Correggio, Antonio 142

Correspondance litteraire 193, 222

Corsica 196

Cossacks 158, 174, 183, 222, 228, 229, 233, 236

Court Office 75, 274

Coxe, Archdeacon William 6, 273, 281

crime and punishment 173, 175–6, 200, 236, 251

Crimea 208, 209, 263, 287, 288, 289, 317

Crozat, Pierre 193

Cruys, Cornelius 191, 192

currency 195


d’Alembert, Jean 153, 206, 222

Damas, Comte de 296

Danilevsky, G.P.

Catherine the Great on the Dnieper 329

Mirovich 330

Potemkin on the Danube 330

Princess Tarakanova 330

Danube River 207, 293, 296, 302, 306

Dashkov, Prince 111, 120, 185

Dashkova, Princess 16, 95, 110–11, 113, 120, 122, 124, 126, 156, 185, 226, 264, 265, 267, 295, 321, 325

Dashwood, Sir Francis 84

Dauphin of France 57

Davydov, Denis 322

death penalty 173

Demidov brothers 76

Demosthenes 299

Denis (a foundling adopted by C) 334


Swedish pressure on 24

Peter III prepares to attack the Danes 120, 121

Panin negotiates an alliance with 139

defensive alliance with Russia (1765) 188

Dent, William 298

Department of Public Welfare, Yekaterinoslav 304

Derzhavin, Gavriil Romanovich 299, 300, 307, 316, 324, 326, 327

‘Picnics’ 139–40

D’Holbach, Baron Good Sense 222

System of Nature 222

Diderot, Denis 41, 153, 172, 181, 193, 194, 201, 222, 224–7, 229, 261, 277, 310, 333

Dimitry, Tsarevich 161

Dimsdale, Elizabeth 250, 258, 259

Dimsdale, Dr Thomas 85, 188–92, 247, 248, 307

Dingley, Robert 148

Dmitrevsk 169

Dmitriev, Ivan 327, 328

Dmitrovo kitchen gardens 80

Dmitryev-Mamonov, Alexander (‘Redcoat’) 280, 281, 290–91

L’Insouciant 280

Dnieper River 281, 283, 284, 289, 309

Dolgorukov, Prince 327

Dolgoruky, Prince 161, 231

Dolgoruky family 214

Domashnev, Sergey 264

Dominicans 251

Don Cossacks 9, 228

Dornburg on the Elbe 34

Dorofey, Archimandrite 282

Dorpat (now Tartu, Estonia) 40

Dresden, Court of 30, 31, 93, 261

Drone, The (journal) 199, 200, 210

Dubyansky, Archpriest Fedor 4

Duke August Library, Wolfenbuttel 29

duma (town council) 271, 286

Dumaresq, Daniel 129

Dyaghilev, Sergey 331


Eastern Empire 249

Eberts, Jean-Henri 194 Ecole des Arts, Paris 136

Edinburgh, University of 264

education 248–9, 252, 295, 296

advisory committee on 248

Eisen, Pastor Johann Georg 123, 129, 145, 155, 172

Elisabeth Christine, Queen of Prussia 30, 37

Elizabeth, Empress of Russia 18, 45, 200, 255, 296, 332

coup (1741) 35, 44, 48

coronation 14, 47, 54

invites C to Russia 35–6

her favourite, Razumovsky 45, 48

meets C 47–8

personality 5, 47, 55, 67, 70

appearance 47, 48, 86

birthday 55, 77, 89, 114, 176

C’s wedding 56, 58–62

irritated at C’s failure to produce a male heir 65–6

taboo subjects 68

prizes her privacy 68–9

daily life 70

spending of 73–8

accession day 77, 114

coronation day 10–11, 77, 89, 112

name day 77

a golden age of Baroque church-building 79

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