biodegradation of, 17–18, 18, 125–26, 127–28

consumption after 1945, 118–19

ecological damage from, 119–20

natural polymers, 118

particles polluting the oceans, 113–14, 114–16, 116–18, 118–19, 119–20, 120–23, 123–24, 124–25, 125–26, 126–28

photodegradation of, 126

rubber, 130–32

Styrofoam, 118, 131

See also

plastic; plastic particles

POPs (persistent organic pollutants), 159, 165

population, 271–72

control of, 272–73

Portland cement, 175

Potts, Rick, 70

Poulton, Paul, 162–64

primates and monkeys, 45–46, 47–48, 50–51

and AIDS, 86–87


baboons, 87

chimpanzees, 45, 46–47, 47–48, 50–51

gorillas, 51

spider monkeys, 3

Pripyat (Russia), 216

Rackham, Oliver, 150–51

radio-transmission towers

danger to birds, 193–94

radio waves, 274

radiation, 36, 202–3

birds, effect on, 214–16

genetic mutations, 217, 217–18

meltdowns, 212–13, 213–14, 214–16

ultraviolet rays, 203–4

at various weapons sites, 207–8, 208–9

See also

Chernobyl, nuclear fission; plutonium; uranium

radiation waste, 202–3

hazard to animals, 209

storage of, 206–8, 208–9

vitrification, 208

Rathje, William, 119–20

reactors, 36, 209–11, 212, 213, 212–13, 213–14, 214–16

meltdowns, 212–13, 213–14, 214–16

red-crowned cranes, 186–87

Rewilding Institute, 271

rhinos. See

black rhinos

Riddle, Chris, 15

Rio Chagres, 175–76, 177–79

Rocky Flats (CO), 207–8, 208–9

caution signs, 209

Rocky Mountain Arsenal (CO), 207

Rohwer, Forest, 261–62, 273–74

Roosevelt, Theodore, 66, 174, 181, 181–82

Rossi, Mark, 245–46

Rothamsted Manor (Harpenden, U.K.), 151, 151–53, 153–57, 157–159, 162–165

specimen collection, 154–57

Rothamsted Research, 152–53, 153–57, 157–59, 162–65

Broadbalk and Geescroft Wildernesses, 162–64, 164

Roundup (glyphosate), 161

Rowland, F. Sherwood, 204

rubber, 130–32

plantations, 2–3

synthetic rubber, 131–32

tires, 130–31

vulcanization, 130–31

Sagan, Carl, 248–51, 252

Sagrada Familia basilica, 19

Sahara Desert, 75–76, 168

Sala, Enric, 259, 264, 264–65

Salzman, Linda, 249

San Francisco Bay Area

BART subway system, 105

San Francisco Peaks

erosion of, 120–21

Sanderson, Eric, 22–23, 32–33

Santa Cruz River, 65

Santi, Ana Maria, 1–3

Santian, Noonkokwa, 85

Santian, Partois ole, 83, 84–86, 86–87

Savannah River Site (SC)

Defense Waste Processing Facility, 207–8

Scherbov, Sergei, 272

Schuber, Paul, 24–26

Scientific Romance, A (Wright), 165

Scripps Institution of Oceanography, 256

Serengeti Plain (Tanzania), 84–86

Seven Wonders of the World, 172–73

Shakespeare Garden (Cental Park, NYC), 30

Ship Channel, 134, 135

Chinese tallow tree, 140–41, 143–44

without humans, 142, 143

Siberian tigers, 190

Sinan, Mimar, 102


Africa, effect on, 77–78

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