if (Usage1!=0) {


  if (Usage2!=0) {


   if (Usage3!=0) {





 // Convert usages into an output report

 NTSTATUS status = HidP_SetButtons(HidP_Output, HID_USAGE_PAGE_LED, 0, UsageList, &UsageLength, HidPreparsedData, OutputReport, OutputReportLen);

 if (status!=HIDP_STATUS_SUCCESS) {

  delete OutputReport;



 printf(' Output report: ');

 for (ULONG i=1; i<OutputReportLen; i++) printf(' %02X', OutputReport[i]);

 printf(' ');

 // Send off output report

 DWORD TxdBytes;

 if (!WriteFile(hHidKbd, OutputReport, OutputReportLen, &TxdBytes, NULL))

  printf('XXX Could not write value %d ', GetLastError());

 else if (TxdBytes==OutputReportLen) printf(' Wrote output report 0K ');

 else printf('XXX Wrong number of bytes written: %d ',TxdBytes);

 delete OutputReport;


Other User Mode HID Client Functions

User mode HID clients can send and receive HID feature reports. Use HidD_GetFeature to get a feature report. The first byte of the buffer must be set to the report ID that you want to receive. The received feature report can be analyzed using HidP_GetButtonsEx, etc., as usual. Use HidD_SetFeature to send a feature report. Beforehand, use HidP_SetButtons, etc., to build up the feature report in the correct format, as usual.

HidD_FlushQueue deletes all pending information from the input queue for this HID device.

The functions HidD_GetNumInputBuffers and HidD_SetNumInputBuffers may be available in the future to let you get or set the ring buffer size used by the HID class driver for this device[58].

Running HidKbdUser

If you have a HID keyboard, you can run HidKbdUser yourself. For the benefit of those who do not, Listing 23.6 shows some example output. As mentioned earlier, HidKbdUser will not run in W2000 as the HID keyboard device cannot be shared.

There is only one HID device in the system. It is opened and HidKbdUser finds that it is a HID keyboard, as the top-level usage page and usage are the correct values. HidKbdUser then prints out the capabilities of the device.

Test 2 reads any input reports from the HID keyboard. In this example, I pressed Ctrl+Alt+Del followed by A, B, C, and Esc. You can see how an input report is produced every time a key is pressed or released. The actual input report is in exactly the same format as the raw USB interrupt transfer shown in Table 21.9.

If you remember from Chapter 21, the USB example driver, UsbKbd, kept on receiving input interrupt data even if no state changes had occurred. The HID class driver sensibly filters out these redundant input reports and only returns data when a key is pressed or released.

Test 3 sends several output reports to flash the LEDs on the keyboard. HidKbdUser calls the SetLEDs function several times for different LED combinations with a short delay between each call.

Listing 23.6 Example HidKbdUser output

Test 1

Symbolic link is \.00000000000000b#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}

     Found HID device

     HID attributes: VendorID=046A, ProductID=0001, VersionNumber=0305

     Top level Usage page 1 usage 6

     Found HID keyboard

     InputReportByteLength 9

     OutputReportByteLength 2

     FeatureReportByteLength 0

     NumberLinkCollectionNodes 1

     NumberInputButtonCaps 2

     NumberInputValueCaps 0

     NumberOutputButtonCaps 1

     NumberOutputValueCaps 0

     NumberFeatureButtonCaps 0

     NumberFeatureValueCaps 0

     Input button capabilities

     ButtonCaps[0].UsagePage 7

                  .Usages 224..231

     ButtonCaps[1].UsagePage 7

                  .Usages 0..101

     Output button capabilities

     ButtonCaps[0].UsagePage 8

                  .Usages 1..3

Opened OK

Test 2

     Input report 0: 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Left Ctrl pressed

     Usages set: 07:E0 (Break: ) (Make: E0)

     Input report 0: 05 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Left Alt pressed

     Usages set: 07:E0 07:E2 (Break: ) (Make: E2)

     Input report 0: 05 00 63 00 00 00 00 00 Del pressed

     Usages set: 07:E0 07:E2 07:63 (Break: ) (Make: 63)

     Input report 0: 05 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Del released

     Usages set: 07:E0 07:E2 (Break: 63) (Make: )

     Input report 0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Left Ctrl & Alt released

     Usages set: (Break: E0 E2) (Make: )

     Input report 0: 00 00 04 00 00 00 00 00 A pressed

     Usages set: 07:04 (Break: ) (Make: 04)

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