“Why’d you do that?”

“I always do it when George has a party. He won’t let me come over, so I peek in the windows. Ain’t that right, Sandy?” he spoke to the dog.

“Does that mongrel belong to you?”

“Sure does. Best damn dog in these here parts.”

“He scared the hell out of me a while ago. And he barked at that horse to frighten him, too.”

“Yes, I was watching.”

“You haven’t got any right. Nobody should sneak around in the dark like that.”

“Nobody should go to sex parties either.”

“Aren’t you married? Can’t you get any sex up here in the country?”

“Yes, I’m married. Got a nice wife, too. But nobody likes the same old stuff all the time.”

“Yes, I know what you mean.”

“Were you trying to screw that stallion?”

“Your fucking right I was! And it isn’t any of your Goddam business!”

“Hey, don’t get mad, honey! I’m on your side, remember? I like sex in any form. That’s why I peek in at George’s parties. Well, it still isn’t right for you to be spying on me that way.”

“Have you ever had an animal do it to you?”

“No, I haven’t, not yet. But I sure did want to feel that horse cock.”

“Sandy’ll screw you.”

“What d’ya mean?”

“My dog here. He’ll fix you up.”

“Dogs never did interest me very much, Jake,” I told him. “I just have this thing about horses.”

“How about me? Can I have some?”

“Maybe you could. But you scared me so damn bad I lost my hots.”

“We can fix that up, Martha. Watch this. C’mere, Sandy.”

The dog was obedient and came right over, and then the damndest thing I ever did see happened. Jake knelt down by that mongrel and reached under his stomach to begin massaging that dog cock. It took about three seconds flat for Sandy to get a hard-on and before I could get my pants off, that Goddam mongrel was jizzing all over the meadow, throwing clumps of brush as he dry-fucked the air and his watermelon prick dangled there in the moonlight. It was a beautiful sight. A touch of bestial sex, and Jake was right. It got me hotter than a cockroach on the pavement in July.

“I do that for Sandy all the time,” Jake grinned as he stood up beside me. “He really likes to get jacked- off.”

“So do I,” I blurted out.

Jake reached over to pinch my titties and I fell in love with him. I needed a fuck so bad it felt like my pussy was on fire. Jake wasn’t handsome, but he was available, so right then he could do any Goddam thing he wanted to me.

“Let’s go in the barn,” he whispered as though somebody were listening.

I followed him into the place and he went over to one of the walls to light a lamp.

“You sure know your way around,” I said.

“I’ve spent a lot of nights here,” Jake chuckled as he tossed his hat in one of the cow stalls.

He must have slept in that hat because there was a pressure mark across his forehead where the band rubbed against forehead. His face was brown but his forehead was untanned. He didn’t have much of a figure, sort of chubby, and he was only about five-six. In the light of the lantern, he wasn’t much to look at, but he had a cock and that’s all I needed.

“Lemme see your tits,” he panted softly as he started to unloosen my blouse.

His manner was crude and I noticed his hands were all calloused, still it gave me a thrill when he took off my blouse. He had trouble with my bra so I flipped it off real fast for him.

“Man, oh, man, look at those tits!” he wheezed with excitement.

He kept staring while I needed massaging, so I took one of his hands and placed it over my breast. It sent a shock of pleasure throughout my body and I think I had one quick little orgasm from his touch.

“Do it to me!” I moaned, eager to find the fuck I needed so desperately.

But Jake wasn’t in that much of a hurry. He took off the rest of my clothes and then rubbed his hand in the hairs of my cunt.

“Oh, my God!” I gasped, unable to contain this terrible pleasure.

“Lordy, but you are a pretty one!” Jake wheezed as he started to peel off his bib overalls.

He was wearing long white underwear and I almost had to laugh except I wasn’t in that kind of mood. And when he got naked he looked like a tree trunk all stripped of bark. White, flabby, with big moles on his flesh. That might have turned off some girls, but I like my fucking too much. And you can’t always have an Adonis when it comes to screwing.

Jake had a pair of balls that were unbelievable! His scrotum hung down like a pendulum, all hair-covered and baggy, while his balls appeared like two swollen balloons inside the thing. I tried to let Jake be the aggressor the way men like, but I couldn’t help myself. I grabbed those balls and squeezed them until he bellowed for mercy!

“Fuck all mighty, Martha!” he groaned when I let go. “You tryin’ to kill me or something? Fuck all mighty that hurts!”

I almost screwed up again because he was in real pain, but he wanted to fuck me too bad to give up.

“Now take it easy, okay?” he cautioned as he touched my arm.

He kissed me and I could smell the odor of hay on his breath. Not unpleasant. The touch of his naked flesh against me damn near sent me through the barn roof.

“Fuck me, Jake!” I begged as he rubbed his body against me. “For gawdsake, fuck me!”


We should have gone into one of the stalls where there was fresh hay, but I couldn’t wait. I got Jake on the floor right there in the dirt, and I mounted him. His cock was nice and thick, but short, and when I felt it against my clitoris I orgasmed so hard it made mud in the dirt. I was on top of Jake, fucking like a maniac, while he groaned with pleasure from my assault. I could feel the black hairs on his legs tickle my thighs. I was finally getting a fuck and I didn’t give a Goddam if the barn fell down!

I think I fucked that farmer two inches deep into the dirt floor, and I almost castrated him with the fury of my strokes, but then he almost did me in, too. I must have come a hundred times before I hit the big one. An orgasm that split the top of my head with vibrations of glorious sex before I collapsed on top of Jake. I could still feel him fucking up at me, trying to get one more stroke into my hot cunt, and I could hear that damn dog barking his head off at all the screaming and screwing. But right then nothing mattered. I was fucked to satisfaction.

Not that Jake was such a good fucker. Actually he was sort of mediocre. Yet when a girl needs a fuck as bad as I did, and her imagination is all fired up that way, she could fuck a snake and get an orgasm that could destroy her. That’s how Angela got her sex.

She had been hiding in the barn while I screwed Jake, and when she saw I was through she came down from the hay loft. I was just lying there, feeling all satisfied and beautiful, as I watched that monster girl get her share of sexual pleasure.

She came at Jake like a demon, creeping and crouching so he wouldn’t see her. In different circumstances she would have scared a man shitless but Jake was helpless in the dirt with his sexual joy, and he never realized it was Angela when he felt a hot mouth take his pussy-juiced cock.

“Ooohhhhhh!” Jake moaned with renewed pleasure. “That feels good, Martha! Suck it some more, Martha!”

I didn’t disturb the woman’s pleasure because everybody has a right to sex. And in fact there was a strange beauty about Angela as she sucked that cock and masturbated herself.

When Angela got astride Jake’s face, it was too late for him to recognize his new partner. So Angela got her

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