statement of fact. “You can? How? The whole thing was . . . destroyed.”

“Yes,” he said. “It was. But as I once told you, the machine was a support system. An amplifier. The important part of creating the boundaries and the memory control isn’t the machine; it’s the mind.”

“Myrnin—” Claire wanted to scream, throw the phone, do something crazy. But she didn’t. She swallowed all that and forced herself to say, very carefully, “Myrnin, I am not putting my brain into a jar to get you out of the doghouse with Amelie. That’s never, ever going to happen.”

“I know that,” Myrnin said. “You don’t need to.”

Claire drew in a deep, calming breath. “I don’t.”


“Why not?”

“Come to the lab,” he said. “Come now.”

He hung up. Claire stared at the phone through narrowed, bleary eyes, then turned around and went back into her room.

Getting dressed in silence, in the dark, was a little challenging, but she managed, and sneaked carefully down the hallway, down the stairs, and hopped on one foot as she put her shoes on in the living room. She turned on a light and looked at herself in the mirror. She looked . . . well, pretty much like she’d been rousted out of bed without enough sleep. Bedhead. Creased skin. Wrinkled clothes.

“I’ll kill him if this is for nothing,” she told her reflection, and grabbed her backpack, which was sitting in the corner. She threw it over her shoulder and walked over to the section of blank wall where the portal would appear. A few moments of concentration, and the black doorway appeared, stabilized, and she walked through, into Myrnin’s lab.

It was still a whole lot worse for wear. Broken glass glittered on the floor. Tables were overturned. There was still a faint haze of dust in the air.

Then it occurred to her tired, lagging brain, with a real shock, that she shouldn’t have been able to do that. Not coming through the portal. The machine had controlled the portal . . . and the machine was a crushed metal mess in the basement.

Why had it worked?

Myrnin was in the back of the lab, standing in front of . . . something she couldn’t see too clearly. He didn’t turn around. “Claire,” he said. “Thank you for coming.”

“Yeah. Does Amelie know you’re doing this?”

“She instructed me to rest,” he said. “So no, in fact she doesn’t. But ultimately, I don’t think she’ll be angry.”

“You don’t think so? Are you crazy?”

He didn’t answer that directly. “I’ve been working all night,” he said. “Some of the parts were still usable, but I was only able to cobble together the very basic elements.”

“Elements of what?”

Myrnin finally moved, and Claire walked a few more steps toward him before stopping cold, her breath locked in her throat, her heart lurching, then hammering very, very fast.

Because that was a brain. In a jar. A jar of faintly green liquid that bubbled. There were tubes, copper tubes, circulating liquid, and there were wires, and there were clockworks ticking along, but there was a brain.

In a jar.

“What did you do?” Claire’s voice didn’t sound at all like her own. She didn’t even realize that she’d said it out loud, until Myrnin looked directly at her.

“What I had to do,” he said. “It won’t work any other way. It’s too dangerous. I can’t risk anything like that happening again, and neither should you, Claire. Next time, we may not be so fortunate.”

“You killed somebody,” she said. Her throat was so tight that she thought she might choke on the words. “Oh, my God, you killed somebody and . . . put their brain . . . in—”

“The point is that the barriers are up,” Myrnin said. “And we are safe. I did what I knew had to be done. But you mustn’t tell him.”

“Tell who?” Claire couldn’t decide whether she was furious or terrified. Probably both.

Myrnin didn’t answer.

The voice came out of her cell phone speaker, slightly muffled by her pocket—an eerie, disembodied voice that nevertheless was familiar.

The last thing she’d heard it say was Good-bye.

“He means Shane,” said Frank Collins. The brain in the jar. “Don’t tell Shane, Claire. This is going to have to be our secret.”


GHOST TOWN had a more eclectic mix of music than ever. I hope you enjoy the song suggestions, and remember: feed the artists. Buy the music!

'Unconscious Thoughts' Absolution Project

'What's in the Middle' The Bird and the Bee

'Hero/Heroine' Boys Like Girls

'Suzie Silver Wings' Caution Cat

'The House Rules' Christian Kane

'Late Night and Street Fights' Steve Smith

'Unbreakable' Fireflight

'Lust for a Vampire' I Monster

'Blue and Evil' Joe Bonamassa

'Can't Treat Ma That Way' Kate Earl

'Bad Romance' Lady GaGa

'This Is Halloween' Marilyn Manson

'Enter Sandman' Metallica

'The Big Sleep' Oliver Future

'Black Heart' Photoside Cafe

'Kill Your TV' Photoside Cafe

'Death of Me' Red

'Oogie Boogie's Song' Rodrigo y Gabriela

'Maybe Tonight, Maybe Tomorrow' Wideawake

'When She's Gone' Slang

'Out in the Real World' Stream if Passion

'Fire It Up' Thousand Foot Krutch

'Blood on My Hands' The Used

More playlists at

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