If you use some WDM facilities that only appear in Windows 2000, then you may not achieve source code compatibility. For example, the W2000 USB system drivers support some features that are not available to W98 drivers.

I will look first at the core WDM functionality as a simple device driver is developed. Next, I will deal with drivers that have to use hardware resources such as accessing memory and handling interrupts. Finally, I will cover the USB and HID system drivers. Use the kernel routine IoIsWdmVersionAvailable to determine whether the required version WDM version is available. The DDK header files define two constants, WDM_MAJORVERSION and WDM_MINORVERSION. For Windows 98, these constants are 1 and 0. For Windows 2000, these are 1 and 0x10.

WDM vs. NT Style Drivers

Figure 1.1 gives a rough indication of the differences between WDM and NT style drivers.

The rest of this book explains all the features mentioned in the figure.

The overlap between the two types of driver is considerable. Indeed, writing WDM and NT style drivers is essentially the same job. The main difference in the driver code is how devices are created.

In a WDM driver, the Plug and Play Manager tells you when a device is added or removed from the system. The PnP Manager uses installation INF files to find the correct driver for a new device. In contrast, an NT style driver has to find its own devices, usually in its initialisation routine. NT style drivers are usually installed using a special installation program.

The new bus and class drivers are only available to WDM device drivers. New WDM and NT style drivers should support the Power Management and the Windows Management Instrumentation features.

Figure 1.1 WDM and NT style device drivers

Ready-to-Use Drivers

If you start writing a driver from scratch, it seems as though most of your code has nothing to do with talking to your device. There is much 'infrastructure' to set up before you can perform some real Input and Output (I/O). This book should help you get started as I have tried to use some real, useful drivers as examples. Some drivers can be used directly, while others can form the basis of your own drivers.

A virtual device driver is used to explain the core WDM functionality. A virtual device does not use any real hardware. Three drivers, called Wdm1, Wdm2, and Wdm3, gradually implement more features. From the start, they provide a shared memory buffer so they could form the basis for other useful drivers. Indeed, the Wdm2 driver was used as the base for several other drivers in the book, including drivers that use the system drivers.

The DebugPrint software is used throughout the book to provide trace debugging output from drivers. The DebugPrint driver is examined in full in Chapter 14. You can use DebugPrint in your own device drivers.

WdmIo and PHDIo are general purpose drivers that can be used straightaway to provide access to simple hardware devices. A controlling Win32 program can use a simple but powerful command set to talk to the hardware. These drivers support interrupt-driven I/O. The example applications show how these generic drivers are used to talk to the parallel port.

The UsbKbd and HidKbd drivers both talk to a keyboard attached to the USB bus. The drivers illustrate the techniques required to use the USB and HID class drivers. Finally, the Win32 application HidKbdUser shows how a user mode application can find and talk to a HID device.


The accompanying CD contains all the drivers mentioned previously. The full source of the drivers is included, along with the compiled executables. Each driver has at least one test Win32 program that puts it through its paces. In addition, the book has some other useful Win32 utility programs that aid device driver development. Chapter 4 has full instructions for installing the book software. Most of the test Win32 programs are console applications to make them easy to write and understand; there is no reason why the code should not be in fully fledged windowing or MFC applications.

To obtain the full benefit of the book, you should install all the example drivers and run the Win32 test program. All the drivers include trace debugging statements. If the DebugPrint software is installed, you can see the trace output in the DebugPrint Monitor application.

A full inspection of the source code of each example will bear much fruit. In practice, one learns only by writing real code. Use these example drivers as a starting point, and add features to develop your understanding.

Device Driver Software Tools

There are two types of software available to help you with your device driver requirement as shown in Table 1.1. Driver classes are source code C++ class wrappers that provide much of the default functionality needed by drivers. Generic drivers can be tailored from user mode to talk to many straightforward types of device. OSR have a debugging aid called OSRDDK. Chapter 4 discusses other tools that will be useful to you while developing device drivers.

Table 1.1 Device driver software tools

Company Web site Driver classes Generic driver
Blue Water Systems www.bluewatersystems.com WinDK WinRT
KRF Tech www.krftech.com WinDriver
Compuware Numega www.vireo.com DriverWorks DriverAgent
Open Systems Research www.osr.com

In some cases, a new device driver may not be needed for new hardware. There are off-the-shelf generic products that handle simple I/O, be it memory mapped or in I/O space. Indeed, these may be a better option as NT and Windows 95 may be supported using the same interface, making your code portable. Even a simple NT device driver or Windows 95 VxD is no easy task. These generic drivers may be script-driven. Interrupt latency may be a problem if scripts have to be run when a user mode thread is scheduled. The WdmIo and PHDIo examples in the book are simple generic device drivers.

You may think that you need to write a new device driver to handle a special device attached to a parallel port. Check that you cannot achieve the desired effect using the full Win32 API interface. Perhaps issue asynchronous read or write calls and check for time-outs.

Driver Types Not Covered

This book does not cover writing VxDs for Windows 95 or Windows 98. None of the drivers in this book will run in Windows 95. Windows CE software is not described. This book does not cover printer drivers or virtual DOS drivers.

The device driver model described in this book is the basis of many types of drivers. The details of the following driver types are not covered: file system drivers, video drivers, network drivers, and SCSI drivers.

As mentioned previously, only the USB and HID system drivers are described in detail.

The drivers in this book should run in non-x86 systems. However, they have not been tested there.

A New Frame of Mind

If you have 'only' written Win32 application programs, you will find that writing device drivers requires a new frame of mind. There are no windows and messages to manipulate. You do not have the protective arms of Windows to stop you from trampling over other processes and the operating system. Source level debugging is more difficult to set up. Most support libraries are not available — not even the C standard library and the C++ new operator. You even have to use makefiles to build drivers, though it is easy to control the build process from a development tool such as

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