jailbait-or at least cause for her to be reprimanded, maybe even dismissed, for disgraceful conduct.

The others were drawing ahead now. Pam’s breathing grew laboured. Her whole body ached. Plenty of exercise, the specialist had told her, but nothing with a percussive effect. No jogging, only careful gym work, plenty of swimming, regular massage and physiotherapy. He hadn’t said anything about surfing, but Pam had always loved to watch it on the box, the Bell’s Beach classic, Hawaii, the swift, nifty manoeuvres. She admired the women. So much guts and careless talent. It looked to be incredible fun. So, after the accident-a three-car pile-up in pursuit of a stolen Porsche in South Yarra-and her rehab and a breakdown that left her afraid and doubting and drained of esteem, and this posting to the Peninsula, far from the badness of the past, she’d seen the surfing lessons advertised in the milk bar and had thought, Why not?

Now Ginger had seen that she was struggling. He told the others to stop and gear up, and came back for her, smiling and concerned.

‘You okay?’

His wetsuit filled her eyes. She imagined his pale, slender, hard, hairless chest and stomach. ‘A few aches and pains.’

Her own wetsuit hid her scars. They weren’t so bad, as scars go, but no-one knew the damage and pain they stood for. Ginger’s glance went to her hip and shoulder. ‘Would you like me to massage you?’

She blushed. ‘Ginger.’

‘I mean it. I’m always massaging people who seize up in the water.’

‘We’ll see.’

‘Keep it in mind,’ he said, taking her board for her and walking with her at her pace.

She was thirty, almost twice his age. As far as she knew, he didn’t have a girlfriend. But someone would turn his head eventually, someone his age. She had to keep telling herself that.

Two hours later, back at Penzance Beach to shower and change and catch the bus to work, she saw a man, no more than a skinny kid, jemmy open the side window of the house opposite her flat, and climb inside. She was waiting for him when he came out.

Clara had mixed feelings about van Alphen, not least because he was a copper and because of what had happened last night, when he’d been so sweet to her, attentive, shy and clumsy. She’d slept badly, the night wracked with dreams of masked figures tearing away their masks to reveal other masks. She hadn’t drunk much of the vodka, simply curled up on the sofa with the big copper until she’d felt sleepy, but her head boomed now. She needed something to level her out. She’d sworn off coke, but what she wouldn’t do for a snort right now. Trouble was, she couldn’t afford to go looking for a supplier. There was no-one she could trust. Smoking dope and doing coke was the old Clara, and her enemies knew that, and that was where they’d have their feelers out, even from as far away as Christchurch.

Midday. Her house in Quarterhorse Lane stood opposite a broad paddock of rye grass. As she watched, winds pushed at the grass heads in long sweeps back and forth, like rollers pitching in an ocean. It looked lovely, but it was also a fire hazard, and she trembled again.

The patrol car crept along the dirt road toward her front gate. She watched it pause at the mailbox, then turn in. He’d come back, just like he said he would.

She hugged him briefly. He looked tired. His hair was damp. She felt shy. ‘You came back.’

‘Just passing. Did you sleep?’

‘So-so. You?’

‘Managed to snatch a couple of hours at the station.’

He’d shaved badly. She touched his jaw. ‘Coffee, Van? That will blow the cobwebs away.’

‘I can’t stay long. We had a woman abducted three nights ago and I have to supervise another line search.’

She tugged gently on the fingers of his burnt hand. ‘I won’t keep you. Just a quick coffee and you can be on your way.’

But in the kitchen she found herself shaking violently and she let a cup fall to the floor. ‘A woman abducted?’

He clasped her upper arms. ‘Are you all right?’

‘Stressed out, can’t you tell?’

‘Look, come and sit down.’

He cleared the newspaper off the sofa and sat with her. Their knees touched. ‘An abduction,’ she said. ‘I just know they’re out there, waiting to get me.’

‘Clara, this has nothing to do with your mailbox getting burnt.’

‘It feels like it does!’

‘Hush, hush.’

He was huge and enveloping. They were very warm against each other, heat coming through the thin cotton, and, where her bare forearm touched his, a kind of current was passing. Her voice was muffled against his uniform. ‘Van, I really need something to chill me out.’

She wasn’t surprised that he misunderstood her. He began to stroke her, thinking that was what she wanted. Still, the stroking felt nice in itself. The other could wait, and would come sooner rather than later if she could soften him up over the next couple of days.

She was stroking him now, the soft skin inside his elbow. She reached up and pulled his head down to hers. The kiss started slowly, no more than a nibble, but Clara was surprised to find herself enjoying it. The line between calculation and need grew blurred.

Afterwards, drowsy and half-naked on the Moroccan floor rug, he said, ‘God, I needed that.’

‘Been a while?’

‘I don’t mean that. I mean the world’s such a shitty place you forget what’s good about it.’

Christ, he wasn’t going to fall in love with her, was he? ‘So I’m a good fuck,’ she said, to keep things in perspective for him.

He was mortified. ‘No! Well, yes, but in a nice way.’

She laughed. ‘Only teasing.’ She rolled on to her hip and lay with her cheek on the hard slab of bone and muscle that was his chest. ‘Will I see you again?’

She heard the rumble in his chest wall. ‘I could come again tomorrow.’

‘Or I could come to your place.’

He rolled away and pulled on his underpants and trousers. ‘Christ, no, don’t do that.’

‘Why? Ashamed of me?’

‘It’s better if I come here, that’s all. It’s quiet here. Tucked away. Nobody to see me come and go.’

It was as if everything was decided.

It was stuffy in the Displan room. Ellen Destry pinched an electric fan from the sick bay and placed it on her desk, letting the air wash over her as she opened Scobie Sutton’s file of convicted sex offenders now living on the Peninsula. Twenty-two names. After a further search, she discounted eight: they were serving prison sentences. Of the remaining fourteen, five had moved interstate, two had committed suicide, and three had convictions for paedophilia. She made a printout of all the names, in case some had finished their prison sentences or moved back into the area, and printed out full criminal-file copies of the remaining four men. One, in particular, caught her eye: Lance Arthur Ledwich, born 1955, convicted in 1991 on five counts of procuring sexual penetration by fraud and three counts of rape. Released in 1995. Apparently he’d placed ads in a Geelong newspaper calling for young women to audition for a film. A producer of wedding videos by trade, he’d auditioned the women at his studio in Newtown, where his cameras, lights and props had provided the necessary verisimilitude. He’d asked each woman to undress and change into a gym tunic for the part of a schoolgirl who’d been sexually awakened after a rape. He’d managed to deceive five women into having sex with him and had raped another three. One woman also alleged that he’d punched and squeezed her windpipe when she refused to have sex with him, but this charge was later withdrawn.

Violent, devious. Was he working the highway now?

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