Eugene Edwards



Sam Bodie wanted to fuck me and I knew it, but there were too many stories around the office about how brutal he was. I even heard that Sam stuck a beer bottle up Suzie Connelly’s cunt when he took her up to the lake, and I sure didn’t want any asshole doing that to me. Even if Sam was the regional manager and could get me a nice salary raise. Besides, he was ugly. Short and squat, with sloping shoulders that made him look like he should walk on his knuckles, and deep-set eyes that made you shudder to look at him. Still it was in the back of my mind to let Sam at least touch my titties one of these days. That way maybe I could get a peek at his cock, which was said to be a masterpiece. Even those girls who let Sam fuck them—and then were forever terrified of him—even they were in a state of shock, a kind of precious awe, when they talked about Sam’s cock.

“Honest to God, Martha, Cynthia told me, you just wouldn’t believe it. Sam’s got a prick like a boa constrictor. Huge and long, with a head on it that goes searching around in your guts like it had eyes!”

The rest of the girls I talked to all agreed, and this bestial quality of Sam really got to me. Sometimes when he came up to our floor and walked through to the supervisor’s office, I found myself staring at his crotch. I felt myself shivering with a sort of animalistic desire that made the juice run hot in my pussy.

A few years ago I would have been ashamed of my own feelings. Girls were supposed to be sweet, and gentle, with little initiative when it came to sex. But now things have changed. Everybody knows that women have sex drives, and sex dreams, and it isn’t bad when a woman does her damnedest to get fucked!

Like the other day, when Cassandra and I decided to see what Pedro Gonzales had in his pants.

Pedro works in the stockroom, and it’s sort of quiet and private back there. A good place to spend a lunch hour when the blood is flowing hot in your veins.

Cassandra wasn’t as pretty as me, but I figured she’d have a better chance at Pedro than I would. She was twenty, almost two years older than me, and I know that men like mature women. Oh, sure, they like to look at us younger chicks, with your firm breasts and hard little buttocks, but when it comes right down to fucking, a man likes a woman.

Pedro was a happy-go-lucky kid about my own age, and all of us girls liked Pedro. But he had so much energy it was frightening. All day long he ran back and forth between the stockroom and the desks with supplies, and he was always bubbling with energy. He wore tight-fitting jeans so we could see the outline of his massive prick, and it caused the girls to make a lot of typing errors– they couldn’t take their eyes off his crotch.

Especially when we knew he had this sizzling energy that could rip a girl’s cunt all to hell.

So Cassandra and I decided to do something about it.

“I’m horny as hell!” she told me when she came over to my desk for lunch.

“I could use a nooner myself!” I admitted, though I didn’t see much chance of getting one.

“I ain’t kidding, Martha,” she squeezed her titties together with her arms. “My period starts in a day or so, and I always get hot this time of month.”

“I ain’t kidding either,” I turned off my typewriter and stood up beside her. “But I don’t have to wait for any day of the month. I was born horny!”

We both giggled about that little bit of truth and started for the lunchroom when we spotted Pedro. He was heading back to the stockroom, and I had a mental flash of that beautiful cock in his trousers.

Who gave a damn about food!

We weren’t really supposed to be in the stockroom, but when Pedro saw us, he just smiled.

“Hello, Martha! Hi there, Cassie!”

I didn’t want to scare him off by being too direct, so I asked him if he had any carbon paper. “Sum do, Martha. I’ll take some out to your desk.”

He was reaching up onto a shelf for the paper, while I was trying to figure out a way to get his pants off. But like I said, a mature woman has all the advantages. Cassandra didn’t fuck around. She walked over and grabbed Pedro by the balls.

“Let’s get it on, you beautiful bastard!” she groaned with passion as Pedro stared at her.

“Whatcha doing, Cassie!” Pedro seemed numb with shock as he stood watching Cassandra play with his balls.

“I need a fuck,” she panted as she gaped for his zipper.

Pedro kept protesting about the fact he had to work, and somebody might come in, and we shouldn’t be back here, but Cassandra was determined. She got that zipper undone and flopped out his cock. Already it had responded to her touch, because Pedro stood there with his mouth open while his beautiful prick stood throbbing and violent in her hand.

“Oh, that’s beautiful!” she gasped. “Oh, my God, but it’s beautiful!”

I was ready to bawl with desire and my crotch was wet with cunt juice, but Cassandra wasn’t about to let me do much about it. For a few quick moments she stood there jacking off that magnificent prick, pulling the skin back and forth over that uncircumcised hunk of male meat while I groaned with envy, and then she tried to mount Pedro. She was so hot, she didn’t even take off her panties.

“Stick it in me!” she squealed as she lifted one leg and tried to fit his cock between her legs. “Oh, my God, do it to me!”

In her frenzy to get that cock between her legs she almost screwed up everything. Pedro wasn’t ready for her wild mount, and it knocked the two of them down onto a stack of cartons.

“Get it in!” Cassandra bellowed. “For Christ sakes, I’m gonna come already! Slick it in hard!”

She was fucking so hard with her trip hammer ass that Pedro was overwhelmed with the fury of her attack, and he didn’t have a chance to stick her good. He got his cock in one hand while he tried to pull her panties aside with the other, but Cassandra wouldn’t hold still long enough for him to get his cock inside her steaming cunt.

“I’m gonna come!” she screamed. “I’m gonna come!”

I think she already had about six orgasms, but this one almost did her in. Pedro never did get to fucking her, because Cassandra fell off the boxes onto the floor, and then she began squealing and pounding her ass against the floor, while her hand kept tearing at her cunt. I guess it was one of the most satisfying orgasms she ever got, even if Pedro didn’t get to bust her cunt.

I felt a little sorry for Pedro. Cassandra’s attack had been so sudden, so brutal, and so fast, that he still hadn’t caught up to the fury of it. I guess the nice thing for me to do would have been to apologize for Cassandra, and get Pedro back to his normal routine. But like I said, girls don’t have to be so nice and gentle any more.

I didn’t exactly rape Pedro.

He was already assaulted, so what I did was try to make it nice for him so he wouldn’t think too harshly about us office girls.

And besides, who could resist the sight of a young naked cock sticking out of a pair of jeans? A beautiful, hard, uncircumcised cock that was throbbing and ready to puncture a girl’s pussy!

I tried to be gentle.

I knelt down by the boxes and got that lovely pecker in my mouth, and when I started sucking, I could hear Pedro groan with delight.

“Oh yessss!” he moaned happily. “That’s better, Martha! Oh yesss! Oooww! Don’t bite the Goddam thing!”

He hit me on the side of the head when I got carried away, but I couldn’t help it. His cock was so hard that I couldn’t understand how it could still feel soft, and pliable, and so filled with life. I wanted to suck the vitality right out the end of his pecker, still there was a more urgent need inside of me.

A need to be penetrated.

I left Pedro gasping on the boxes for half a minute while I stood up and ripped off my panties. Then when I straddled him and got my crotch aimed at his rigid cock, I knew this was where I belonged. All that horse shit about a girl not really desiring sex, or the baloney about a female not being aggressive, was nonsense. If Pedro tried to

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