rhetorical question and said, “I think he does on some instinctive level. Have you seen those wildlife documentaries where the big cat approaches the live bait-the tethered goat or lamb? He doesn’t charge at the animal. He stalks it and approaches with caution. But the important thing is that he goes for it. Every time. Why? Because he’s hungry and because he’s at the top of the food chain and he’s strong and confident.” Buck paused then said, “And then he’s trapped. Or dead.”

I asked, “What happened to the goat?”

Buck replied, “Who cares? Goats are expendable. But people are not.” He assured us, “You’ll always be covered. More importantly, you can both think for yourselves and defend yourselves. Goats and lambs can’t.”

I looked at my watch and asked, “Can we still make that flight?”

Buck took this as a joke, smiled, and didn’t reply.

Brenner said to Kate and me, “You’re both free to modify any final plan if you think it’s too risky.”

Goes without saying. Also, I had the thought that the CIA would in fact be okay with The Panther eating the goat if it meant getting The Panther. Paranoid? Maybe. But we’d already been lied to, and lies are like cockroaches- if you see one, there are more.

Buck continued, “Al Qaeda in Yemen, like us in Yemen, are small in numbers. They have perhaps four or five hundred hard-core members. But they also have thousands of sympathizers and active supporters, including, as I said, inside the PSO, and also inside the army, the police, and probably the government.”

I inquired, “How many sympathizers and supporters do we have in Yemen?”

“Two,” replied Buck. “The lady who runs the craft shop and the man who cuts my hair-and I’m not sure about him.”

Good one, Buck.

He continued, “But as I told you in New York, among the general population there is not an attitudinal animosity here against the West or Americans. But neither can we expect any help from the average citizen, except maybe from a Jew or Christian. Also, some tribes can be rented on a short-term lease with an unknown expiration date.”

Brenner said to us, “The sheiks who are tribal chieftains are mostly clients of the Saudi government, and our arrangements and payments to the tribes go through the Saudi royal family. The Saudis are our allies and they’ve been helpful-except when they’re not.”

Buck reminded us, “As I said in New York in answer to Kate’s question, the tribes do not like Al Qaeda, and the feeling is mutual. However, a few tribes have now and then accepted Al Qaeda money-or Al Qaeda favors-so we can’t always trust them.”

I observed, “It sounds like the tribes are part of the plan.”

Buck replied, “They have to be. They control most of the countryside.”

Kate asked, “Does that mean we’re going into the tribal lands?”

Brenner replied, “That’s the plan.” He explained, “The cities and towns are where the government security forces are strongest, and we don’t want any interference from them, and we don’t want to get into a shooting match with Al Qaeda in a complicated urban setting.” He further explained, “In the hinterlands we have the advantage of tribal help, or at least tribal neutrality. Also we have the big advantage of Predator drones armed with Hellfire missiles.”

Right. I always knew this would play out in Indian Territory, but I asked, “How do we know The Panther will meet us on that turf?”

“We don’t,” Brenner replied, “but if he wants you, he’ll go where you are.”

“We’re in Sana’a,” I reminded him.

Brenner replied, “As I indicated, we’re not staying here.” He further informed us, “In a day or so, we’re traveling by road to Aden, and with luck we’ll run into trouble on the way.”

It seemed to me that Paul Brenner’s idea of good luck and my idea of good luck were not the same.

Buck let us know, “I’m not certain that The Panther himself would lead a frontal attack on our convoy, but it’s possible he would, and also possible that we can capture someone who knows where he is.”

Right. You bring the water, I’ll bring the board.

Buck continued, “Also, we don’t know if The Panther would like to kill you or capture you.” He said, unnecessarily, “Killing is easier, but capturing both of you would be a real coup for Al Qaeda and The Panther. A major humiliation for the U.S.”

“Not to mention a major inconvenience for me and Kate.” I observed, “I see you’ve thought this out, but I’m not hearing an operational plan that’s based on concrete information.”

Buck replied, “As I said, our fifth team member will provide that.”


Buck also said, “It’s my understanding, Mr. Corey, that you’re not plan-oriented. That you shoot from the hip and make it up as you go. So you shouldn’t be too concerned about a detailed plan.” He added, “In fact, that’s one of the reasons you were invited to be here.”

“Right.” The other reason was the same reason that the turkey is invited to Thanksgiving dinner. I said, “I’m flexible.”

Kate, in a rare instance of agreeing with her husband, said, “John is very good at reading a situation and changing tactics on a dime.” She added, “But sometimes he bends the rules.”

That’s my girl.

Brenner and Buck made a mental note of that, and then Brenner continued, “We don’t want to run this

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