A Startling Deduction

'DUCK!' Frank ordered in a hoarse whisper, quickly dropping to the


Instantly Joe threw himself face down alongside his brother.

'You think the person with the flashlight in the tower saw us?' Frank


'He could have, but maybe not. We sure went down fast.'

The strong flashlight was not trained on them again. It was beamed out a

window of the tower in another direction, then turned off.

'Well, what say?' Joe asked. 'Shall we go on up to the mansion and

continue our sleuthing?'

Frank was of the opinion that if they did, they might get into trouble. Even if

they had not been recognized, the person in the tower probably had spotted


'I'd like to find out who was in the tower,' Joe argued. 'It's just possible

that the Applegates don't know anything about him.'

Frank laughed quietly. 'Don't let your imagination run away with you,' he


As the boys debated about whether to leave the grounds or to go forward, the

matter was suddenly taken out of their hands. From around the corner of the

tower rushed a huge police dog, growling and barking. It apparently had

scented the brothers and was bounding directly toward them.

Frank and Joe started to run pell-mell, but were unable to keep ahead of the

dog. In a few moments he blocked their path menacingly and set up a

ferocious barking.

'I guess we're caught,' Frank said. 'And I hope this old fellow won't take a

piece out of my leg.'

The two boys tried to make friends with the animal, but he would not let them


'Well, what do we do now?' Joe asked in disgust as the dog continued to

growl menacingly.

'Wait to be rescued,' Frank replied tersely.

A moment later they saw a bobbing light coming in their direction and

presently Mr. Applegate appeared. He looked ,at the boys in complete


'You fellows never give up, do you?' he remarked. 'What have you been

doing-more digging?'

The brothers did not reply at once. They were embarrassed at having been

discovered, but relieved that the man did not suspect what they had really

intended to do. The owner of Tower Mansion took their lack of response to

mean he was right.

'I'm just not going to have any more of my grounds ruined,' he said gruffly.

'I've borrowed this watchdog, Rex, and he's going to keep everybody away.

If you have any reason for wanting to see me, you'd better phone first, and I'll

keep Rex chained.'

'Who was up in the tower with a flashlight?' Frank asked the elderly man.

'My sister. She got it into her head that maybe she was smarter than you

fellows and could find the stolen stuff in the old tower, but she didn't!' Frank

and Joe suppressed grins as he went on. 'And then Adelia decided to flash

that high-powered flashlight around the grounds, thinking we might have a

lot of curious visitors because of the publicity. Apparently she picked you


The boys laughed. 'Yes, she did,' Frank admitted. 'Between her and Rex, I

guess you needn't worry about any prowlers.'

Frank and Joe said good night to Hurd Applegate and started down the

driveway. This time the dog did not follow them. He remained at the man's

side until the Hardys were out of sight.

As they trudged homeward, Joe remarked, 'This seems to be our day for

exciting events that fizzle out like wet fireworks.'

'Yes. Nothing to show for all our work.'

At supper both Mr. and Mrs. Hardy laughed at the boys' story of their

encounter with the dog. Then they became serious when Frank asked his

father if he thought there was a chance that the Applegates might be guilty of

falsely reporting a robbery.

'It's possible, of course,' the detective answered. 'But the Applegates are so

well-to-do I can't see any point in their trying such a thing. I believe it's best

for us to stick to the original idea -that someone really did take jewels and

securities from the safe, and that the person was Jackley.'

As the boys were going to bed that night, Frank remarked to his brother,

'Tomorrow is Saturday and we have the whole day free. I vote we set

ourselves the goal of solving the mystery before night.'

'A big order, but I'm with you,' Joe replied with a grin.

They were up early and began to discuss what course of sleuthing they should


'I think we ought to start off on a completely new tack,' Joe suggested.

'In which direction?' Frank asked him.

'In the direction of the railroad.'

Joe went on to explain that one thing they had not done was find out about

Red Jackley's habits when he had worked around Bayport. If they could talk

to one or more persons who had known him, they might pick up some new

clue which would lead them to the stolen property.

'Good idea, Joe,' his brother agreed. 'Let's take our lunch and make an

all-day trip on our motorcycles.'


Mr. Hardy had left the house very early, so his sons did not see him. When his

wife heard the boys' plan, she thought it an excellent one and immediately

offered to make some sandwiches for them. By the time they were ready to

leave she had two small boxes packed with a hearty picnic lunch.

'Good-by and good luck!' Mrs. Hardy called as the brothers rode off.

'Thanks, Mother, for everything!' the young detectives chorused as they

started off.

When Frank and Joe reached the Bayport railroad station, they questioned

the stationmaster, and learned that he had been with the company only a year

and had not known Red Jackley.

'Did he work on a passenger train?' the man asked.

'I don't think so,' Frank replied. 'I believe he was employed as a

maintenance man.'

'Then,' said the stationmaster, 'I'd advise you to go out along the highway

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