He did just that. He fucked Rosemarie with a methodical surge of his naked hips, pumping and stroking until she caught the rhythm and responded with yelps of pleasure.

“Do it to me!” she squealed. “Oh, God, but that feels good! Do it to me, George!”

George did it to her.

Right out of the text books he did it to her. No excess feeling-her-up, no big kisses, and no position but the classical stomach to stomach. Rosemarie was having a hell of a good time while George might just as well have been brushing his teeth.

Until he felt Rosemarie ready to orgasm.

She was humping real fierce, squealing and squirming with sexual joy as she raised her hips in the moment of supreme pleasure.

George threw the little switch, the one to the copper tubing.

“Yeeeooooowww!” Rosemarie screamed with agony as she clawed at her buttocks. “Oh, you dirty son of a bitch! Aaaauugghhhh!”

The current in her ass must have been agonizing because she fought George like a maniac. He wouldn’t let her get to the copper tube while that etectricity shot into her rectum with ways of shock. She screamed and clawed and called him names until something happened to her senses.

“Oooooeeeee!” she babbled with a glorious sound of ecstasy. “Aaaannnhhihhggg!”

Now I have seen lots of girls come hard, but I have never seen anybody get such an orgasm as Rosemarie. She shuddered like she was getting killed and she screamed bloody murder, while her entire body was torn by convulsions like I never saw before. Even her eyeballs were lost in the back of her head and I swear her hair got frizzy from the terrible shock of her joy.

It looked so beautiful I couldn’t help myself. I reached down and took that little copper tube from her body and I stuck it up under my dress. It tingled all through my body the first instant I touched it, but when it got inside my cunt I couldn’t help but fart. Like I got exploded in my guts. It knocked me to my knees with pleasure until I had to clench my fists to keep from screaming. I guess right then I could have had the most pleasureable orgasm a girl could ever know, except I wasn’t the only one who wanted a taste of it. I was helpless with the sexual quakes that shook my body so I couldn’t fight back when the other women tore the copper tube away from me, and in their frenzy to have a go at it they pulled the connections loose. It wouldn’t work any more.

“You’ve mined everything, Martha!” George cried as he stood up with his cock dripping semen. “Now I won’t be able to tell from the tapes just when Rosemarie reached her climax.”

I didn’t give a shit about his lousy experiments just then. All that was important was the hunger in my cunt, the need to be penetrated.

And I didn’t care if it was one of the guys in the room or that horse out in the pasture. All I needed was a good fuck, a chance to have an orgasm before I went crazy.

Yet who would have guessed the way it happened!


It seems incredible that you could be bored from watching a room full of fuckers, especially when most of them were strangers. Yet that’s what happened to me after George got through with his goofy experiment. There were people on the floor fucking, on the couch sucking, and one woman was masturbating herself. I didn’t know who she was, but she was kind of homely as she stood against a wall with her skirt pulled up while she stuck her finger in her own twat. It must have felt good because she was making tiny little sounds of pleasure and I could hear the “slurp, slurp” of juices as she masturbated. Still it seemed an extension of the movies to me, sort of unreal and one-dimensional, until all I could think of was that horse cock out in the pasture and I had to find a way to let that stallion fuck me.

It was darker than a son of a bitch outside. I just couldn’t get used to the darkness when there were no city lights around. So I stood against the house for a long time until my eyes got used to the dark, and then I discovered it wasn’t very dark at all. A full moon was rising over the far mountains to give a soft light to everything, and it made the hills less menacing while I listened to the strange night sounds of wild things.

The barns stood out in a dim silhouette in moonlight, but I couldn’t see that stallion in the pasture. Even so, I started down there, and got the fright of my life when something brushed against my leg.

“Oh, migawd!”

But it was just a big dog, a mongrel who wanted company in the night, so he tagged along while I went searching for my horse cock.

The stallion was lying down in the meadow. He looked so peaceful it was a sin to disturb him but I climbed the fence anyway. The stallion wasn’t asleep yet he didn’t move when I approached. Still the dumb bastard was lying on his side, with his legs half drawn up to his belly so that I couldn’t see his prick.

“Nice horsey!” I gulped hard as I smelled the wild odor of his huge body.

He sort of whinnied softly and raised his head to look at me. Maybe he thought I was that crazy sister or something because he gave a little snort like he was getting excited.

My legs were trembling as I reached down to feel his cock.

It wasn’t there.

Somehow that magnificent prick had telescoped back into his great body and all I could feel was the pouch where he kept it locked up.

“Oh, no!” I was desperate. Here I was this close to a dream come true and that fucking dumb animal wasn’t going to cooperate!

Now I’m smart enough to know that if you play with a cock it will get hard. Whether it’s an animal pecker or hanging on a man.

Yet, how can you jack off a horse when his meat is hid in his guts?

I felt around for his balls, but I couldn’t find any while the smell of his powerful body was overwhelming. To think I was this close to a real horse cock, while that dumb beast had it locked up like money in a bank!

Just at that moment something terrible happened. That damn mongrel dog got jealous from all the attention I was giving to the horse and he attacked.

That stupid mongrel idiot scared the shit out of the stallion. The horse jumped to his feet like a jack-in-the- box and went tearing off through the dark meadow with thundering hoofs. It all happened so fast I got knocked on my butt and for an instant I figured the horse killed me for sure. But I wasn’t hurt, except that I almost bawled to see that beautiful animal stampede away from my touch.

“If I had a car I’d run over you!” I screeched at the dog. “Now look what you’ve done!”

The dog whoofed at me with playful actions as he danced around my feet and when I tried to kick him in the head he thought I was playing with him.

I was looking for a rock or something to brain him when this guy came out of the shadows. Goose pimples ran up my spine.

“Hello, there!” the guy said in a friendly tone as he stood by the fence rails.

He wasn’t one of the party people, and he really looked like a farmer. Bib overalls and a straw hat on his head to keep out the moonlight.

I felt like stampeding like that stallion, yet there was something pleasant in this man’s nature. Something pleasant and at the same time with overtones of sexual violence.

“My name’s Sake Ranshid,” he said, and I was surprised the mongrel dog didn’t bark at him. “I live on the next farm over there,” he pointed across the valley.

“Oh, hi! My name’s Martha. I came up to the farm with George.”

“Yes, I figured that. George has parties all the time, but he never invites me. He doesn’t like to be friendly with his neighbors.”

“Did you want to see George?”

“I was window peeking.”

“You were what?”

“A Peeping Tom.”

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