Phillips, an ex-Marine officer, Vietnam vet and author of The Night of Silver Stars, read the manuscript carefully and helped me sort out Army jargon and replace it with Marine, but if I've called it a latrine somewhere instead of a head, it's my fault, not Bill's. Tim Carpenter, of Bushnell's, explained the subtleties of infrared ranging devices to me.

Dave Lauck, of D&L Sports in Gillette, Wyoming, and author of The Tactical Marksman, ran his fine professional eye over the manuscript, to my great benefit. Kathy Lally and Will England, the Sun's Moscow correspondents, gave me tips and data on that city for a chapter that was ultimately cut. Warrant Officer Joe Boyer of the Marine Barracks took me on a prowl through that installation and patiently answered my questions. Jean Marbella, of my old paper and my new life, was her usual fabulous self and listened to me prattle on about titles and narrative issues late into the night. John Pancake, arts editor of my new paper, The Washington Post, just smiled every time I told him I was leaving early to work on the book. David Von Drehle, editor of the Post's Style section, was equally generous in letting me disappear when I deemed it necessary.

Steve Proctor, of the Sun, had instituted a similar policy in my many years there, and he too should be recognized and thanked.

Former Green Beret Don Pugsley wrote to me at great length about communications procedures from A camps.

Charles H. 'Hap' Hazard, a Sun artist and former Army intelligence enlisted man, translated a lot of stuff into Vietnamese for me, very helpfully. Dr. Jim Fisher introduced me to Dr. Charlie Partjens, an orthopedic surgeon, who discussed the physical realities of an old bullet with me. Bill Ochs, former Army sergeant, discussed something of far more intensity: the trauma of his own hip wound, acquired in action in RSVN. I really appreciate his willingness to let a stranger invade his privacy like that.

I should also thank authors who have come before me.

Peter R. Senich, the Thucydides of sniper warfare, came out with The One-Shot War, a history of Marine sniper operations in Vietnam, just as I was beginning. Then Michael Lee Lanning and Dan Cragg published Inside the VC and the NVA, which was very helpful for tough little Huu Co, senior colonel. Of course I've drawn from Charles Henderson's Marine Sniper, and Joseph T. Ward's Dear Mom: A Sniper's Vietnam, as well as the standard history texts. I never spoke to any Marine snipers, however, because I needed to be free to envision Bob Lee Swagger as I wanted him to be, warts and all.

Last, in the professional realm, I must thank my brilliant, wonderful agent Esther Newberg of ICM and my great editor. Bill Thomas, of Doubleday. And something finally for the book's dedicatee, John Burke, who was the great Carlos Hathcock's spotter in Vietnam, and didn't make it to DEROS. I never knew him but his story so moved me that I had to find a way to cast it into a book, and he became my Donny Fenn. So in a way this whole thing-- this book and the three that proceeded it--all came from his sacrifice. Thanks, Marine.

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