// Get symbolic link name
ifDetail->cbSize = sizeof(SP_INTERFACE_DEVICE_DETAIL_DATA);
if (!SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail(info, &ifdata, ifDetail, ReqLen, NULL, NULL)) {
delete ifDetail;
return NULL;
printf('Symbolic link is %s
// Open file
delete ifDetail;
return rv;
The Win32 call to
The next task is to obtain the symbolic link name for the instance that has been found. This string is in the PSP_INTERFACE_DEVICE_DETAIL_DATA ifDetail structure returned by a call to
The call to
Simply run Wdm1Test.exe in the Wdm1exeRelease directory. Make sure that the Wdm1 driver is installed.
If you run
The rest of the
1. Open the first Wdm1 device.
2. Read the first DWORD stored in the shared memory buffer. This will fail first time round, as there will be nothing in the buffer.
3. Write 0x12345678 to the start of the buffer. 0x78 is written at file pointer zero, 0x56 at one, 0x34 at two, and 0x12 at three.
4. Set the file pointer to position 3.
5. Read one byte from the file. This should be 0x12.
6. Write 0x12345678 to the buffer starting at file position 3.
7. Use an IOCTL to get the buffer size, which should be 7 (i.e., 3+4).
8. Use an IOCTL to get the entire buffer. The first word is printed and should be 0x78345678.
9. Check that issuing an IOCTL with an invalid parameter fails. The IOCTL asks for the entire buffer with a request size that is too big.
10. Use an IOCTL to zero all the bytes in the buffer. Get the entire buffer again. The first word is printed which should be 0x00000000.
11. Use an IOCTL to remove the buffer. Check that the buffer size is now zero.
12. Try to issue an invalid IOCTL code. Confirm that this fails.
13. Write 0xabcdef01 to the start of the buffer. When
Listing 5.6
Test 1
Symbolic link is \?
Opened OK
Test 2
Read successfully read stored value of 0xABC0EF01
Test 3
Write 0x12345678 succeeded
Test 4
SetFilePointer worked
Test 5
Read successfully read stored value of 0x12
Test 6
Write at new file pointer succeeded
Test 7
Buffer size is 7 (4 bytes returned)
Test 8
First DWORD of buffer is 78345678 (7 bytes returned)
Test 9
Too big get buffer failed correctly 87
Test 10
Zero buffer succeeded
First DWORD of buffer is 00000000 (7 bytes returned)
Test 11
Remove buffer succeeded
Buffer size is 0 (4 bytes returned)
Test 12
Unrecognised IOCTL correctly failed 1
Test 13
SetFilePointer worked Write 0xabcdef01 succeeded
Test 14
CloseHandle worked
Press enter please
Writing this test program showed that the Wdm1 device does behave differently in Windows 98 and Windows 2000. However, the problem does not lie in the driver itself, but is due to Windows 98 not supporting