
There are so many people to thank from us as a family as well as on Mum’s behalf.

Top of the list is Pat and the Davis family for being there through everything and for being the best friend Mum could have wished for.

Also Andrew Beech, for being the original Sladen roadie; Alan Langley for conventions and beyond; Roger Carey Associates; and the whole Sarah Jane Adventures team – with special mention to Anj, Danny, Tom, Julie Gardner, Phil Collinson, the gorgeous Nikki Wilson, Phil Ford, Brian Minchin, Matthew Bouch, Emma Bailey, Stewart Meachem, Gary Russell, Graeme Harper, Joss Agnew, Ashley Way, Michael Kerrigan, Charles Martin, Alice Troughton, all the wonderful writers and the very hard-working crew! Not forgetting everyone in the new Doctor Who team, particularly Ed Russell for his amazing feat

Very special mention to the late Barry Letts who was much loved and who, of course, created Sarah Jane, and also to the much loved and cherished Russell T Davies for bringing Sarah Jane out of her attic.

Friends past and present, especially Liz and the Bowyers, Jane and Dave, the Lonnens, the Badgers, the Plumleys, the Benthams, Barbara and Chris and all those unmentioned but who know who you are.

A very special mention to Sam Harrison and everyone at Aurum Press, and Jeff Hudson, Mum’s co-writer, for all their hours and dedication in creating a fitting tribute and a great read.

A huge thank you to all the children, young and old, who loved watching Mum and who have shared their thoughts and best wishes with us.

Finally, I’d like to thank my Mum, Elisabeth Miller – not Sladen – who will not be shared with anyone and whom I miss and love very much.

Sadie Miller

London, September 2011


Title Page


Foreword It Was Always The Doctor And Sarah

Prologue I Wouldn’t Have Missed It For The World

One ‘S’ Is For ‘Star’

Two Here She Comes, Sarah Heartburn

Three How Do You Keep Your Shoes So White?

Four What Would You Like To Drink, Katy?

Five O.O.B., Sladen?

Six There’s Nothing ‘Only’ About Being A Girl

Seven What If A Snake Slides Up My Skirt?

Eight Tom, I Don’t Need A Coat!

Nine I Thought You Were Doing A Doctor

Ten Over Here, Cloth-Eyes!

Eleven Eldrad Must Live!

Twelve Bippetyboo, Bippetyboo

Thirteen Affirmative, Mistress!

Fourteen Think Of The Fans

Fifteen Count Me In

Sixteen That’s The Last I’ll Be Hearing From Them

Seventeen In Case The Buggers Change The Locks

Epilogue Who On Earth Would Want To Read About Me?



It Was Always The Doctor And Sarah

2005. My first day on a new job.

A long table scattered with scripts, water bottles and paper name plates stretched the whole length of the room. What felt like hundreds of people milled around expectantly, chatting, checking BlackBerries, casting sideways glances as I tried to keep breathing and affect an air of insouciant calm. I took my place in front of my little paper sign and glanced around the table. And there, just across from me and down to my left, a face from my childhood leapt out from among the throng.

Sarah Jane Smith was quietly leafing through a script and composing herself for the afternoon ahead. Perhaps she was sipping a glass of water, maybe chatting to her neighbour, I don’t remember now – all I remember is the sense that in that moment someone familiar, someone comforting and someone slightly magical had come to make sure everything was going to be all right.

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