Packet->FinalStatus = 0;
Packet->SequenceNumber = 0;
Packet->IoControlCode = 0;
if (Irp!=NULL) {
PIO_STACK_LOCATION IrpStack = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(Irp);
Packet->MajorFunctionCode = IrpStack->MajorFunction;
Packet->FinalStatus = Irp->IoStatus.Status;
if (IrpStack->MajorFunction==IRP_MJ_DEVICE_CONTROL || IrpStack->MajorFunction==IRP_MJ_INTERNAL_DEVICE_CONTROL)
Packet->IoControlCode = IrpStack->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.IoControlCode;
// Fill in dump data
if (DumpDataCount>0) {
Packet->DumpDataSize = (USHORT)(sizeof(ULONG)*DumpDataCount);
for (int i=0; i<DumpDataCount; i++) Packet->DumpData[i] = DumpData[i];
} else Packet->DumpDataSize = 0;
// Fill in insertion strings after DumpData
Packet->NumberOfStrings = (USHORT)StringCount;
if (StringCount>0) {
Packet->StringOffset = sizeof(IO_ERROR_L0G_PACKET) + (DumpDataCount-1) * sizeof(ULONG);
PUCHAR pInsertionString = (PUCHAR)Packet + Packet->StringOffset;
// Add each new string to the end
for (int i=0; i<StringCount; i++) {
RtlMoveMemory(pInsertionString, Strings[i], StringSizes[i]);
pInsertionString += StringSizes[i];
// Log the message
if (StringSizes!=NULL) ExFreePool(StringSizes);
return true;
To make
Listing 13.6 Wdm3EventMessage routines
void Wdm3EventMessage(const char* Msg) {
int MsgLen = GetAnsiStringSize(Msg);
int wMsgLen = MsgLen*2;
PWSTR wMsg = (PWSTR)ExAllocatePool(NonPagedPool,wMsgLen);
if (wMsg==NULL) return;
// Brutally make into a wide string
for (int i=0; i<MsgLen; i++) wMsg[i] = (WCHAR)(unsigned char)Msg[i];
PWSTR Strings[1] = { wMsg };
NULL, 0, // dump data
Strings, 1); // strings
Testing Wdm3 Events
Installing and reinstalling a Wdm3 device should generate several events in the System event log. The events are generated in both the free and checked build versions. Remember to refresh the Event Viewer display to see any new events.
You should use NT events to report any problem events in NT 3.51, NT 4, and Windows 2000 drivers. The two relevant kernel function calls are just stubs in Windows 98, so you can safely generate events in WDM device drivers.
Chapter 14
This chapter looks at a fully-fledged driver, DebugPrint. The
Along the way, I cover the following important device driver topics.
• System threads
• Dispatcher objects: events, Mutexes, and semaphores
• Linked lists
• File I/O in drivers
• Queuing IRPs
• Basic cancel routines
• Win32 overlapped I/O requests
Design Specification
The main design requirement for the
This specification does not include source level debugging or breakpoints.
Design Implementation