When Windows is started, it does not know which devices are attached to the computer. It can work out some basic information for itself, such as how much memory it has, but how does it find out about the rest?
Windows uses drivers to
Figure 8.4 shows how enumeration works. Enumeration starts at the lowest level. The
The PCI bus driver then enumerates and configures any hardware it finds. First, it finds a bridge to the ISA bus. The driver for this then finds a PnP ISA sound card, and the sound card drivers are loaded.
The PCI bus driver also finds a USB bus controller. The USB drivers enumerate the USB bus and find a keyboard and printer attached. These are configured and the appropriate drivers are loaded.
Figure 8.4 Hardware enumeration
Figure 8.5 shows a device tree for part of my PC. A device tree is usually shown growing upwards from a root device at the bottom. The lower-level drivers are the ones that interact with the hardware.
As can be seen, the main keyboard driver can get information from two sources, either the legacy keyboard or a USB keyboard. The USB keyboard driver is layered above the HID and USB class drivers and the PCI bus driver. Whether the keyboard is legacy or USB, Win32 gets the same response: the drivers hide the hardware.
Figure 8.5 Device tree
The advantage of this approach is that each driver builds upon the work undertaken in lower layers, making it much easier to write most drivers. Indeed, it is the only way to write some types of drivers. If you are writing a USB driver, you must access your device through the USB class drivers. This means that you have to learn the specification of the relevant class driver. However, this is a far easier task than writing a huge monolithic driver that works with other similar drivers.
One possible drawback is that all this layering of drivers will take more processing time. While this is certainly a valid criticism, it is likely that a monolithic driver would use similar layering internally, so I/O should not take too much longer. More importantly, drivers that are easier to write are more likely to be stable.
Device Stacks
It does not make sense to have huge monolithic drivers. Wherever possible, a series of driver layers are built up, each performing an appropriate task. The advantage of this layering is that it breaks up I/O into a series of manageable tasks. If each layer has a standard specification, it means that a whole layer can be replaced and the higher layers will not know the difference. The lower layers hide the implementation details.
Microsoft has helped this layering process by providing standard
As an another example, the USB class drivers are layered internally. Two types of electronics can be used to interface a PC to a physical USB bus: the Open Host Controller Interface (OpenHCI) and the Universal Host Controller Interface (UHCI). Windows chooses either the OpenHCI.sys driver or the UHCD.sys driver as the layer to interface to the electronics. Each driver implements the same upper-edge functionality. Other internal layers of the USB class drivers are built upon this common base.
The PnP system has been designed to work with configurable devices and layers of drivers. A device stack represents the layers of drivers that process requests.
When a bus driver enumerates its bus, it gets the PnP Manager to call each new driver's
The PnP system works with layers of drivers. I/O requests can be passed down to lower-level drivers for processing. A driver can then inspect the results from lower drivers and act accordingly. A driver can also generate new I/O requests to send to lower drivers.
Chapter 5 mentioned briefly that a PnP driver, such as Wdm1, has to deal with several different types of device object.
Each driver layer must create a device object to hold its information about a device. These device objects are arranged in a device stack, as shown in Figure 8.6. Note that it is the device objects that are directly connected together, not the drivers themselves (though each device object obviously knows with which driver it is associated). The arrangement is called a device stack, even though it does not correspond with the usual programmer definition of a stack.
The important point is that layers of device objects are built up. I/O requests are sent to the top of the stack and are gradually sent down the driver layers for processing. The results are sent back up the stack for post-processing.
In many cases, however, IRPs do not simply flow down to the bottom of the device stack and rise back up again. If one driver rejects a request, it can fail the IRPimmediately and send it back up straightaway. Another common scenario is as follows. Suppose one driver receives a read request. To process the read, it might have to issue two read requests to its underlying drivers. The driver issues these two requests in turn and then waits for the results before finally completing its own request (i.e. sending it back up the stack).
Figure 8.6 Device objects
As Figure 8.6 shows, the various device objects have different names. Each device object is, in fact, the same DEVICE_OBJECT structure. Different names are given to each type of device object simply to remind us what type of driver is involved.
The device object at the bottom of the stack is called the Physical Device Object (PDO). A PDO is created and serviced by the appropriate
The main driver that services a device is called a
Each function driver creates its own device object called a Functional Device Object (FDO). As Chapter 5 demonstrated,
Some DDK examples refer to the next device in the stack as
A final category of device object is called a Filter Device Object (Filter DO).
Upper Edges
This section uses a full example to illustrate two points. First, it shows how I/O requests are handled by a real driver stack. Second, it shows how drivers can have an upper edge that is different from that provided by lower layers.
Figure 8.7 shows how a USB keyboard might be used. A USB keyboard must be accessed via the HID class driver. The figure shows how two possible HID clients talk to the keyboard.
The items in this figure are not discussed in detail. The chapters on USB and HID will explain all. The major information flows are of concern just now.
The USB keyboard driver is a kernel mode HID client that sends requests to the HID class driver in the form of standard IRP_MJ_READ and IRP_MJ_WRITE IRPs. These must be in the right format to be recognized by the HID class driver. Alternatively, a user mode HID application can access the HID keyboard directly (rather than by waiting for standard Windows character messages). It does this using the Win32
Internally, the HID class driver uses one of its minidrivers to talk to the lower drivers. In this case, it is using its USB minidriver to talk to the top of the USB stack. Although it is not shown on the diagram, the main HID class driver actually uses Internal IOCTLs to request I/O from a minidriver.
The HID USB minidriver generates Internal IOCTLs to use the services of the USB class drivers. The most common Internal IOCTL has a control code of IOCTL_INTERNAL_USB_SUBMIT_URB. This submits a USB Request Block (URB) to the USB class driver. To get some input data, the minidriver will almost certainly use the URB_FUNCTION_BULK_OR_INTERRUPT_TRANSFER function code