Ingeld posed in state on the platform, a white-shrouded Witness stood near the arches, and two cross-legged scribes held styli ready. Tene and Sansya had chosen to attend, wanting to learn how to conduct such a trial. If this one went as planned, it should not seem difficult.
'Witness of holy Mayn,' Ingeld proclaimed, 'I am dynast of this city and I have summoned the Nymph Hiddi here before the holy Bright Ones to answer my charge that she has abused the powers granted her by holy Eriander. Do you recognize this court?'
'I do,' the Maynist said.
'Are the holy ones present?'
'Their images testify that They are.'
'Is the prisoner the accused I named?'
'She is.'
Ingeld turned her attention to Hiddi. What could be seen of her face was scarlet with fury, and her eyes glittered like bronze knives. Ingeld could only hope that Benard had explained why this charade was necessary.
'Nymph Hiddi,' Ingeld continued, 'you worship Eriander in your own home instead of in the temple and enrich yourself with gifts that should have been made to your god or not made at all. I abhor you and your like. You pervert your god's purpose. Instead of dispensing His joy, you torture men with unslaked desire. The powers He gives for your defense you use to enslave. I have lost count of the wives who have come to me in tears because their husbands have given away everything to holy harlots like you, so that they and their children will be sold into slavery to pay their debts. In the last year, at least three have told me that you were the leech responsible. Do you deny these charges?'
'They are lies!' Hiddi screamed.
'She is guilty.'
'Then I can pronounce sentence. Nymph, will you plead for mercy?'
'I am the light of Veslih and greater than you, slut. I sentence you to confiscation of all your property plus eight sixty lashes with an oxhide whip, followed by eviction from our city, living or dead.'
Hiddi muttered something inaudible but unrepentant.
Ingeld waited for the scribes to catch up. 'We shall remit part of that sentence if you will confess your victims by name, beseeching your god to release them evermore from your toils.'
'How much will you remit?'
'That will depend on how repentant I judge you.' Ingeld nodded to the scribes. 'We shall not have the names of innocent men recorded. You may leave. And you, Tene. Sansya, please stay.'
The moment the door closed, Ingeld smiled and stepped down from the platform. 'I hope I did not frighten you, Hiddi? You do understand that this was the only way I could get you in here?'
'But you were enjoying it!'
'And you earned it. Sansya, will you help Mistress Hiddi out of that appalling garment, please? There is a robe for her on that chest and I have some sweet wine here.'
Sansya gaped at her. Possibly the Witness did, too, under her shroud, because Ingeld and Benard had done most of their plotting in the adytum, where Mayn was not permitted to pry. Hiddi was extricated from her penitent's sack and provided with a gown of finest silk. She was much younger than Ingeld had expected and quite obviously the model for one of Benard's goddesses.
She perched on an ivory chair and accepted wine in a carved crystal goblet, suspicion crawling over her pretty face like maggots. 'Now what?'
'First you release your victims and the Witness testifies that you are sincere in your petition to the god. This room is consecrated. Eriander is up there.'
Hiddi looked up and regarded the frieze. 'That's Benard's work!'
'Yes it is, and if it satisfied High Priest Nrakfin, it will do for you. After that I shall remit all the rest of the sentence—I'll let you keep your loot, because I suppose some of it you earned. You may sleep here tonight. I will see that my husband comes to join you. You know what to do then, and I wish you every success.'
Hiddi smiled, catlike. Sansya was aghast.
'I'm only doing this for Benard!' Hiddi said.
'You mean you won't accept presents from the satrap?'
Hiddi shrugged. 'Maybe one or two.'
'He's dangerous, Hiddi.
'Men!' Hiddi said contemptuously. 'Animals. This is very high class wine, Ingeld.'