Читать книгу Operation Barracuda
Operation Barracuda
Clancy Tom
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WHEN IT COMES TO AMERICAN FREEDOM, ONE MAN IS ABOVE THE LAW. He is quiet, invisible, deadly — and the newest weapon on the front lines of a technologically advanced war. As part of a top-secret initiative called Third Echelon, National Security Agency special operative Sam Fisher has been given license to spy, steal, destroy, and assassinate to protect America. He works alone. And strikes fast. A one-man shadow warrior as cunning and ruthless as the enemies he hunts — but with one advantage… His name is Sam Fisher. He is a Splinter...

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Operation Barracuda :
WHEN IT COMES TO AMERICAN FREEDOM, ONE MAN IS ABOVE THE LAW. He is quiet, invisible, deadly — and the newest weapon on the front lines of a technologically advanced war. As part of a top-secret initiative called Third Echelon, National Security Agency special operative Sam Fisher has been given license to spy, steal, destroy, and assassinate to protect America. He works alone. And strikes fast. A one-man shadow warrior as cunning and ruthless as the enemies he hunts — but with one advantage… His name is Sam Fisher. He is a Splinter Cell.
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