Lestocq, Armand 47, 50, 61
Leventhal (Lev’s Valley) 210–11, 215, 257
Levshin, Alexander 273
Levshin, Metropolitan Platon 148, 151, 152, 180–81, 199–200, 221, 273, 277, 288, 320
Lieven, General 102
Life Company 70
Life Guards 102, 121
Ligne, Prince de 25, 253, 268
Liteyny cannon foundry, St Petersburg 197
Little Russia (Ukraine) 9
Littlepage, Lewis 284
Liuberets estate 89
Livland 9, 40
Livy 62
Lobkowitz, Prince 177
Lolli, Antonio 246
Lomonosov, Mikhailo 44, 77
‘Ode on the Accession of Catherine II’ 13
Lopukhin family 214
Lords Commissioners for Trade 9
Louis XIV, King of France 12, 17, 25, 31, 32, 147, 210
Louis XV, King of France 18, 69, 153, 188, 194
Louis XVI, King of France 68, 277, 288, 297, 301, 302, 308, 310
Luders, Dr 125
Ludwig, Prince, of Brunswick 30
Luke, St 150
Luther, Martin 29
Lutheranism 19, 51
Luzhkov, A.I. 261
Lvov, Prince Nikolay 273, 320
Lyalichi estate 243
Lynar, Count 101
Lyon, France 268
Macartney, Sir George 143, 145–6, 153, 184, 187
Madariaga, Isabel de 264, 301
Madrid, Court of 261
Maggiotto, Domenico:
Maikov, Vasily 140, 169
Maintenon, Madame de 31
Makaryev monastery 161
Makhaev, Mikhailo 44
Makulov, Prince 213
Manfredini, Vincenzo
Mann, Sir Horace 91
Manstein (Austrian ambassador) 71, 72
Manteufel, Count 30
Marble Palace 179, 216, 313
Mardefeld, Baron 52
Maria Fedorovna, Grand Duchess
(Princess Sophia Dorothea of Wurttemberg) 268, 281
health 220
becomes Paul’s dutiful second consort 244–5
on Paul’s Grand Tour 254
birthday 295
births 313
and C’s lying-in-state 318
Maria Josepha of Bavaria, Consort of Joseph II 169
Maria Theresa, Empress of Austria 18, 99, 191, 207, 219, 253
Maria Theresa, Infanta 57
Markov, Alexander 191
Marmontel, Jean-Francois:
Mary, Blessed Virgin, the female Russian monarchs associated with 17
Marian imagery prominent in Moscow 17
Mass, Michelangelo 81
Masson, Charles:
Matveyev, Artamon 13
Maundy Thursday 100, 149, 160
Maupeou, Chancellor 226
Medal Committees 210
Melissino, Colonel 128, 295
Memel, East Prussia 105
Menelaws, Adam 274
Mengs, Anton Raphael:
Menshikov, Alexander 83, 84
Menshikov Palace, Lefortovo 46, 213, 214
Mikeshin, M.O. 330
Mikhail Fedorovich, Tsar of Russia 62, 137, 164
Mikhailovsky Palace, St Petersburg 57, 320
Mikhelson, General 235, 236
Minetti, Francesco 33
Mirabeau, Honore Riqueti, comte de 310
Miranda, Francisco de 284
Mirovich, guardsman 155 ‘Mirror of the Police, The’ 255
Misere (a Piedmontese) 111
Mislavsky, Samuil 213
Mogilev, Belorussia 250–53, 264, 333
Moldavia 203, 229, 235
Moliere 200
intensely personal in Russia 20