war — my dear comrades from the 805th Berlin Ground Attack Aviation Regiment. And forgive me, my comrades, that I didn’t see everything, haven’t remembered everything, haven’t written about everyone…


Technical school, early 1930s — Anna is standing second from the right, rear row. Anna as a cadet at a flying school. Anna as a mechanic repairing pneumatic hammers and drills during the construction of the Moscow Metro, 1937. Anna in the cockpit of a Po-2. Glider school cadets — Anna is seated front left. Anna receiving final instructions before a Po-2 flight. Alexei Cherkasov, navigator in the 130th detached Aviation Signals Squadron. Anna receiving orders alongside her Po-2. Early single-seat Il-2s in flight. German anti-tank guns viewed from the cockpit of an Il-2. Pilot Vasili Baliabin, 805th Ground Attack Aviation Regiment (805 ShAP), killed in action 1942. Squadron commander Vasily Rulkov, 805 ShAP, killed in action 1942. Pilot Viktor Khukharev, 805 ShAP, killed in action 1942. Il-2s taking off, 1943. A destroyed Il-2, with the body of one of its crew lying on the wing. Boris Strakhov, commander of the 1st Squadron in the 805th Ground Attack Aviation Regiment, killed in action in 1943. Anna, summer 1943. A member of Anna’s 197th Ground Attack Division receives an award. Anna’s Il-2 mechanic Mikhail Korzhenko. Pilots and heroes from the 805th Ground Attack Aviation Regiment — Victor Khoukhlin, Victor Gourkin and Andrey Konyakhin (left to right). Konyakhin daringly landed his Il-2 and rescued Khoukhlin and his rear gunner in the heat of battle. Pilots from 805 ShAP — I. Sherstobitov, V. Khomyakov, N. Ternovskiy. An enemy train burning after an Il-2 attack. Il-2s lined up on an airfield. A dramatic but blurred shot showing an enemy train under attack. An Il-2 undergoing maintenance. Some of Anna’s comrades from 805 ShAP photographed before embarking on a mission. Commanders of 805 ShAP, from left to right: Regimental navigator Petr Karev, Regimental commander Michael Nikolaevich Kozin, political deputy Dmitriy Polikarpovich Shvidkiy. Pilot Ivan Stepochkin, 805th Ground Attack Aviation Regiment, killed in action 1944. 805 ShAP Regimental commander Michael Nikolaevich Kozin, killed in action 1944. Pilots from 805 ShAP after a combat sortie. Mechanics and armourers from Anna’s Regiment, 805 ShAP. A damaged Il-2 from the 820th Ground Attack Aviation Regiment (820 ShAP). Wrecked German vehicles and equipment — the work of Soviet aviation. The wreckage of destroyed German aircraft. Two unknown members of 805 ShAP, c 1944. Anna next to her Il-2, c 1944. Doktor G. Sinyakov known as ‘The Russian Doctor’ (centre) and two POW pilots saved by him N. Maiorov (left) and D. Kashirin (right). Anna proudly wearing her awards and decorations, 1960s. Anna standing beside an Il-2. Anna grasps the propeller blade of an Il-2 — machine and woman needed to work in unison to ensure both made it home safely after each mission.
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