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A Note on the Author

Amin Maalouf was born in Lebanon in 1949. A journalist and director of the daily newspaper An-Nahar, he lived in Beirut until the start of the civil war in 1975, when he left for Paris with his family. His life straddles East and West — he reads and writes in Arabic, but chooses to publish in French. He refuses to be limited to one identity, either Arab or French, but chooses to be both simultaneously. A novelist, essayist and memoirist, he has won prestigious prizes, including the 1993 Prix Goncourt and the 2010 Asturias Prize, and was nominated for the 2011 International Man Booker. His novels include Leo Africanus, The Rock of Tanios, Samarkand and Balthasar’s Odyssey, which together with The Crusades through Arab Eyes, On Identity and Origins: A Memoir have

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