'Get down into the street, call up the reserves, and stand at the front entrance to keep the crowd back. We'll have the whole city here in five minutes.'

'Right, sorr.'

'Don't let anyone in.'

'No, sorr.'

'Well, see that you don't. Come along, Donahue, now. Look slippy.'

'On the spot, sorr!' said Officer Donahue.

A moment later Archie had the studio to himself. Two minutes later he was picking his way cautiously down the fire-escape after the manner of the recent Mr. Moon. Archie had not seen much of Mr. Moon, but he had seen enough to know that in certain crises his methods were sound and should be followed. Elmer Moon was not a good man; his ethics were poor and his moral code shaky; but in the matter of legging it away from a situation of peril and discomfort he had no superior.



Archie inserted a fresh cigarette in his long holder and began to smoke a little moodily. It was about a week after his disturbing adventures in J. B. Wheeler's studio, and life had ceased for the moment to be a thing of careless enjoyment. Mr. Wheeler, mourning over his lost home-brew and refusing, like Niobe, to be comforted, has suspended the sittings for the magazine cover, thus robbing Archie of his life-work. Mr. Brewster had not been in genial mood of late. And, in addition to all this, Lucille was away on a visit to a school-friend. And when Lucille went away, she took with her the sunshine. Archie was not surprised at her being popular and in demand among her friends, but that did not help him to become reconciled to her absence.

He gazed rather wistfully across the table at his friend, Roscoe Sherriff, the Press-agent, another of his Pen- and-Ink Club acquaintances. They had just finished lunch, and during the meal Sherriff, who, like most men of action, was fond of hearing the sound of his own voice and liked exercising it on the subject of himself, had been telling Archie a few anecdotes about his professional past. From these the latter had conceived a picture of Roscoe Sherriff's life as a prismatic thing of energy and adventure and well-paid withal--just the sort of life, in fact, which he would have enjoyed leading himself. He wished that he, too, like the Press-agent, could go about the place 'slipping things over' and 'putting things across.' Daniel Brewster, he felt, would have beamed upon a son-in-law like Roscoe Sherriff.

'The more I see of America,' sighed Archie, 'the more it amazes me. All you birds seem to have been doing things from the cradle upwards. I wish I could do things!'

'Well, why don't you?'

Archie flicked the ash from his cigarette into the finger-bowl.

'Oh, I don't know, you know,' he said, 'Somehow, none of our family ever have. I don't know why it is, but whenever a Moffam starts out to do things he infallibly makes a bloomer. There was a Moffam in the Middle Ages who had a sudden spasm of energy and set out to make a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, dressed as a wandering friar. Rum ideas they had in those days.'

'Did he get there?'

'Absolutely not! Just as he was leaving the front door his favourite hound mistook him for a tramp--or a varlet, or a scurvy knave, or whatever they used to call them at that time--and bit him in the fleshy part of the leg.'

'Well, at least he started.'

'Enough to make a chappie start, what?'

Roscoe Sherriff sipped his coffee thoughtfully. He was an apostle of Energy, and it seemed to him that he could make a convert of Archie and incidentally do himself a bit of good. For several days he had been, looking for someone like Archie to help him in a small matter which he had in mind.

'If you're really keen on doing things,' he said, 'there's something you can do for me right away.'

Archie beamed. Action was what his soul demanded.

'Anything, dear boy, anything! State your case!'

'Would you have any objection to putting up a snake for me?'

'Putting up a snake?'

'Just for a day or two.'

'But how do you mean, old soul? Put him up where?'

'Wherever you live. Where do you live? The Cosmopolis, isn't it? Of course! You married old Brewster's daughter. I remember reading about it.'

'But, I say, laddie, I don't want to spoil your day and disappoint you and so forth, but my jolly old father-in-law would never let me keep a snake. Why, it's as much as I can do to make him let me stop on in the place.'

'He wouldn't know.'

'There's not much that goes on in the hotel that he doesn't know,' said Archie, doubtfully.

'He musn't know. The whole point of the thing is that it must be a dead secret.'

Archie flicked some more ash into the finger-bowl.

'I don't seem absolutely to have grasped the affair in all its aspects, if you know what I mean,' he said. 'I mean to say--in the first place--why would it brighten your young existence if I entertained this snake of yours?'

'It's not mine. It belongs to Mme. Brudowska. You've heard of her, of course?'

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