her cunt against mine, until our cunts again overflowed with love's sweet juice, and we lay back to rest.

The next time I went to Mr. T-, after the usual preliminaries of petting, sucking, c., he said he wished to try a new mode of enjoyment which he had seen in a picture. So he first set up a large mirror before us, and then sitting on the edge of a sofa, he lifted me up backwards, and placed my bottom on his belly. Then putting his hand under my thigh, he raised my knee up to his breast. So that, in the glass, we had a most exciting view of my open cunt, and his upstanding prick nestling its rubicund head between the hairy lips.

I rested my foot on his knee, and then pressing down, watched it slowly disappearing in the pouting gap. As I rose up, the sweet instrument of pleasure again appeared, all red and shining with the moisture of my cunt, and when I pressed down it hastily returned, leaving nothing outside but the balls in close contact with the hairy lips.

Mr. T- smiled, as he saw his tool absorbed in the crimson recess of my greedy cunt, and said:

'How beautifully plump and pouting your cunt is, my sweet May. With what delicious pressure it sucks in my bounding prick, while the soft cheeks of your bottom rub sweetly against my belly. But let us not hurry, it is so pleasant to talk together while my prick is soaking in your cunt. I want you to tell me something about your friend Susey. Does she know much of these matters?'

'Indeed, she does, everything in fact.'

'Do you speak out the names? Prick, c.?'

'Yes, she talks freely of pricks and cunts, and of fucking too.'

'Was she ever fucked, do you think?'

'I think not, but she has often seen it done.'

'How was she able to manage that?'

I told him how she had seen her sister fucked by her intended before their marriage.

'Do you often pet each other's cunts?'

'Yes, nearly every night.'


'When we are stripping for bed, she often asks me to lean back; and then she kisses and pets my cunt, and I do the same for her.'

'Has she a nice cunt?'

'It is a nice little cunt, much tighter than mine; the lips are very plump, and well covered with light red hair. The skin round it is white, and smooth as satin, and the inside a bright pink.'

'Why, May, you have quite excited me. Would you be awfully jealous if you saw me fucking her?'

'No, I would not be such a fool.'

'May, you are the dearest girl, and have the sweetest cunt in the world. But I must take out my prick now. Hold it in your hand. There – see – how it spouts.'

Before leaving I consented to let him hide in my wardrobe the following evening, that he might hear and see how we got on together.

When the time came I detained Susey in the schoolroom, until I was sure that Mr. T – was safely ensconced in his hiding place. Then we went to our room, and having carefully fastened the door, commenced undressing as usual right opposite my wardrobe. I stopped her as she was putting on her nightdress, and said:

'Susey, the night is warm, let us have some sport before we go to bed. And first give me a good peep at your nice little cunt.'

I stretched open her thighs, as she leaned back on the bed, that Mr. T- might have a better view.

I opened the soft pouting lips, and said:

'Your cunt is very red to-night, have you much feeling in it?'

'Yes, it is all aglow. Oh! pinch the clitoris – rub your finger – there – you may push it in if you like.'

The door of the press opened a little further.

'Susey, my pet, I want to see you make water. I'll hold the pot between your legs, and you can do your pee into it.'

I did so, and soon the hot piss came gurgling out.

I heard a stir in the press behind me.

'Now, May, it is my turn to see you perform, and I will hold the pot for you.'

I spread my thighs and fired away.

'Lean back May, and let us tip cunts, for want of something better.'

She got in between my thighs, and pushed hard against my cunt. Mr. T- must have had a grand view of her peach-like bottom, as she heaved it up and down.

The door of the press opened further, and I could see the head of a prick sticking out.

'Tell me, May, once again, how you felt the first time you were fucked?'

'Well, you know, he pushed me back on the bed, pulled up my clothes, and in spite of all my efforts, laid bare my cunt. Then he forced himself in between my thighs, and with his naked prick standing up. He made me take it in my hand and rub it up and down. He praised my cunt, and sucked it, which I thought very nice, though I wondered at his doing it.'

'I don't,' said Susey. 'I love to suck your cunt, darling May, but go on, tell me more.'

'He said he wanted to fuck me. I said he shouldn't, but he forced the head of his prick into the mouth of my cunt. Then giving a great heave he drove it up. It smarted me a good deal at first, but when it got in altogether, and he commenced to work it in and out, the pleasure was so great that I could not help telling him, when he asked me, that I liked his fucking very much, and that his prick felt very nice in my cunt.'

Here Susey commenced bounding between my thighs. 'Oh! May! how I long for a prick. How I do wish that Mr. T- was here. I could almost ask him to fuck me, my cunt is so burning hot.'

The press door opened, and Mr. T- stepped out perfectly naked. In a moment he was behind Susey, poking his prick against her cunt.

'Here I am then, ready and delighted to gratify each of my sweet pets.'

Susey started, but when she looked back and saw Mr. T-, and felt the head of his prick in her cunt, she hid her blushing face in my neck, and resigned herself to his amorous attack.

I laughed and held her buttocks open while he drove his prick into her maiden cunt.

It did not hurt her much, as she had enlarged the opening when frigging it with her finger.

After a few strokes I asked her how she liked the feel of a prick in her cunt.

'Oh May,' she replied, 'why do you ask me. You know well yourself how a prick feels.'

I slipped my hand between them, and felt her hot clitoris clinging to his prick, as it plunged in and out. While at every push she got behind, her belly and breasts heaved against mine.

Mr. T- was too much excited by all that he had seen and heard to be able to prolong his fuck, so he had to draw out his prick to avoid harm.

I held it in my hand, as he rubbed it in the furrow between the cheeks of her bottom, and I soon felt the emitting spasm, as it poured a stream of hot sperm over her back.

Susey seemed disappointed, however, and asked why he took it out.

'Just because I would not injure you.'

Then he explained how that unless the seed was injected on the mouth of the womb, which lay at the end of the passage, there was no danger of any woman being put in the family way. And though the pleasure of both parties is lessened by the withdrawal of the prick at the moment of highest enjoyment, yet a man must be a selfish brute if on that account he would run the risk of doing such a grievous wrong to any girl whom he respected and loved.

He now placed his pendant tool in Susey's hand, and said if she would pet it a little that it would soon be in working order again.

She raised it up, and regarding it with interest, drew back the soft movable skin, and uncovered its rosy head.

'Kiss it Susey,' I said bending her down.

She kissed the end of his prick, as she gently worked it up and down. Then as it gradually stiffened she let its head pass into her mouth, while her roving hands wandered over his bottom and balls.

Then he laid her back that he might inspect and kiss her pretty love chink.

'Is not this soft red hair very nice?' I said, passing my hand over her swelling mound.

Вы читаете My Grandmother_s tale
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