'Yes. And besides,' she said, her grin growing wider. 'Concubine for these two, how you say, light work.'

Foley raised another fig.

'The baby!' Fatima said sharply.

'No fair,' he said, as Raj and Kaltin doubled over with laughter. 'Besides, I didn't notice you complaining before Gerrin got better.'

'Fair is for men,' she sniffed, and cocked an eyebrow at Kaltin, whose three concubines were friends of hers; the officer's billets were all on the outer streets near the city wall. 'Men all like baby, bigger here-' she pointed to her eyes '-than here,' and patted her stomach. 'All want, two, three, more women, walk like rooster and then don't know why. .' More throaty gutturals. Gerrin gave a shout of laughter: '. . the women always buy cucumbers but there are never any in the salad,' he translated.

Raj threw the tail-end of his cigarette in the fire and straightened, scooping his sword belt from the table. 'No rest for the wicked,' he said. 'Sorry to drag you away from domesticity, Barton,' he continued.

'Hint, hint,' the young man replied, standing likewise. A good deal of the puppy fat had left his face, the hard planes of his cheekbones beginning to match his eyes. Both men threw heavy military cloaks around their shoulders. Foley paused to touch his friend's hair. 'You be careful,' he said. 'You've been spending more time in the saddle than you should; we've got a little time, and you nearly died, you know.'

Raj watched with hooded eyes as he paused by the stairs to kiss the baby.

* * *

'Poor bastard,' Kaltin muttered, bringing his chair over to Gerrin's side and handing him a mug of the mulled wine. Fatima had taken the baby upstairs to change him, and they could hear the faint crooning of an Arabic lullaby.

'Our esteemed leader?' Gerrin said, raising his brows and sipping. 'Spirit, women may not be essential but they do add to the comforts of life. . yes, for once, fellow Companion, I think we agree. He's a driven man: they may write books about him, someday, but I'll be glad to be one of the footnotes.'

Kaltin stared at him in confusion. 'I meant that bitch of a woman he's married to,' he said, keeping his voice low.

Gerrin sipped again. 'I wouldn't call her that, not in any pejorative sense,' he said thoughtfully. The lamp had died down, and the coals flickered ruddily over the heavy bones of the Descotters' faces; they had a distant-cousin likeness. 'A complex person, very. And not easy to know.'

'It's easy enough to know what she's doing to him,' Kaltin said bitterly. 'A man in a thousand, one warriors are ready to die for, and she. . first she went sniffing around Half-Arse Stanson, now it's these bloody merchants, of all things.'

'More a matter of them sniffing around her,' Gerrin said equably. 'Tongues lolling, when they aren't snarling and snapping at each other.'

'Parties, barge cruises, hunts, operas-' Kaltin rolled his eyes. 'She's always on the arm of one or the other, out till all hours. Who the darkgulf doesn't know it? Men who should respect him are laughing at him behind his back.'

'Not soldiers,' Gerrin replied. 'Unless you count Wenner Reed.'

'That militia of his is a joke. And don't try to change the subject.'

'I'm not. You may have noticed it's considerably less of a joke since he stopped interfering with us working on them. And a little dactosauroid hissed in my ear that that was Suzette's doing.'

Gruder stared at him in horror: 'You're not saying that Raj pimps to. . to. .'

'Oh, shut up, Kaltin,' Gerrin said wearily. 'Of course not. How old are you, anyway?'

'Twenty-three, and one year younger than you, O graybeard.'

'There's years, and there's experience: at sixteen, Barton's got some advantage on you, I think. Fatima is years ahead, and she's not turned seventeen yet. . Anyway, Suzette hasn't repudiated him, fostered spurious issue, or created an open scandal. He can petition a Church court for divorce, or call out any man he feels is encroaching.'

'But he loves her, Spirit dammit! The man's suffering, you can see it-he drives himself beyond his strength.'

'Raj was born to be a hero, which is to suffer,' Gerrin said ruthlessly. 'If not one way, then another: his conscience will do that to him, if nothing else, as long as he's a soldier. Working for Barholm, at that. . As for love and Suzette, like most women she's more practical than you, m'boy, whatever she's doing or isn't. Don't confuse who she opens her knees to and who she opens her heart to.'

Fatima stuck her head down through the stairwell, upside-down; the long hair hung a meter and a half below the urchin smile. 'Take me to see fireworks,' she wheedled, 'and I open anything you want.'

Gerrin snorted. 'You're not taking that child down to the zoo on the docks, my girl.'

She sighed, looking younger for a moment. 'True,' she said mournfully.

'We'll watch them from the rooftop,' he relented. 'You can bring the cradle up there.'

'If you'll make another pot of that mulled wine, I'll bring Damaris and Aynett and Zuafir over, we can all watch them together,' Kaltin volunteered.

'I go get blankets.'

* * *

'Ahhhhhhh,' the crowd around Raj sighed, as the silver sphere exploded over the domes. The sound rippled across the river, from pleasure boats and barges and rafts; the water threw the light of the fireworks and their torches and lanterns back in spatters of liquid diamond.

From here, Sandoral was an enchantment, like a vision of a city before the Fall. Raj knew the reality, a city mostly of filthy alleyways and mud brick hovels, like any other. . but from the barges lashed together offstream you saw the Legate's Palace floodlit by its arc lights, white marble domes and colonnades shining. They had been built a century ago, when Sandoral was rebuilt after a Colonial sack. . Elsewhere in the city lamps and torches were shining points of light at windows and flat roofs, as the people clustered to watch their betters at play, kind shadow picking out the russet-colored stucco.

Raj scooped another glass off a tray, then almost choked on it; Muzzaf's face looked back with perfect aplomb from under a servant's kerchief. They turned their backs to each other, and Raj muttered, 'Anything?'

'Messer Falhasker has a number of people of Colonial stock on his staff,' the Komarite said. 'I've had no trouble in passing myself off as a Star convert of that stock.' Posing as a Muslim was a little too risky. 'Yes, he deals extensively in the Colony, and has continued to do so.' Technically illegal, but Sandoral was a town that lived by long-distance trade; with the locks at Giaour Falls, down past the border, you could navigate the Drangosh all the way to the Colonial Gulf. Short of actual fighting or putting people up against the wall, there was no way to stop it.

It was actually more to the benefit of the Civil Government's forces, at the moment. Fifteen thousand mouths-not to mention their hangers on-was a massive burden for a city only six times that in peacetime. Much of the Army of the Upper Drangosh was being fed from Colonial fields, and even clothed in uniforms made of cloth woven and dyed in Hammamet and Dasra and Al-Kebir itself. So there was no excuse to put people up against the wall; he was here to fight, not enforce border regulations made by people in East Residence. No excuse.

Not yet.

'Beyond this, nothing. I managed to glimpse his books, and his rate-of-return on ventures into the Colony is suspiciously high, but that might simply be good management, not favors for espionage.'

You could not shoot a man just because his worst rival, and the town gossip mongers 'knew' he was passing information to the enemy. Or because he wanted your wife. So much intelligence data passed through Sandoral that it was virtually useless, half the spies were not sure themselves who they really worked for; he had had confirmed reports from half a dozen sources that Tewfik was on the march. . sent against the nomads of Sogdia. . down with malaria. . plotting to seize the Settler's throne. . only a week from the border. . Quite probably one of the reports was right, but how could he tell which? That was the whole point of spraying out disinformation, it clouded the waters until the truth was invisible even if it leaked.

'But of Messer Reed's household, I have learned something. There is a new servant there, who calls himself

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