“We can’t have that expectation. You know that.”

“I think we can.” I looked into his brilliant, fathomless eyes and saw something I hadn’t seen before. I couldn’t put my finger on exactly what it was, but I knew something had changed.

Then in the next minute Xavier had firmly taken hold of my hands and dropped to one knee by the base of the oak, the crinkled leaves on the ground crunching under his weight. My heart started racing like an express train. An internal tug-of-war began between joy and devastation at what he was about to do.

“Beth,” he said simply, his flawless face lit up with anticipation. “There is no doubt in my mind that we belong together, but to spend the rest of my life with you would be an honor and commitment I would cherish.” He paused, his clear, blue eyes luminous. My breath caught in my throat, but Xavier only smiled. “Beth,” he repeated. “Will you marry me?”

The look on his face was one of pure happiness.

I was dumbfounded. I could honestly claim that Xavier was an open book to me by now, but I certainly hadn’t seen this one coming. Involuntarily I glanced up at the sky for guidance, but none was forthcoming. This was something I would have to deal with on my own. A number of possible responses tumbled through my mind, one more rational than the next.

Xavier, are you delirious? Have you completely lost your mind? You’re not even nineteen and in no position to get married. Don’t you think we need to think this through? I can’t let you throw all your dreams away … after college maybe we can talk about it. We don’t have the authority to make this kind of decision alone. Your parents are going to disown you. How will Ivy and Gabriel take it?

But only the least rational found its way to my lips.


We moved quickly away from the old oak, fearing someone would come looking for us. As soon as I’d given Xavier my answer he scooped me up in his arms and charged off toward the school gates, not stopping until he got to the street where his Chevy was parked. Xavier deposited me carefully on the curb to open the passenger door, then jumped behind the wheel and headed straight for town.

“Where are we going now?” I said breathless with exhilaration.

“We have to do something to celebrate.”

A few minutes later the Chevy pulled up outside Sweethearts on Main Street. Inside the cafe was almost empty. I figured most of its regulars must be at Bryce’s graduation ceremony. I stole a quick glance at my wristwatch when Xavier wasn’t looking. We’d been gone at least half an hour by now. Our absence would have been well and truly noticed. The principal was probably halfway through his opening address. There would be whispers and questions among the teachers backstage as to who had seen us last and where we might have gone. Someone would volunteer to look around the grounds. Ivy and Gabriel would notice our empty seats and know something was amiss, while Xavier’s parents would be totally confused by their model son’s disappearing act. Thinking about all this was sobering and certainly tempered my elation. I had to at least confirm that Xavier had made his decision with a clear head.

“Xavier,” I began tentatively.

“C’mon, Beth, you can’t have changed your mind already?”

“No, of course not. I just have to say one thing.”

“Okay. Shoot.”

“You have to think about your future.”

“I have. It’s sitting right in front of me.”

“But what will your parents think?”

“I thought you only wanted to say one thing.”

“Please, Xavier, be serious.”

“I don’t know what they’ll think. I’m not planning to ask them. This is the right thing to do. I’ve thought about it long and hard. It’s what I want and I know it’s what you want too. If circumstances were normal we might approach things differently, but we don’t have that luxury. This is the only way to protect what’s ours.”

“But what if it makes things worse.”

“Doesn’t matter because we get to face it together.”

“Have you thought about how we’re going to do this?”

“It’s all taken care of. Father Mel has agreed to help us out. In fact, he’s waiting for us right now down at the chapel.”

“Right now?” My jaw dropped. “Shouldn’t we tell someone first?”

“They’ll only try and talk us out of it. We can tell the whole town afterward. Once our families get over the initial shock we’ll all go out and celebrate. You’ll see.”

“You make it sound so easy.”

“That’s because it is. Marriage is a holy sacrament. Even God will have to be satisfied.”

“I was thinking more about your mom.”

“What’s she got to complain about? At least we’re getting married in a church!”

“That’s true.”

Xavier raised his milkshake to propose a toast.

“To us,” he said as our glasses clinked. “What God hath joined together let no man put asunder.”

What could I do but return his optimistic smile? I wanted nothing more than to be his forever. How could I tell him it wasn’t the interference of man I was worried about?

I remembered the anguish Xavier had endured during the time I’d languished in Hades. Now the crisis was over, the boy I loved was back, ready to declare our commitment to the world. He was prepared to risk everything for happiness. The old Xavier had returned to me, perhaps even stronger than ever. I couldn’t risk losing him again, even if it did unleash the wrath of heaven.

Xavier must have read uncertainty in my face.

“You can still back out,” he said quietly. “I’ll understand.”

I hesitated a moment, all the possible consequences flooding into my head. But when Xavier took my hand, everything cleared and I knew exactly what I wanted.

“Not a chance,” I replied. “I can’t wait to be Mrs. Xavier Woods.”

Xavier slammed his hand down on the tabletop, frustration momentarily clouding his face.

I jumped. “What did I say?”

“Damn it, I forgot about the ring!”

“We can worry about that stuff later,” I placated.

“No, we don’t need to,” he said with a smile.

He reached into his trouser pocket and teasingly withdrew a closed fist. When he opened it a round antique ring box sat neatly in the palm of his hand.

“Open it,” he suggested.

I gasped when I lifted the tiny metal clasp and the lid sprang open. The box contained a rose-cut diamond ring so perfect it took my breath away. As soon as I set eyes on it, I knew it was my ring and I was never going to part with it. I’d never felt such a strong connection to a material possession before. The ring seemed made for me. I didn’t even stop to consider it might need resizing. I just knew it would fit. There wasn’t anything showy or ostentatious about it. I’d been with Molly and the girls when they’d admired the displays in the local jewelry store. I’d always feign interest to be polite, but the gaudy modern diamonds they gushed over left me cold. They looked so colorless and harsh. My ring was as delicate as a flower. Its design could not be improved. The multifaceted central stone was set in a platinum band and peaked like a tiny dome. Encircling it were smaller diamonds that recessed down the shoulder of the ring.

“It’s perfect for you,” Xavier observed.

“It’s so elegant,” I breathed. “Where on earth did you find it? I’ve never seen anything like it before.”

“My grandmother left it to me in her will. My sisters were pretty pissed off that she wanted me to have it. It’s a ring made for an angel. Aren’t you going to try it on?”

I nodded and reached hesitantly for the ring, still struggling to believe that something so intricate and so precious was to be mine. But I never got the chance to try it on. Just as Xavier’s words were spoken, the very earth beneath us began to shake as if Heaven itself were in revolt.

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