“We’re on the M-10, approaching Moscow from the northwest. We’ve just passed signs for Skhodnya. Target is driving at normal speeds.”

“All right.”

Keeping her eyes on the road, Korina said, “We’re only three or four miles behind them.”

Will spoke again into his phone. “We’re going to gain speed and try to overtake your two cars and the target. Instruct all of the team that we need to switch to military comms.”


Korina further depressed the BMW’s accelerator, switched lanes, and sped up the motorway. Will leaned to the rear passenger seats, rummaged through his Bergen rucksack, and withdrew two waterproof tactical communications systems. Pulling open his upper garments, he placed one of the sets on his body, using strips of black masking tape to fix the flesh-colored wire containing the earpiece and throat microphone to his skin. As he finished buttoning up his shirt and jacket, he said, “I need to put the other one on you.” He smiled. “Either I can tape the cord on you, or I can get close and personal and fix it to your body in the manner that most female surveillance operatives prefer.”

Korina also smiled. “My skin reacts badly to tape.”

Will opened her jacket and blouse and strapped the set onto her waist. Holding the wire, he threaded it underneath her bra, alongside one breast, and out of the top of her underwear until the system was secure. After turning on the set and selecting the correct channel, he gently fastened her clothes and said, “Right, we should all be linked in.” He turned on his own set and spoke into the throat mic. “Roger, Markov: can you hear me?”

Markov replied, “We can.” He and Roger were in the vehicle closest to the sailor. Roger was the driver.

“Vitali, Laith: what about you?”

Laith answered. He was the passenger in the other vehicle. “Yeah, we’re getting everything. We’re about a quarter mile behind the target. We should switch over in one mile.”

Roger said, “Agreed.”

Korina was now driving at ninety miles per hour. The motorway had lights straddling its route, but they were spread out and required her to occasionally flick on her high beams as she raced along the route.

After five seconds, Roger said, “Okay, we’re slowing down to fifty. The target’s moving away from us. Vitali, get your vehicle into point.”

“We’re on our way.”

Will looked at Korina. “We’re about nine miles from the city’s outer ring road. We’ve got to be ahead of the target before he reaches that point.” He reached for his MR-445 Varjag pistol and said into his mic, “Any sign of cops where you are?”

Laith said, “None.”

Markov replied, “Nothing.”

Will glanced at Korina. “Increase speed to one twenty.”

Korina gunned the engine, and within moments they were traveling at the required speed; the road lights now sped past them.

Will checked the workings of the handgun. “You should see us any moment now. We’ll maintain speed as we pass you. Let me know if the target gets spooked.”

They drove past civilian vehicles, occasionally switching lanes to overtake any that were in their way.

Twenty seconds later, they spotted Roger and Markov’s car. It had picked up speed again to match that of the point vehicle and the target. Will said, “This is us, coming past you.”

Ten seconds later, they were approaching Vitali and Laith’s vehicle and three hundred feet ahead of them the target’s vehicle was easily visible. Laith said, “You pass us… you pass the target

… hold… he’s continuing as normal… don’t think he’s spooked. And I tried to get your license plate but couldn’t because of your speed, so there’s no way the target could ID you.”

Will glanced at Korina. “Keep the speed up until we’re out of sight.” Into his throat mic he said, “Let us know when we can slow down and to what speed.”

Vitali answered, “Not yet.”

Will waited, silently counting the seconds.

Vitali came on the air again. “You’re out of sight of us and the target. Our speed is seventy-three MPH.”

“Heard.” Will nodded at Korina. She immediately braked until they were traveling at exactly the same speed as the cars behind them, and then she moved the vehicle into the middle lane. Will spoke into his throat mic, “We must be very close to the MKAD outer ring road. Has the target switched to the right lane yet?”

“Negative,” Laith answered. “No indication yet that he’s going to exit the M-10.”

Will silently cursed while examining his surroundings. More flashing lights ahead, but this time they covered two of the lanes. He said to no one in particular, “Large military convoy ahead. Given that you don’t think the target clocked our plates, we’re going to stay behind the convoy and hope we don’t look suspicious to him.”

They drew closer to the convoy until they could see a column of twenty trucks containing troops in the central lane and nine trucks holding massive 9A52-2 BM-30 Smerch 300 mm multiple rocket launchers driving in the slow lane. He nodded at Korina. “This will do. Get in behind them.”

She did so, now driving at forty miles per hour. “The convoy’s heading into Moscow. The army’s preparing to defend the city if everything goes wrong.”

“Vitali, you should see us and the convoy at any moment.” Will spoke sharply.

A few seconds later, Vitali replied, “We’ve got you.” The line went silent for a while. “Target’s maintaining speed, slowing down, he’s coming right up behind you, he’s overtaking you, no chance he’s taking the exit.”

“Vitali, Laith: take point. Markov, Roger: stay behind them. We’ll fall in at the rear.”

They drove for fifteen minutes, passing the exits to the central and inner ring roads. The target was heading into the heart of Moscow.

Ten minutes later, Markov said, “He’s holding something in his hand, close to his head. But unless we pull up alongside him, it’s going to be impossible for us to know what it is.” Silence. “He’s slowing down, has got the option of an exit, not indicating, slowing further… Fuck! He’s taking the exit at speed, no indication. He must have spotted us!”

Will’s stomach churned. “He’s holding a cell phone.” He withdrew his handgun and looked around. “Sailor boy knows fuck all about antisurveillance. He’s not spotted us. But someone else has, and that person’s telling our target what to do. Taras is mobile and nearby.” Will wasted no time. “All of us: follow him in. Don’t worry about being spotted.”

Moscow was now before them. Only a few other cars were on the road.

Will said, “Taras is guiding him to their meeting location, but he’s going to do it in a way to make us lose our target. Markov, is he still on his cell?” Will breathed deeply to try to calm his rapid heartbeat.

“The whole time.”

Will looked around, but this stretch of road was deserted. He wondered how Razin was able to stay so well hidden. He decided he knew how. Speaking to everyone, he said, “Taras has gone ahead, probably to the meeting place. He doesn’t care about our team and formation now, because the target is going to use a preprepared antisurveillance route.”

Laith said, “Maybe we should take the target down-force him to tell us where he’s meeting Taras?”

“No, Taras hasn’t given him the route yet, and when he does he’ll only supply him with bits of it at a time. Right now Taras doesn’t want the target to know where he’s meeting him, in case we do precisely what you suggest.”

Markov picked up the commentary. “He’s slowing down again, he turns left into a side street, no other vehicles are here, he drives on, I see his brake lights…” Silence. “I see him stop, reverse lights are on, he backs up, he moves his car into a parking space.”

“He’s going on foot!” Will’s heart thumped faster. “Markov, jump out and get close to him. Roger, park, secure your vehicle, and join Markov. Concealed handguns and spare magazines only. Vitali, Laith: move further into the city. Then park until we have an idea where he’s going.” He glanced at Korina. “I’m getting out; I want you to stay mobile.” He told everyone, “We’re getting close now. But watch out for police patrols. If any of you get stopped, try to use GRU ID to get out quickly, but don’t get delayed. If it looks like they’re suspicious, do what you have to.” Will put his pistol and spare ammunition into his overcoat pocket, opened the car door, and jumped out onto the street.

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