President Sachs. It just didn’t sound right. “Madame President” would be the protocol. Unless she preferred Ms. President. Koz cringed at the thought.

Whatever his private opinions of the woman, Koz knew he had sworn an oath to protect and defend the United States Constitution, and right now that meant Deborah Sachs.

The red phone next to his seat rang. He picked up. It was Captain Li. “We’re cleared for approach,” she said.


“And we’ve got footage from ground zero.”

“I’ll be right there.”

He hung up and left the emptyom and walked into the battle staff compartment where fifteen of his officers huddled around their monitors.

A traffic chopper from a local Baltimore TV station was offering the world its first look at what had really happened in Washington, D.C.

Koz took a deep breath and looked over his crew. All eyes were glued to their monitors as the chopper was fast approaching a ridge of black trees.

“This is Chopper Dave,” the traffic reporter pilot radioed from the cockpit. “Approaching ground zero.”

Koz shook his head. Unless Chopper Dave’s blades were shielded for radiation like Nightwatch, the traffic reporter was filing the last story of his life.

Chopper Dave was soaring over the ridge when suddenly there was…


A flat wasteland rolling on beneath gray skies.

Koz felt a pain in his stomach, like a knife had gone clean through, in and out.

“Oh, God.”

He thought of Sherry and realized she deserved that Purple Heart after all. At the moment of impact she was probably sitting in her chair in Senator Vanderhall’s office in the Hart Building, scripting some stupid sound bites for the self-important ass to parrot in reaction to the president’s State of the Union address. Little did any of them know that a new president was going to have to address the fact that the state of the Union was shit.

The monitors in the battle staff compartment displayed what Chopper Dave saw: devastation beyond recognition. Heaps of rubble, once buildings, lay scattered across the parched earth. A dark, snakelike fork was all that was left of the Potomac River. Radioactive fallout had already settled along its banks. Sporadic fires and black smoke completed a portrait straight out of Dante’s Inferno.

“I’m circling the capitol.” Chopper Dave’s voice crackled over the intercom. Koz wasn’t sure if it was the traffic reporter’s voice or the reception breaking up. “No survivors in the impact area. Repeat. No survivors.”

The battle staffers were watching the images, offering guesses as to the landmarks. “That stump is the Washington monument!” gasped one, pointing. “There!”

Koz wasn’t sure. But the location looked right. His trance was broken when Captain Li came into the compartment to apologize for the bumpy landing.

“I didn’t even know we touched down,” Koz said.

The Nightwatch plane taxied to a stop along the runway. Hydraulic steps unfurled from the belly of the plane, and Koz climbed down to the tarmac where federal agents and vehicles were waiting.

“Where’s the president-designate?” Koz demanded.

The special agent in charge, clearly a greenhorn from the bench, threw up his hands. “God knows, Colonel. Our boys called in to say she was picked up by two Black Hawks fifteen minutes ago.”

“Should have been here by now,” said Koz as he searched the dark skies in vain. He felt like some schmuck waiting for his blind date, fearing she was standing him up.

Captain Li, who had been standing at attention beside Koz, tugged his elbow. “Sir,” she whispered. “We’re vulnerable on the ground. I suggest we take off and continue to circle, or we’re going to look like those images we just saw on TV after the next strike.”

She was right, Koz realized, although he didn’t want to leave. Finally, he said, “Tell De Carlo to keep the engines hot and prepare for take-off.”

“Yes, sir,” Li said.

“Tell him we’ll circle for ten minutes,” Koz said. “Then we follow the predesignated flight path out of the United States and proceed to the territory of an unattacked ally in the Southern Hemisphere.”

“We’re going south?”

Koz nodded. “Fallout free.”


1230 Hours Black Hawk One

“What are you doing?!” Sachs stared at the barrel of Colonel Kyle’s M-16 and glanced at Special Agent Raghav, who put up his hands as the even younger Secret Service agent next to him reached for his Uzi.

“I wouldn’t do that,” Kyle warned. Before the words were out, a Green Beret hit the young agent’s head from behind with the butt of his M-16. There was a sickening crack, and the agent collapsed to the floor.

“You crushed his skull!” Raghav yelled as another Green Beret expertly relieved him of his weapon.

Sachs looked down at the boy’s body. The sight of hair matted in blood sickened her. She looked up at Kyle in horror. “Why?”

“Ours is not to reason why, Ms. Sachs,” Kyle replied, sliding open the Black Hawk’s door. A blast of freezing air whooshed in, and Sachs found herself staring at the treetops below. “It’s a tragic thing when accidents happen on military craft.”

Sachs turned to Raghav and said, “Tell me you only look like a Secret Service agent. You’re really an ex-SEAL or martial arts expert or something.”

“I’m an ex-law student with a G-4 salary grade at the Treasury Department, ma’am,” Raghav replied.

“Shut up!” Kyle kicked Raghav in the groin. Raghav dropped to his knees in agony and moaned. Sachs saw Kyle swing the butt of his M-16 across Raghav’s face, knocking him to the floor, unconscious. Then he trained his machine gun on her. “On your knees.”

“No,” Sachs said. “I will not submit to your animal brutality and disregard for life, whatever the damn national security.”

Kyle grabbed her by the hair. She struggled as he forced her down, choking back her urge to scream. “Think about what you’re doing!”

“I’m thinking how I didn’t serve my country to see it fall into the hands of a woman who was supposed to be fired today.”

As Kyle put his M-16 to her head, Raghav stirred to life and lunged at Kyle’s jumpboots. Kyle lowered his M- 16 to fire, but Raghav pulled him off his feet.

Kyle’s M-16 spat out its automatic rounds. The bullets caught two Green Berets in the throat and drilled holes through the ceiling, making a sweeping arc of destruction over Kyle’s falling body until they finally popped the pilot

The Black Hawk started to pitch and roll. The rest of Kyle’s Green Berets were thrown back. Raghav grabbed Kyle’s M-16, turned and unloaded a round into the rear compartment before the Green Berets could recover. Fire shot out of the muzzle as Raghav jerked the trigger, raining dozens of smoking shells around Sachs, who was sprawled on the floor, hands clapped over her ears.

Suddenly, the shooting stopped. Sachs could hear only the rotor of the Black Hawk’s blades and the howling wind. Or was that ringing in her ears?

“Are you OK?” asked Raghav, helping her up.

Sachs looked across the floor at the bodies and blood. Raghav impressed, after all. But she felt something awful rising up inside her, grabbed her stomach and started to heave.

Raghav gave her a helpful pat on the back and looked around. “Guess they took you for a liberal.”

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