Wdm2Power %WDMBOOK%Wdm2PowerReleaseWdm2Power.exe
Driver Verifier Start+Programs+Development Kits+Windows 2000 DDK+Driver Verifier W2000 only

You might find a Documentation Desktop folder useful for all the DDK and SDK help shortcuts.


This section gives a brief overview of the most useful tools for driver development and how they might best be used. Their detailed use will be covered later.

DOS Boxes

Although you can do most of your development work in Visual Studio, you will occasionally need to work at a command line prompt.

The supplied DDK build tool runs at a command prompt. The environment variables have to be set up appropriately as free or checked driver development. The DDKs provide two shortcuts to get these command prompt boxes.

Computer Management Console

The Windows 2000 Computer Management Console (from Start+Programs+Administrative tools) has a useful System Tools section with Event Viewer and Device Manager tools.

The Event Viewer displays the Windows 2000 events. Drivers should write to the System Log to inform administrators of informational, warning, or error events.

The Device Manager shows all your Windows 98 or Windows 2000 devices and lets you change their properties (e.g., change port settings and reallocate resources). You can change (i.e., update) the driver for a device, and uninstall a device. The Device Manager is also available in the Control Panel System applet.

NT Devices Applet

In NT 4 and NT 3.51, the Control Panel Devices applet lets you see what drivers are running. You can stop or start drivers and change their start up characteristics. In W2000, the Device Manager does not initially list the non-WDM drivers. Selecting the 'Show hidden devices' checkbox brings up a list of these drivers. You can start or stop them and change their startup characteristics. The book Servicer program also lets you do some of these functions.

Hardware Wizard

Some drivers are loaded automatically when Windows detects a new device in the system. For others, you need to use the Control Panel Add New Hardware wizard to prompt the loading of the driver.

Registry Editors

You will probably need to inspect the registry at some point during driver development. The basic Registry Editor regedit is useful for most jobs, particularly as it can search the registry. However, for some jobs in NT and Windows 2000, you will need to use RedEdt32, as it can handle all the registry types, such as REG_MULTI_SZ strings.

This book assumes that you have a reasonable working knowledge of the registry. HKLM is used as abbreviation for HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. The DDKs sometimes refer to HKLM as Registry MACHINE.

INF Editor

The InfEdit tool can be used (in Windows 98 only) to create and edit INF files. However, it seems to clobber some INF file information and does not display Windows 2000 specific sections correctly.


The WBEM SDK includes the WBEM Object Browser. Use this to inspect the Windows Management Instrumentation data that drivers produce.


There are various tools available to help you test and debug drivers. Unfortunately, the Visual Studio debugger cannot be used on kernel mode code. The Microsoft WinDbg kernel mode debugger must be used between two NT or W2000 computers.

NuMega Compuware sells the SoftICE debugger, which can run on the same PC as the driver under test. Use the NuMega utility nmsym utility to build the necessary symbols for SoftICE.

Finally, some tools let you include trace statements in your driver code that can be viewed in a user mode application on the same PC. The Compuware Numega DriverWorks software includes its Driver Monitor tool for this job. The DebugPrint software from PHD Computer Consultants Ltd. provides a similar facility. DebugPrint is used extensively in this book and its innards are described in detail as an example of a fully working driver. The OSR DDK software from Open Systems Resources logs all your DDK function calls so that they can be viewed by their OSRTracer tool.

NT and Windows 2000 Utilities

WinObj is an NT and W2000 utility that displays various Windows objects, including device names and symbolic links.

The device branch displays the device names. These device names are not directly visible to user applications. Non-WDM kernel mode device drivers must provide a symbolic link between a Win32 visible name and the underlying device name. The ?? branch displays these symbolic links. Double-clicking on ??COM1 shows that it is a symbolic link to the underlying device DeviceSerial1. (The ?? branch used to be called DosDevices, so this name appears in some of the DDK documentation).

Double-clicking most other WinObj entries yields no useful information.

ObjDir is a command line version of WinObj.

Drivers is a command line utility that lists all drivers and their memory usage.

Book Software Tools


The DebugPrint software is used by test drivers to produce formatted print statements. The trace messages are viewed in the DebugPrint Monitor Win32 application. This tool is explained in full in Chapter 6, because the book software makes extensive use of this debugging technique. Chapter 14 describes the source for the DebugPrint driver.


The Wdm2Power tool firstly lets you inspect the AC and battery status of your system. It also displays any system power events. Finally, it lets you suspend or hibernate your computer.


This batch file is used from Visual Studio to initiate each build, as described in the following text.


The Servicer utility lets you inspect the status of any running Windows 2000 service, including drivers. You can see if a driver is running or not, and attempt to start or stop it.

Driver Targets

Drivers can be built in free or checked versions, and in NT and Windows 2000 for different processors.

The free target is the final release retail version, optimized as necessary with all debug symbols removed.

The checked target is an unoptimised debug version that includes symbols to make debugging easier.

NT and Windows 2000 come in free and checked versions. If you use the Microsoft WinDbg debugger then you need two computers running NT or W2000. The development PC should be the faster computer running the free version of Windows. The driver should be running under test on the other target PC that is running the checked build. The fact that there are fewer resources available on the target system is good as it makes it easier to check that your driver will work in stressful situations.

Windows 2000 also runs on the Dec Alpha platform, so you can also build for the Alpha platform free and checked targets. This book only discusses the x86 platform.

In this book, the emphasis is on writing drivers that work in both Windows 98 and Windows 2000. However, a few features are present in only one operating system. The following preprocessor directives can be used to determine whether you are using the W2000 DDK or the W98 DDK. If you have separate versions of your driver, the installation files will have to be slightly different. As Chapter 11 shows, a single installation INF file can include separate instructions for W2000 and W98.

#if _WIN32_WINNT>=0x0500

 // W2000+ code


// W98 code


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