You had something to say to me.

NATALYA PETROVNA. Oh yes! To be sure. ... You see ... we'll have another talk about. ... your proposal. SHPIGELSKY. Concerning . . . Vera Alexandrovna? NATALYA PETROVNA. Yes . . .I will think about it.

I'll think about it. [Both go out.]


The garden. Seats to Right and to Left under trees; in the foreground raspberry bushes. KATYA and MATVEY come in on Right. KATYA has a basket in her hand.

MATVEY. So how is it to be, Katerina Vassilyevna? Kindly explain yourself, I beg you earnestly.

KATYA. Matvey Yegoritch, I really can't.

MATVEY. You are very well aware, Katerina Vassilyevna, what my feelings, I may say, are for you. To be sure, I'm older than you in years, there's no denying that, certainly; but I can still hold my own, I'm still in my prime. I'm of mild disposition, as you are aware; I should like to know what more you want?

KATYA. Matvey Yegoritch, believe me, I feel it very much, I'm very grateful, Matvey Yegoritch. . . . But you see ... Better wait a bit, I think.

MATVEY. But, dear me, what is there to wait for, Katerina Vassilyevna? You used not to say that, allow me to tell you. And as for consideration, I can answer for that, I believe I may say------ You couldn't ask for more consideration than you will get from me, Katerina Vassilyevna. And I'm not given to drink, and I never hear a word of blame from the master and mistress either.

KATYA. Really, Matvey Yegoritch, I don't know what to say. . . .

MATVEY. Ah, Katerina Vassilyeina, something's come over you lately. . . .

KATYA [blushing a little]. Lately? Why lately?

MATVEY. I don't know . . . but there was a time when you didn't treat me like this.

KATYA [glancing hurriedly behind the scene]. Mind.... The German's coming.

MATVEY [with annoyance]. Bother him, the long-nosed crane! ... I must talk to you again. [He goes out to Right. KATYA is moving towards the raspberries. Enter SCHAAF from the Left with a fishing-rod on his shoulder.]

SCHAAF [calling after KATYA]. Vere you go, vere you go,


KATYA [stopping]. We've been told to pick raspberries, Adam Ivanitch.

SCHAAF. Raspberries? . . . The raspberry is a pleasant fruit. You love raspberries?

KATYA. Yes, I like them.

SCHAAF. He ... he! And I do too! I love all that you love. [Seeing that she is going.] Oh, Katerin, vait a leetle.

KATYA. I've no time to spare. The housekeeper will scold me.

SCHAAF. Oh! That's nothing. You see I'm going . . . [Points to the rod] how do you say ... to feesh, you understand, to feesh, that is, to catch feesh. You love feesh?


SCHAAF. He, he, I do too, I do too. Do you know vhat I vill tell you, Katerin. There's a song in German: [Sings] Katrinchen, Katrinchen, wie lieb ich dich so sehr! that is, in Russian, O Katrinushka, Katrinushka, you are so pretty I love you! [Tries to put one arm round her.]

KATYA. Give over, give over, for shame. . . . Here's the mistress coming! [Escapes into the raspberry patch.]

SCHAAF [assuming a glum expression, aside]. Das ist dumm. . . .

[Enter on Right NATALYA PETROVNA, arm in arm with RAKITIN.]

NATALYA PETROVNA [to SCHAAF]. Ah! Adam Ivanitch! Are you going fishing? SCHAAF. Yes, madam. NATALYA PETROVNA. Where's Kolya?

SCHAAF. With Lizaveta Bogdanovna . . . the music lesson.

NATALYA PETROVNA. Ah! [Looking round.] You are alone here?


NATALYA PETROVNA. You haven't seen Alexey Nikolai then?

SCHAAF. No, madam.

NATALYA PETROVNA [after a pause]. We'll go with you, Adam Ivanitch, shall we? We'll look on while you fish.

SCHAAF. I am very glad.

RAKITIN [aside to NATALYA PETROVNA]. What possesses you?

NATALYA PETROVNA. Come along, come along, beau tenebreux.

[All three go out on Right.]

KATYA [cautiously raising her head above the raspberries]. They've gone. . . . [Comes out, stops for a little and ponders.] That German! . . . [Sighs and begins picking raspberrits again, singing in a low voice.]

'No fire is burning, no ember is glowing, But the wild heart is glowing, is burning.'

Yes, Matvey Yegoritch is right! [Goes on singing.]

'But the wild heart is glowing, is burning, Not for father dear, not for mother dear. . . .'

What big raspberries! . . . [Goes on singing.]

'Not for father dear, not for mother dear.' How hot it is! Stifling. . . . [Goes on singing.]

'Not for father dear, not for mother dear, It glows and it burns for. . . .'

[Suddenly turns round; is quiet and half hides behind the bushes. From Left BELIAYEV and VERA come in; BELIAYEV has a kite in his hand.]

BELIAYEV [as he passes the raspberries, to KATYA]. Why have you stopped, Katya? [Sings.]

'It glows and it burns for a maiden so fair.'

KATYA [blushing]. That's not how we sing it.

BELIAYEV. How then? [KATYA laughs and does not answer.'] What are you doing? Picking raspberries? Let

us taste them.

KATYA [giving him the basket]. Take them all.

BELIAYEV. Why all? . . . Vera Alexandrovna, won't you have some? [VERA takes some from the basket, and he does so too.] Well, that's enough. [Is giving back the basket

to KATYA.]

KATYA [putting back his hand]. Take them, take them


BELIAYEV. No, thanks, Katya. [Gives her the basket.] Thank you. [To VERA.] Vera Alexandrovna, let's sit down on this seat. You see [Showing the kite] we must fasten the tail on. You'll help me. [They go and sit down on the seat. BELIAYEV puts the kite in her hands.] That's it. Mind now, hold it straight. [Begins to tie on the tail.] What's the matter?

VERA. I can't see you. BELIAYEV. Why must you see me? VERA. I mean I want to see how you fix the tail on. BELIAYEV. Oh--wait a minute. [Arranges the kite so that she can see him.] Katya, why aren't you singing? Sing. [After a brief interval KATYA begins singing in a low voice.] VERA. Tell me, Alexey Nikolaitch, do you sometimes fly kites in Moscow too?

BELIAYEV. I've no time for kites in Moscow! Hold the string, that's right. Do you suppose we've nothing else to do in Moscow?

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